angel messages
Getting The Answer When Spirit Speaks
People have told me over the years that they never hear spirit, or that their guides do not speak to them at all. This is simply not true. Spirit speaks to all of us daily. Spirit is never the problem; we are! It is up to us to be more aware, to pay attention and listen, and then to follow the guidance, heed the warnings, or implement the answers.
In my experience, this is usually due to a lack of spiritual awareness, and sometimes also based in fear. Our spirit guides and angels are not to be feared. They are there to bring you to a place of receiving clarity on what you should be doing with your life and what steps to take to make the right decisions or choices as you move forward.
Another problem I find is the tendency of some people to ask spirit a question and when they do not like the answer, to continue asking the same question, repeatedly, hoping that spirit will eventually give them the answer they want…and not the truth intended for their highest good.
This happens especially with clients who consult with numerous psychics. They will keep calling different readers, hoping to eventually find someone who will give them the answer they are hoping to hear. Or they will repeat the same question during a reading by asking it in different ways, in the hopes of changing the outcome of the reading.
In these cases, the actual question is usually not really the issue at hand. What more often truly matters is why there is the need to ask the same thing over and over again? