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Making The Most Of Today’s New Moon In Pisces

Click Here Now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe New Moon in Pisces today offers us the chance to get in touch with out creative side and enhance our intuitive gifts.

Pisces is the zodiac sign of fluidity, inspiration, sensitivity, perception, softness, and going within. This cycle gives us the opportunity to connect with spirit and trust in the mysteries of life, without over analyzing every detail.

Going with the flow and patience is the key to thriving during this month’s New Moon. Since Pisces ends the zodiac wheel, it is a wonderful transit to release and tie up any loose ends, before the Aries New Moon next month.

Pisces is a water sign. So, staying hydrated, getting in touch with our deeper emotions and beautifying our physical bodies will create lovely results moving forward.

The shadow side of Pisces involves being too passive, self-defeating, over-indulgent, having a victim mentality, lacking focus, addictive behavior and holding onto unhealthy situations or people who are toxic.

Pisces often times has dualistic tendencies in extreme, which means that it will be vital to question anything that is out of balance and correct it. These changes don’t necessarily have to happen overnight, but acknowledging them now will allow you to heal whatever is holding you back from living your best life.

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The Spiritual Significance Of A Global Pandemic

Click Here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comRemember that defining moment recently, when the novel coronavirus finally made its way into your everyday reality? Your spiritual well-being and metaphysical beliefs were probably the last things on your mind. In fact, the spiritual meaning of this pandemic will not be a major consideration for most at this time. But in the dark, difficult days that still lie ahead, the Covid-19 pandemic will increasingly reveal its profound spiritual truths. And in its devastating aftermath, we will have no choice but to acknowledge and embrace its spiritual significance in our post-pandemic reality.

When Covid-19 was officially declared a global pandemic, and made its unwelcome way into international news headlines, many people reverted to the ‘first law of nature.’ They responded instinctively with their best personal strategies for self-preservation.

Some hysterically stockpiled a lifetime supply of hand sanitizer and toilet paper, while others stubbornly gathered en masse at street festivals, religious gatherings, and even at their nearest beach, despite medical experts and authorities advising against it. Many simply carried on with life ‘as normal’, until they could no longer ignore the writing on the wall.

Meanwhile, the least anchored among us, tried to alleviate their overwhelming anxiety and confusion by seeking certainty in fake news, superstition, and the outlandish fearmongering of conspiracy theorists. Some went into hardcore survival mode, compelled by their lack consciousness and a scarcity mentality, while other still continue to choose the path of least resistance: denial.  And in-between these polar opposite responses, the best, and worst examples of human behavior continue to surface all over the world.

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The History Of The Ouija Board

click here for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comIn my opinion the Ouija board is actually not a modern invention. The original concept of the board probably dates back to ancient Babylonian and Egyptian times. I imagine those who were familiar with the mysteries, made their own boards using clay tablets and a pendulum to collect information on just about any subject.

The Ouija board we know today was introduced in the late 1840s when Spiritualism became popular among occultists and secret societies. It was initially more complex, because their methods would involve knocking on the floor in response to letters being called out from the alphabet. Or they would use an intricate device that would have a pencil attached to it, allowing the spirits to guide the inquirer to the letters or numbers on the board.

In 1890, Charles Kennard and some of his colleagues, had the idea to turn this divination tool into a toy. They came up with the name Ouija, because it means “good luck” in Kemetic, the oldest known Egyptian language.

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Spring Forward Energy Shift

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMany of us know the feeling of disorientation we get when Daylight Savings Time (DST) kicks back in… including perhaps the craving for an extra cup of coffee! But did you know that our physical and spiritual energies are undergoing a dramatic shift at this time also?

The vernal equinox at the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere exposes us to more sunlight, after the short days of winter. The body and mind now send signals for new growth. More cellular activity takes place in spring than any other season. Literally, we are become new versions of ourselves at this time, as our cells are replaced.

It’s the perfect time to begin new routines or rid ourselves of practices which are no longer beneficial. Cleaning out closets and attics in our homes can be likened to conducting a spiritual ‘spring cleaning.’

On the equinox, the hours of light and darkness are evenly balanced. This only happens twice a year. It’s a reminder from the Universe that both sides need to be in harmony, and neither can exist without the other. Our personal energies are more balanced than ever at this time, which makes it a perfect time for meditation, deep psychic exploration, and shamanic journeys. Continue reading

Gemini – Two For The Price Of One!

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThe glyph for those born under a Gemini Sun, between May 21 and June 21, is the Roman numeral for the number 2. The Twins. Like their symbol, Gemini tends to have more than one side to their personality. They may have a public persona, and an entirely different private side seen only by their closest friends and confidantes.

Many Geminis are excellent communicators and love to talk. This comes as no surprise, since their planetary ruler is Mercury, the messenger. Talk to a Gemini, and you’ll be talking to someone who is witty, intelligent, and a quick thinker. Sometimes they may forget to put on a filter, so be prepared for anything that comes out. They’re likely to be found in the middle of any lively conversation or party, and chances are, if you’ve ever met a persuasive salesman, he had Gemini somewhere in his natal chart. Continue reading

Life After Life (Part 7 of 7) – Continued Creation

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIt has been my experience that love is often the most universal message that people who have touched the other side bring back to us. That being said, even though love is the most important quality that we can express as human beings, there is also good reason to ally with love and forgiveness in our lives.

While we are on this planet our actions and contributions really do matter. As souls we are evolving and growing, and through this evolutionary process taking place on the soul level the planet too is in a process of evolution. Evolution is the creative dynamic that love creates.

In today’s final blog in this series I rely a bit on the esoteric traditions of spirituality that came before us, especially that of the Judeo-Christian and Jewish traditions.  As I do so, I want to be clear that there are many traditions that express and say these same things in different ways. My personal background is in Christianity, and most of my formal teaching related to religion and spirituality stem from this tradition. This is why my blogs contain some archaic Christian language as reference points for spiritual understanding. Continue reading

Romancing The Zodiac

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comFor many years I wrote a weekly horoscope for a local newspaper. It was a fun and funky paper with a demographic core group of loyal readers aged 23 to 33, and a 70% female to 30% male readership.

The editor asked me what type of horoscope I thought the newspaper needed, given that the male readership ratio was so much smaller compared to that of women. I told her that we needed to do a horoscope for males and females of each sign. We needed to break down the walls between men and women, because the newspaper’s advice column seemed to suggest neither sex had a clue about what was going on in the others’ head.

My plan was to write the horoscopes combining elements of Astrology and Numerology, but the meat and potatoes, the predictions within each horoscope itself, would come from me using a different Tarot deck each week. I did an overview for the week ahead, one for males and one for females, in  which lot of the astrological elements were taken into account. This was followed by a male and female horoscope for every sign of the Zodiac. Continue reading

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