spiritual connection
Embracing The Spirit Of Thanksgiving
The spirit of thanksgiving invites us today to pause, reflect, and embrace the blessings in our lives — both the visible and the invisible. It calls us to appreciate not only life’s big moments, but also its simple, everyday miracles.
Gratitude is much more than a fleeting emotion or a polite “thank you.” It is a transformative energy, a wondrous frequency that opens pathways to abundance, prosperity, well-being, and fulfillment.
Thanksgiving offers us the perfect opportunity to align with this sacred vibration, blessing our daily lives and deepening our spiritual journey.
In today’s world, even the smallest gestures — a smile, a kind word, or the warmth of a loved one’s embrace — can lift our spirits and shift our perspective. Shifting our focus to appreciate life’s simplest gifts enriches us spiritually and helps us face life’s challenges with grace and resilience.
It is natural to celebrate life’s great achievements and monumental blessings, yet the most profound moments are often found in the ordinary: a breathtaking sunrise, a shared laugh, or the quiet comfort of companionship. How often do we stop to truly savor these moments? Thanksgiving reminds us to appreciate the beauty, joy, and abundance that surround us every day.
When we live with gratitude, we connect more deeply with Spirit and the divine flow of the universe. Gratitude becomes a bridge to positivity, aligning us with higher frequencies that revitalize our energy and attract harmonious connections. A grateful heart radiates light, transforming our aura into an inviting beacon for blessings and manifestations.
Honor Your Pagan Heritage This Halloween
Samhain holds special significance for those who practiced paganism in a past life, especially those who were involved in magical practices as seers, soothsayers, druids, and witches.
For us, this time of year evokes a deep sense of nostalgia, spiritual reorientation, and a return to ancient wisdom as the veil between worlds thins and we reconnect with our ancestors and the spirit realms.
Samhain is an ancient Celtic festival marking the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter, traditionally celebrated from October 31 to November 1. It is one of the four great Gaelic seasonal festivals, along with Imbolc (February 1), Beltane (May 1), and Lughnasadh (August 1).
In Celtic tradition, Samhain (pronounced “sow-in”) is a liminal time when the boundary between the physical and spiritual worlds is thinner, allowing the spirits of our deceased loved ones, ancestors, and other spirits to cross over more easily.
In ancient times people would light fires and wear costumes to ward off harmful spirits, while also honoring their ancestors with offerings of food and drink.
Samhain is considered the origin of modern Halloween traditions, although Halloween has evolved and incorporated elements from other cultures to become a mostly secular and commercial holiday. For Neopagans and Wiccans, Samhain remains an important festival for honoring the dead, celebrating the cycle of life, death, and rebirth, and connecting more deeply with the spirit realm.
Reconnecting With Your Inner Light
These days, it’s easy to feel lost, anxious, or just plain drained. We juggle the pressure to succeed, increasing isolation, endless app notifications, and even a creeping sense of loneliness or hopelessness.
It’s no wonder so many of us feel overwhelmed and disconnected from our true selves and the deeper source of wisdom within that illuminates our lives. Instead of feeling alive and vibrant, for many people it’s just a matter of getting through the day.
But here’s the good news: There is a way out of this gray fog, and it doesn’t involve a fancy retreat or running away to join the circus.
It’s about reconnecting with the light within you-the spark of divinity that’s always been there. Once you tap into that, everything changes. You begin to feel grounded, peaceful and purposeful. Life becomes richer, more joyful, and you’ll find yourself smiling a lot more!
The spiritual concept of “light” is central to many Eastern wisdom traditions. In Hinduism, for example, “light” symbolizes divine knowledge, truth, and the divine self (atman). The famous Sanskrit phrase “tamaso mā jyotir gamaya” (lead me from darkness to light) from the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad refers to our innate desire for enlightenment and spiritual knowledge.
The concept of enlightenment (bodhi), metaphorically symbolized by light, is also central to Buddhism. In achieving enlightenment, one is said to attain wisdom and freedom from the darkness of ignorance.
Take The Heavenly Solitude Challenge!
My clients often ask me how I manage to stay so positive and upbeat every time they call for a psychic reading. They often mention how my energy seems to lift their spirits, and this brings me immense joy! I feel blessed when I can share my gift for energetic healing.
This does not mean that I am automatically or miraculously energized and balanced to be of service to others. To share some love and light, I have to be disciplined with my spiritual practice and self-care routine. One of the key ingredients in my self-nuturing routine that keeps me going is spending some time in solitude.
