The World Is A Metaphor For Human Consciousness
The natural world around us reflects the internal evolutionary patterns of human consciousness. Seasons are a good reflection of how we as humans evolve and grow at the level of consciousness. The closer you get to the poles the climates are often cold and rigid. These climates do not support a large variety of life.
We see something similar taking place within the human mind. The more polarized and rigid someone becomes in their thinking patterns the less variety and the less diversity of life experiences take place. We can have very rigid patterns of thinking, which tend to leave us cold and static in our experiences.
As we move more toward the center of our globe, we see more diversity of life. We also begin to see seasonal changes taking place on a more regular basis. There are seasons where trees lose their leaves, animals hibernate, and activity slows down. In consciousness this could symbolize a person that is beginning to expand their consciousness. Someone willing to change and grow.
This level of consciousness that northern and southern regions represent easier it is for someone to accept the ebb and flow of life. An acceptance of both the light and the dark can emerge at this stage and people become more aware of their emotions.
The closer to the center someone gets within consciousness the more diversity and love they experience. They are not focused on polarity at all, but instead accept life as it comes. This often includes acceptance of the storms in life that are produced by the overall polarized climate.
Everything in our world is sacred and interconnected – and we’re in the midst of an epochal shift to recognizing that truth in every realm of human endeavor. It’s a magnificent time to be alive and participate in this evolutionary leap ~ Stephen Dinan
So, what is the goal within this model? I would say that the planet demonstrates life in many forms. It demonstrates various kinds of diversity. It demonstrates the many ways in which we can view our experiences.
However, the main thing that the world demonstrates to us is the purpose of life, which is simply the experience of life itself. Sure, there is value to spiritual practices such as healing and centering. However, the natural diversity of our planet and the diversity of our universe is clearly showing us that there is no ‘wrong way’ to do it.
When we become more aware of this, and we begin to surrender to life on life’s terms it becomes easier to navigate our experiences. We don’t have to control our own destiny, but instead we can become a participant in the flow of life. Embracing change and learning about and accepting (or rejecting) new ideas. Then life becomes about freedom rather than control. Power instead of force.
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