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Working With Your Angels

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWorking with the Angelic Realm will bring many blessings into your life. I know this to be true from first-hand experience. In the few short years I have consciously been working with the Angels, my life has completely changed and taken on new purpose and meaning.

I used to suffer from depression, anxiety, and a lack of direction, but these days my life is rich, fulfilling and abundant with magic and miracles.

The Angels have had a considerable influence on my life for the better. This is why I am now passionate about teaching others how to work with these loving beings. I want others to feel the joy and fulfillment I now feel every day.

Before we begin to work with the Angels, it is important to note a few tenets. The first is that, when I refer to ‘working with the Angels,’ I mean this in a non-denominational way. It is not attached to any religious dogma.

The second is that everyone has at least two Angels always working with them. There are no exceptions to this rule. Furthermore, nothing you can do in your life will ever make your Angels stop loving and supporting you unconditionally. In fact, it is their unconditional love and guidance that makes working with them so healing and transformative.

Finally, everyone can learn to hear, see, feel, and know their Angels’ loving messages to them.

So, how do we do that? The first step is to ask. Ask your Angels to help remove any fears or other energy blockages that may be preventing you from clearly receiving their guidance and wisdom. I find it is best to do this before going to bed at night. When we are asleep, so is our conscious ego or thinking mind. This makes it easier for us to process our emotional and energetic baggage.

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A Mediumship Experience Unlike Any Other

Click Here FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comA few nights ago I could not sleep. When I go full speed into doing readings I hold nothing back, and very often long after I am done reading for the day, Spirit often has other plans.

So it was on this night in particular, as it had been for the past several days. I tried in vain to go to sleep and I was bone-tired, but it was not to be. I drank hot milk. I took a bath, followed by a nice cool shower to bring my body into balance. I went outside, to see if I could fall asleep under the starry night. Nothing worked. No matter how much I may have wanted to fall asleep, I was wide awake!

I pondered the computer, and whether or not to log on for readings at I decided against it, because I was concerned that as tired as I was I may not be at my best. So, I decided instead to browse a popular social networking site and see what was going on… if anything. Maybe an old friend might be online for me to chat with. Maybe I could just browse. Anything to divert my mind from the 100 mile an hour warped speed it seemed to be on!

I was not online for ten minutes, when I received a message from a woman I did not know. She wrote, “You had recently posted on a mutual friend’s page. I am so sorry, I would normally never do this, but I sensed that you have a message for me. Your name just leaped out at me from the page and I just had to contact you.”

I had no idea what she was talking about, and even less of an idea who she was. But then, all of a sudden, the floodgates opened and my hands starting typing, almost faster than I could keep up. Someone desperately wanted to communicate with this woman through me.

The more I typed, and the more I made statements that I had no idea what I was referring to, the more this woman became emotional. Our conversation lasted maybe 20 minutes, with me telling her various things and asking questions about things that I had no clue about, nor the people involved. I didn’t know what all this information was, or where it came from.

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Crystals And Stones For Your Spiritual Practice

Click Here NOW For A FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comCrystals and stones have grown in popularity in recent years, to aid in healing, protection, divination and wellness.

They can be worn as jewelry, placed under a pillow, infused in water, set around the home, or used in prayers, meditations, spells and rituals.

It is important, however, to purchase only ethically sourced crystals and stones from businesses that respect their high vibrational qualities, because they are precious metaphysical tools from Mother Earth that should not be taken for granted.

Here are some popular crystals and stones I recommend for use in your spiritual practice.


This is one of the most popular crystals and aids in enhancing one’s spiritual vision. It is also great for recovery, sobriety and calming down anxiety. If dreams during sleep are intense, you can place this under your pillow to get a good night of rest.

Black Tourmaline

This stone works with the root chakra to ground one’s energy and cleanse the aura from negativity. It also promotes inner strength when dealing with difficult people and adversity.

Blue Calcite

A wonderful crystal for encouraging rest and relaxation. It is a gentle stone and assists in soothing emotional trauma and gain a positive perspective.

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Manifesting Meditation For Beginners

Click Here NOW For A FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe practice of meditation is tremendously powerful and has impacts on both our spiritual and physical well-being, as well as on our reality. Creating a routine meditation practice can help to super-charge your ability to manifest your desires, has incredible health benefits, and believe it or not – it can actually be a fun experience!

