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How To Anchor Yourself In Any Storm

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHappiness, peace, calm, no drama. This is the way of life we all really strive for and long for. We even design our lives in such a way as to create the illusion of having attained this. Yet, life happens. There are stresses. There are arguments, fights, heartaches. Yes, there is pain.

We sometimes find ourselves in situations not of our own making, and circumstances that anger us. Yet, at the end of each day, if we can go to bed knowing we were honest, and we did what we believed with all our heart was right, then we have inner peace, and happiness.

Yes, we all do make mistakes. We do things out of anger, hurt, then later regret. But if we work hard to try to resolve the situation, we can be happy in ourselves.

No one can say words to us that bring us to unhappiness; no one can take actions that hurt us if we don’t let it destroy our faith within.

Becoming the rock in the middle of the storm is key. We must keep our mind clear, not let others tell us that we are no good, and avoid trying to become what others want us to be. We have to be what the spirit within tells us to be. Then we will be happy, we will be anchored in the center of the storm.

In all our lives there comes a time to make major decisions.  Our first wisest choice is to ask the Creator, our Higher Power, through our prayers and meditations, what is best. The second is to get expert opinions. The third is to ask for the opinions of others, whose lives may be affected by the decisions. There is no need for egos, hastiness, or heartaches of years gone by. Simply listen carefully, through all the junk, for the good statements made.

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Unconditional Love From The Rainbow Bridge

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSometimes pet owners connect with the souls of their animals on a very deep level. We love them so much that when they finally depart from this life the grief and sadness can be just as agonizing as losing a human loved one. This was the case recently for me when we lost our beloved family cat.

I had to finally make the difficult decision to release him from his pain and suffering. And thus our ‘little black panther,’ as we call him, departed this world to cross the Rainbow Bridge.

He had been suffering with a malignant tumor under his tongue. Bone cancer we were told. Earlier this year, I knew there was something more going on after a dental appointment to have an infected tooth removed. His little chin continued to swell up and the antibiotics were not working.

We did all we could. We made sure he had the best, soft food, and lots of love. The faucet in the tub was left slightly open to drip, so he could have water from his favorite place to get it fresh and cold.

On the day he was to be euthanized, the Moon was in Capricorn. A Capricorn Moon is a time of seriousness, when duty calls. It is a lunar influence that requires us to make difficult, yet responsible decisions, and to remain steadfast and determined in doing what we know is best and necessary.

Our little black panther seemed carefree and at peace. He had been lying next to me all night on a nearby bookshelf. It was a very sunny day and the breeze felt nice to him as he sat up and looked out the open window. He was free of pain, as we had been giving him medication to make him more comfortable.

Two of his brothers took turns sitting next to him. We took our time to say our final goodbyes. We also prayed and even put some holy water on him. Did everything we could. Cried lots of tears. It was very difficult. So awfully hard.

Then the time came for us to take our boy in to the clinic. He sensed it was time and seemed relieved. Even his brother, who was born in the same batch of kittens a minute before him, seemed to understand it was time, as snuck out the door hoping to come with us. We had to unlock the door and put him back inside. I telepathically explained to him that this brother loves him and so do we, but he could not go with us…we would be back shortly.

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Heal Your Life With The Great Law

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDo you have a lot of recurring drama in your life and the same negative situations repeating again and again? Do you keep attracting the same kind of toxic people and energy thieves into your life?

If so, you may benefit from learning more about the laws of karma and how to apply them in your everyday life, as these universal laws can transform your life for the better if we honor them in our spiritual practice and daily life.

Hindu and Buddhist spirituality recognizes 12 Laws of Karma. The first and most important of these is The Great Law, also known as the Law of Cause and Effect. This fundamental karmic law has helped me a lot to uncomplicate my own life since my spiritual awakening.

The Great Law teaches that whatever we sow, we shall reap. Every cause has an effect. Whatever put out into the world will eventually come back to us. Even the good and bad things we wish upon others will return to bless, or curse us.

Once we understand the role of The Great Law in our life, we become more aware of how we can eliminate negative patterns in our life and begin to attract more positive, new things. The energy we emanate each day in the form of thoughts, wishes, fears, desires, attitudes, and beliefs will determine what will return to us as manifested experiences, events and circumstances.

Intention is everything in karmic law. For example, you start dating someone, but you live in fear of that person leaving you, or betraying you, so you are emanating an energy frequency of fear. In the end, it is very likely that you will lose that person. Fear attracts fear, love attracts love, and gratitude attracts gratitude. It’s that simple.

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Prophets, Or Time Travelers?

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comCould some of the famous prophets, such as Nostradamus, or the prophets of the King James Version of the Bible, or the prophet Mohammad, actually have been time travelers?

And is it merely coincidence that the Oracle of Delphi used a brass seat for visions of the future? As did Nostradamus, the 16th Century French poet and visionary. Nostradamus writes, “I will be seated at night, in my secret study. Alone sitting upon a stool of brass, a flame shall leap forth from the solitude, granting that which is not to be believed in vain.”

