Spirit Guides
The Special Magic Of Autumn
I’ve often wondered if in a former lifetime I might have had a birthday in the fall? More specifically, I sense it must have been in the month of September, because I typically experience increased awareness and great change during this month.
Being a Gemini, born in June, this makes absolutely no sense, but I don’t always pay attention to what makes sense. I rather go with what feels right.
I feel a special magic in the air in the fall that I do not experience in any other season. In the autumn the world of the living seems to move closer to the afterlife and our deceased loved ones.
Traditionally All Hallows’ Eve on October 31st is believed to be time when the veil between the two worlds is most thin and we can more easily connect with our departed loved ones on the Other Side.
In the Northern Hemisphere September is the time of year when Mother Nature is shedding her leaves as the cooler air moves. Might this also be a time for us to let go of the aspects of our lives that no longer serve us? And could it be that our deceased loved ones in Heaven support and help to facilitate this need for us to surrender and let go?
The energy of September is an in-between state of transition that will ultimately spark us into new beginnings. But sometimes we need a little bit of extra magic, as it takes much courage to let go of the old and familiar to step onto a new path.
Our family and friends in Heaven want to see us progress and grow while in the Earth realm. Our loved ones who have crossed over to the Other Side can see forward and backward in time. They have the ability to open doors for us who are still in this life.
Have you been asking Spirit, God, the Universe for the same thing for years? Has true love been on your manifesting to-do list for as long as you can remember? Are you constantly struggling with your finances? Are you still looking for that dream job?
It is not as if you have done nothing to make miracles happen for you. You have been working faithfully with your guides and the angels. You have studied the Universal Law of Attraction and the art of manifesting. You have consulted psychics, mediums, healers, diviners and astrologers, and all of them have been telling you ‘it’s coming.’
But still, nothing.
So, what gives? Why has your heart’s desire not arrived yet? I hear this question time and again from clients and I have even dealt with it myself in my own life. So, if this is happening to you, you are certainly not alone.
And no, your intuition is not ‘broken’ and your guides are not ignoring you! The Universe is not too busy making other people’s dreams come true. There are many factors involved in successful manifestation and various possible reasons for the lack of results in your life. Often all you need is a few simple adjustments to create the perfect climate for receiving divine guidance and many blessings.
Firstly, there is the aspect of divine timing. It is often true that we must first work through some very important life lessons and do some personal work, before you can receive what it is we truly desire.
If you truly feel you’ve done all your work, but your desires still are not manifesting, then ask your guides if there is something you are missing, or have possibly been unwilling to see, that is still holding you back. This is also a great time to get a second set of eyes on the situation.
It may also be that those involved in the fulfillment of your desire have not completed their work. In that case, either resign yourself to be patient while setting an intention for them to make rapid progress, or ask your guides if a suitable replacement can be found that is willing to step up now and step into the role.
Working With Raguel And Zadkiel
There are two Archangels that I do not frequently see in readings, namely Archangel Raguel and Zadkiel. They typically do not work as guides, but rather serve as consultants that only come in for specific tasks, as and when needed. However, if their energy resonates with you, feel free to ask them for increased assistance.
Archangel Raguel
Archangel Raguel steps forward as a ‘finding angel.’ He shows himself as a shepherd surrounded by a flock. Raguel keeps us on task and guides us to find our own tribe or ‘flock.’
I hear time and again from my clients that they are afraid to make important life changes they know they need to make, because they are afraid of being alone. They also don’t know any other like-minded people in their neighborhood or town, and much less where to find them.
Raguel is the archangel of belonging and fellowship. If you are facing a similar problem, know that with the assistance and support of Archangel Raguel you will soon be surrounded by sincere, loving, and supportive friends. He will guide you to become part of a community that shares your values and beliefs.
Whitney Hopler writes on LearnReligions.com, “When it comes to dealing with unjust situations in the world around you – such as crime, poverty, human rights, and taking care of the earth’s environment – Raguel may lead you to get involved in certain causes to become a force for justice in the world, doing your part to help make it a better place.”