The idea that you have to be able to completely clear your mind of thoughts to successfully meditate is probably one of the most common misconceptions. This is only one form of meditation and honestly, it’s quite challenging! For someone who has never meditated before, it would be like giving a kindergarten student a complicated math equation to solve.

As with anything, it takes some time to learn the technique and train your brain to comply with your spirit. The first thing you must understand is, you are not your brain or your thoughts. You are not your body, or your emotions. These are all things you experience. You experience the thoughts in your mind, you experience the sensations of the body and of emotions, but these things are not you.

So, what or who is doing the observing? The answer is Spirit. Your spirit. This understanding is vital. Once you can separate your Spirit, your Soul, from the mechanics of the body, you can begin to tame the voracious beast that is your mind.

Going back to stillness meditations for moment, these are certainly powerful and wonderful to experience, but our brains are used to running the show! Instead of trying to turn off your thoughts, I encourage you to begin by giving the mind something to do instead.

Take some time to think about what you want to achieve through your practice. At its most basic meditation can be used as a tool to help align your mind, body and spirit with your overall goals. These goals can be anything! Reducing stress or anxiety, improving overall vitality, enhancing mental function, boosting your mood, improving your sleep patterns, and so on. Creative visualization is a remarkably powerful tool for manifesting. If you have never tried it before, start with just one simple intention. As you grow more adept, you can expand your goals and wishes.

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How To Make The Winter Season A Happy, Healthy Time

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comJust yesterday, my husband said to me that it was getting dark earlier and he already dreads the long, drawn-out winter months that we always have in this part of the world. My husband’s statement struck a chord with me. Yes, the winter is a challenging time for many people, especially those of us who live in very cold regions.

So, winter is indeed fast approaching, but like all seasons, it need not be just endured. It can actually be embraced with excited anticipation and add value to our quality of life. Below are some ways to make the most of the coming winter months.

Lifestyle Choices

I personally find it hard to even get out of bed during the cold winter months! To counteract this, I set my alarm clock earlier and pre-book an appointment at my local gym, as I know that exercise is vital for my health any time of the year.  Exercising in winter has many benefits that include not only helping us to feel warmer and happier, but also enhances immunity and helps prevent dreaded weight gain, in what some people refer to as the ‘fat season.’

As vital as exercise is for both the body and mind, our diets cannot, and should not, be over-looked. Like physical activity, food also has a significant impact on our emotional well-being.  Consuming mood-enhancing foods such as oily fish, bananas, chocolate (dark variety please and not too much), yoghurt and oats, could have you smiling again in next to no time!

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The Healing Energy Of Plants

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comNow that so many of us are spending more time in our homes, it has become even more important to consider the principles of Feng Shui.

The energy flow in our home affects us in many ways, including our psychical well-being and mental health. One of the easiest, fastest, least expensive and most efficient ways of improving the energy of our home, is the use of plants. Plants add oxygen to the atmosphere and filter toxins from the air, making breathing easier and our environment much more pleasant and healthy.

Plants also have a healing energy that most people can sense. The color green resonates with the heart chakra energy center and it promotes calm serenity and healing, peaceful energy. Adding plants is an easy, affordable way to invite peace and tranquility into your daily life.

The life force in plants will raise the energetic vibration of any room. Plants in the bedroom can improve sleep, for example, while plants in the living room and kitchen can help to absorb radiation from electronic devices. Plants are a quick, inexpensive way of improving the energy in your home and balancing the Feng Shui.

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Transmuting The Negative Energy Of Self-Sabotage

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIn many religions and spiritual wisdom traditions we find guidelines on healing and mind-body wellness. Many of these philosophies, in conjunction with modern medicine, can be a great aid for mind, body and soul. In all spiritual traditions there are usually rules or recommendations aimed at the well-being of society as a whole, as well as each individual soul. Many of these teachings warn us of dangers we might find in our own thought, choices and actions. And if we are unaware or careless, a damaging thought or action can turn into a harmful pattern.

Recognizing a damaging thought or behavior pattern in our lives is not easy. We might realize that someone else makes the same mistakes over and over, but it may be difficult to have the same insight about ourselves. We create the imagined walls of our own limitations, and abide by them, without being aware of making this decision. These limiting, destructive thoughts and actions that appear repeatedly in our lives – especially those demeaning, self-sabotaging, angry thoughts – are in essence negative energy vibrations. A few example of such thoughts can be:

I am useless and incompetent.

I am not strong enough.

Nobody cares about me.

I do not deserve better.

I hate myself.

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