And, in the 1895 HG Wells fiction novel, The Time Machine, the protagonist of the story uses a black and polished brass time machine to gain mechanical control over time. Is there something about sitting on brass that allows one to see into the future? Or, could they possibly be talking about a brass seat on a sort of vehicle?

There is a mystic figure called Khidr in Islamic exegesis. Khidr is said to have met Islamic figures and prophets at different times and places. It is difficult for scholars to understand how that could be – unless Khidr was a time traveler or an immortal being. Khidr was said to have met with Moses, Abu Zur’a al-Razi and Elijah. It is also believed that Elijah and Khidr may be the same person.

The scriptures say that Elijah did not die that he ascended into heaven (time travel) and would return as one of the two witnesses of the Great Tribulation period that would precede the Second Coming of Christ.

Enoch, from the Biblical scriptures is said to have taken many trips to heaven to meet the pre-existent Son of Man, whom Enoch prophesied would judge the souls of all men. Is this too, another instance of time travel? Interestingly, the book of Enoch was omitted from the King James Version of the Bible.

In several instances of supposed time travel a “storm” or a “ball of fire” or even a “chariot of fire” is mentioned. As in the book of Ezekiel, when he has a vision of the future, he mentions a whirl wind coming out of the north, a great cloud with raging fire, engulfing itself – this being the first of the prophet’s visions.

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The Metaphysical Mysteries Of Numbers

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe esoteric symbolism and divine significance of numbers has a long history in metaphysics and spirituality. Christianity, for example, features many numbers of divine significance, such as the Holy Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) and the number 144,000 representing the number of souls that will be saved with the Second Coming. There are also many numerical references in Buddhism, especially in the Sutras. The number 108, for example, is an important number in Indian mysticism, symbolizing spiritual perfection.

I have been using Numerology as a supplementary tool in my psychic readings since the early 90s. I don’t claim to be an expert, but I do incorporate some aspects of Numerology into my readings with great results.

My first introduction to the metaphysical mysteries of the numbers was at a weekend Numerology workshop I attended with a friend. I was instantly fascinated and recall the excitement of sharing readings with the other students at the workshop, and the accuracy and fun we had exploring this method of divination.

Subsequently, I also had many friends and acquaintances asking me to do Numerology readings for them. It was great to get so much positive feedback, particularly from people I didn’t personally know very well.

Over the years, working with clients all over the world, I have noticed a steady increase in questions about Angel Numbers showing up as repetitive signs, especially as double-digit or master numbers. Personally, I have been seeing the numbers 1111 almost daily for quite some time now.

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How To Make Gratitude A Way Of Life

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comLife has certainly not been easy for me recently. First and foremost, my iPhone, email account, bank account and credit card had all been hacked by some very clever cyber-criminal. Soon after, my brother went into hospital for the second time. I was feeling rather sorry for myself until one day, after visiting my brother in the hospital, I was delayed while driving home. I had to stop at a junction to allow oncoming traffic to pass. A hearse was passing by on the other side of the road.

“God bless the deceased and their loved ones,” I softly prayed.

As the funeral procession moved closer, I noticed that the flower wreath beside the coffin had a ribbon with the words: Beloved Daughter.  In a flash, all my own problems seemed to evaporate, as I thought of the bereaved parents of the deceased. Here I was, complaining that I could not access my email account, while other people were grieving the passing of a loved one. Although it was a brief, random experience, it made me take a step back and take an honest look at my life. It caused me to reflect upon the many blessings in my life and, apart from my brother’s current health condition, the ongoing well-being of the rest of my family.

The hearse experience was highly synchronistic and definitely a sign from spirit. The Universe no doubt had an uncanny hand in ochestrating this occurence, as it mimicked an similar experience I had almost 20 years ago! Back then, my son had been born three months prematurely and suffered a minor brain hemorrhage as a result. Statistically, the doctors told me, the odds were fortunately in favor of him surviving such a premature birth. Still, the four months that he was in hospital were probably the most harrowing of my life!

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Letting Go Is The Key To Past Life Encounters

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn my psychic readings over the years, I have had many of my clients around the world asking about a special person in their lives. Often the thoughts and feeling they experience with this person are so real, and the connection feels very strong right away.

The way they explain the feeling to me is that they feel like they have known that person their whole life. If they have just met very recently, and feel this kind of connection, there is often a past life connection or soul agreement. Once you make this kind of connection with someone then you have a fair chance to see where the relationship leads to.

Previous relationships that ended bad, because there was no lasting connection, can have a negative influence on soulmate connections from past lives. Many of us unfortunately want to hold on to such bad learning experiences.

When we are unwilling to let go it is often because we are scared to be hurt again. Then we have someone special enter our lives from a past life connection and we sometimes make it hard for this new person, while they really are not the one to blame for all the pain we experienced in the past with others.

Letting go of the past, and forgiving and moving on, seem so hard to so many people, but it can be so easy when there is someone special in your life to have new beginning with.

Our past lives experience also go beyond meeting someone new. One good example is visiting a location that seem familiar to you. Our past lives, like our dreams, are mystical glimpses into other worlds. We may not always know why we see what we see, but when we do it’s an enlightening look into a past we once lived that offers us personal growth and opportunity for healing.

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