Solitude is to be alone by choice, without the presence or interference of others. As a spiritual practice it involves deliberately setting aside time to be alone, away from the distractions and demands of daily life, in order to connect more deeply with your higher self, spirit and the divine. It is a time of quiet reflection and introspection.
Unlike loneliness, which is often associated with negative emotions, solitude is a positive and restorative experience, embraced for spiritual growth and personal well-being. I often enjoy my solitude with a cup of tea or coffee, sometimes knitting, sewing, doing yoga, meditating or going for a walk. I cherish these moments and wish everyone could experience the peace they bring, even if only for a few hours each day.
A good time to embrace solitude and a spiritual practice is during times of transition or personal challenge, when life feels overwhelming or uncertain. Whether you’re navigating a career change, recovering from a loss, or simply feeling disconnected from your inner self, solitude can provide the clarity and peace you need to reconnect with your passion and purpose.
Cutting The Toxic Cords That Bind Us
In every relationship – romantic, platonic, professional – there is a metaphysical cord of attachment that exhanges energy from one person to the other.
These energy cords can be thought of as WiFi signals, electrical circuits, or even surgical tubes that transfer mental, emotional, and spiritual energies between individuals. They are the invisible ties of love that keep us connected to our loved ones.
I remember reading an article years ago about the intense grief of famous American singer Dean Martin after the tragic death of his eldest son. His boy was a fighter pilot in the California Air National Guard and lost his life in a plane crash during a training flight in 1987.
Martin described the loss as feeling as if his “heart had been ripped out.” This vivid description is a testament to the reality of these ties that bind us. The intense pain the singer felt was essentially his heart chakra feeling ‘broken.’ The loss had a profound impact on the remainder of his life and career.
The concept of these cords may seem abstract, but their effects are very tangible. They are not just symbolic; they are very real and have a profound effect on our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being on a daily basis.
When we engage in any kind of relationship with someone, these energetic cords extend from our chakras, or energy centers, to those of the other person. While these soul-to-soul cords feed us with all the good energies that come from being connected to others, such as love, nurturing, and belonging, they can also have the opposite effect.
The Spiritual Power Of Choosing To Forgive
Forgiveness is a much-discussed topic in spiritual circles. It is also often deeply misunderstood.
Forgiveness does not mean condoning wrongdoing or accepting abuse or cruelty. Instead, it involves choosing not to carry the darkness and negativity that has been inflicted upon you, and refusing to allow it to affect your well-being, either physically or emotionally.
While it’s ideal to find compassion for those who have wronged you, it’s not always possible. Understand that those who caused you harm are often suffering themselves.
Happy and fulfilled people are naturally kind, generous, and honest. In contrast, those consumed by self-loathing and misery tend to spread chaos and cruelty. Their relationships are full of conflict and dissatisfaction.
I once worked with a man who was clearly struggling with mental illness. Circumstances placed us in a business relationship that I initially tried to avoid, preferring to distance myself from unhealthy situations. However, I was compelled to help him because I was told that my true role was to support his children and providing help where it was needed most.
This unfortunate man is consumed by rage from his own traumatic past-abuse by his mother, mistreatment by her successive husbands, and conflict with his first ex-wife. His life is a testament to the destructive power of unresolved anger and lack of forgiveness. His toxic energy is rooted in past hurts and a cycle of inflicting pain on others.
Being Present In Your Power
In my field of work, one becomes acutely aware of the importance of being present in one’s power on a daily basis. Our personal vibration acts as a “passport” to profound spiritual experiences, helping us to access different levels of awareness, psychic perception and self-empowerment.
Our personal vibration is essentially the energy we radiate and attract in return. It shapes our experiences and interactions with the world around us.
A higher vibration is associated with positive feelings, clarity, and a sense of connection to something greater, as well as manifesting abundance, well-being and prosperity. Conversely, a lower vibration can manifest as negativity, confusion, and a sense of disconnection, dysfunction, lack and scarcity.
Raising our vibration involves practices that promote emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. These practices can include meditation, prayer, visualization, affirmation and other forms of energy work and spiritual self-care.
Over the years, I have explored various techniques to help me be more present in my power. While the specific method is a personal choice, any meditation or mindfulness technique can benefit our well-being and help us find peace in the midst of chaos.
After experimenting with different methods, I have settled on one particular practice that has been working very well for me lately. It is an effortless meditative approach that helps me connect with both my inner world and the realm of spirit.