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Empowering Life Lessons From My Abusive Father

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMy father Jim had to grow up quickly in the tough pre-war years. He was the eldest of six children and he did not have an easy childhood, nor tolerant parents.

But life became even more challenging for Jim as he reached adulthood. My parents were married at the age of 21 and had three kids by 23, and another baby at 34.

Jim faced many challenges. As a result, to vent his frustration and process all the stress, he often took it out on those closest to him, namely his wife and children.

Let’s just say my father was not always the ideal husband and parent. It became so bad by the time I was an adult that he would do whatever he could to disrupt my life and my family in any way that you might imagine. The sad part was that he actually wanted to hurt us, as doing so gave him a bizarre sense of satisfaction and control over those closest to him.

I first became fully aware of my father’s desire to disempower his kids when I was about 22 years old. The year was 1982, and jobs were very hard to come by in the United Kingdom in those days. I had an office job but wanted something better. So, I decided to attend school for a year to learn shorthand and typing at the local technical college.

One day, I asked my dad if I could get a ride with him to college, because I had to sit an important exam at 2pm that day. He said I need not worry, as he would drop me off in plenty of time. But then he proceeded to make every excuse not to leave the house!

By quarter to two, I started to panic, as I could not possibly walk or catch a bus from my house to the college with so little time. At ten minutes to two, he finally agreed to take me to sit the exam, but then when we got in the car, he said he needed to go to the garage for gas. I looked at the fuel gauge and saw the car’s tank was full.

I suddenly realized he did not want me to sit the exam, as he did not want me to pass it and better myself and become more independent. Thankfully, his sabotage attempt failed, as I did pass the exam and went on to get a higher paying job.

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Journeys And Destinations

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comOne often hears the saying “It’s about the journey, not the destination.’ But what does it truly mean? I believe the events of the past year has brought many of us to a deeper understanding.

The importance of the ‘journey’ became more evident with so many cultural holidays, birthday parties and family gatherings that had to be cancelled during the worst of the pandemic. For example, the significance of planning these special events became especially obvious this past Christmas, as well as the many cancelled festivals here in Spain.

The Christmas holiday season is usually a hectic time, with much hustle and bustle, including the mandatory family conflicts or ‘differences of opinion.’ But the joy of the season leading up to Christmas and New year is typically a time of excitement, especially for children.

People normally spend lots of time planning these celebrations and the excitement leading up to any gathering is often more fun than the event itself! Not having these occasions to look forward to has created a void in the lives of many people all over the world.

Instead, Christmas 2020 was a difficult time for many. It certainly brought up a myriad of personal challenges and negative emotions, particularly for those unable to visit loved ones, or not being able to have relatives home for the holidays.

Here in Spain, the locals are constantly planning their many fiestas. Each town and province has its own special festivals and cultural traditions, especially in the summer months. I have even witnessed the locals take to the streets in very cold weather, just to enjoy the vibe and camaraderie!

The Spaniards have a deep sense of community and they love letting their hair down whenever they can. Having grown used to the culture here, it made the silence of the empty streets this past year even more jarring than it might have been somewhere else.

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Astrology Forecast March 29 – April 4, 2021

Click Here NOW For A FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe astrological weather is pretty calm this week, with only one significant change in the zodiac energy: today’s Waning Gibbous Moon in Libra. The Libra Moon brings love and relationships to the forefront today, so if you’re facing any conflicts or challenges in the marriage, dating or romance arena, now is the time to get those straightened out.

Fortunately, the Libra Moon trine Mars in Gemini boosts our levels of courage and determination today. It can support you in taking action, as well as being open, resourceful and pragmatic in dealing with relationship challenges. So, today may be a good time to have that long overdue conversation with your significant other.

If you are single, today may also be a window of opportunity to get a date with that new acquaintance. The Libra Moon trine Jupiter in Aquarius later today favors increased popularity and higher levels of social success. So, what are you waiting for?

A Scorpio Moon tomorrow and Wednesday will be setting a rather intense tone. You could find yourself caught up in the details of a highly focused project, but take care not to miss the forest for the trees! Stay alert to what’s going on around you.

The workweek fortunately ends under a Sagittarius Moon, and you may finally feel like you’re all caught up! Maybe for the first time in two months. Enjoy the lull, as things will certainly pick up again next week.

Mercury moves into Aries on Saturday, and you could find yourself going down the ‘Internet rabbit hole’ with how-to-videos on YouTube or researching your family tree. There will be an eagerness to learn new things or become better informed with this Mercury placement, so it will be a goof time to surf the intellectual highway.

Saturday and Sunday unfold with a Capricorn Moon overhead, making this a most productive and satisfying weekend.

Nurturing Your Psychic Child

Click Here NOW For A FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHave you ever noticed how young children, especially before they enter school, are full of wonder, curiosity, and awe? And did you know some children are born psychic? Sadly, only a few children continue to use and refine their psychic gifts as they get older, as their sense of wonder diminishes. As a parent, guardian, or mentor of children, it’s our responsibility to engage with our young psychics to nurture and protect their gifts.

It may be our first urge to dismiss their imaginary friends, conversations with departed loved ones, or remembrances of past lives as ‘fantasies’ or the result of an ‘overactive imagination.’ Instead of this, gently encourage your child and ask questions. What they are experiencing is very real and may not entirely make sense to them.

For example, show them family pictures of ancestors. They may be able to show you whose spirit is guiding them. If they are curious about a particular time in history (a past lifetime), a family trip to the library for some good books or documentaries about that time can be a great learning experience. Imaginary friends, which most children seem to have at a young age, may actually be angels or other spiritual guides.

Some children also have deep intuition or psychic sight, which may unnerve the adults in their lives. Perhaps your child has specific dreams or instinctively knows things which they should not. It is important that instead of reacting with fear or anger, you respond with empathy and encourage and to talk about whatever is on their mind.

Instead of simple ‘yes or no,’ or closed questions, ask your child how they are feeling and what you can do to help them. These dreams, visions, or prophecies can be cryptic and not easily understood. The fledgling psychic may feel overwhelmed or scared by what they see. If a child feels they can confide in you, and trust you, they will be more willing to use their gifts.

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Accepting Your Psychic Abilities

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI was recently asked how I became aware and started using my psychic abilities. For many this can be a complicated, challenging journey, but I was fortunate to grow into my psychic gifts quite easily.

It all began with me growing up in a small town with a population of only 8000 souls. We were a large family of 12 children, which at that time was more common than today.

From the time I can remember, my mother used to foretell events and always spoke of a person’s “inner character,” as if she could clearly see their internal mechanisms as one would with an X-ray. It was also clear to everyone who knew her that she never seemed to be wrong in her estimations.

At the same time, my grandmother, as well as my father, frequently spoke of spirits coming back to visit us from the afterlife, and sightings of loved ones who had passed on was a common occurrence in our family life.

I can remember even as a very young child that I also just ‘knew things’ and certainly it never occurred to me to question the validity of any information I perceived. In my family it was not unusual to hear talk of someone having the “third eye” or the “second sight.” No one was ever denied their gifts.

As children we simply took these ideas in our stride and accepted them as natural and normal. We never had reason to question any of it and we didn’t realize this was not something all children experienced in their families. It was as common to us as any other domestic event that would occur in other people’s homes.

Psychic ability, metaphysics and the paranormal was something that we would naturally nourish growing up and utilize to whatever advantage we needed. Maybe ones of the reasons it became so strong among the siblings, was our inherent drive to survive under extremely arduous and stressful conditions. Only later in life did we come to understand that not all brother and sisters develop this strong psychic bond, with the ability to connect and detect danger in any situation, despite the great distances that might separate us to this day.

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Adaptability Is The Key To Manifesting Your Best Life

Click Here NOW FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comA life lesson most often learned the hard way, is how important adaptability is to our prosperity, happiness and well-being. Adaptability is a skill that must be learned by all of us. For once you are open to this path, your world will open up in ways you never could have previously imagined!

We are all born with the capability to be adaptable. Without this, we would not be able to function effectively in this physical world. In primitive times we had to adapt to the changing seasons, extreme climates, the scarcity of food, health challenges and other challenges of human survival and evolution.

What I find most intriguing about adaptability, is that we can consciously decide to be open to adapting at any time. We simply need to open up to the Universe and all the opportunities it has to offer. It’s as simple as looking out for opportunities around us to try new things, meet new people, explore new ideas and experiences.

It can be painful at first, as it requires stepping out of your comfort zone, but it gets easier the more you do it. Look at it this way: when you choose to start working out, your muscles will change over time, because they are dealing with new, unexpected demands and are becoming better at what you are requiring it to do. Eventually it becomes second nature and you become stronger. The same thing happens when you open your mind to new thought processes, new ideas, new ways of thinking.

Being adaptable means that you have the courage and enthusiasm to go beyond your comfort zone, and experiment with what the Universe is trying to direct you through. It can be as simple as deciding to finally stop and grab food at an Indian restaurant you pass daily. You may have never tried Indian food before, but it kept catching your eye. When you are adaptable, and open to the signs of spirit coming in, you will embrace such an opportunity to try something new. Continue reading

Let’s Make The Most Of This Gift Of Time

Click Here right now for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThere is a cheesy saying, “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” It may be somewhat cheesy, but it is a brilliant metaphor. You still have those lemons. They are still terribly sour and inedible. But now you’ve added your own sweetness to them.

In recent months we have all suddenly been presented with a sometimes overwhelming new paradigm. Many of us are spending more time at home. Before the pandemic, many of us often wondered where our time went? If we only had more time!

This is especially true for those of us with young children. I have often said I feel like I only have 10-hour-days to fit everything into, including sleep, since my children were born.

It’s interesting to talk to my clients who are currently still going in to work, and often stressed for time, as compared to those clients who are fortunate to work from home, or have a reduced work schedule, or are currently unemployed. They are like parallel universes.

If you currently have the gift of time on your hands, make good use of it. It will lessen your depression and anxiety, and it will help you to think of this unusual time in our lives, which is only temporary, with more fondness and sentimentality. With the internet, so many options are open to us, and the possibilities are endless. Before all of this, I even learned how to crochet and knit online! I am now a very proud intermediate crocheter… and novice knitter.

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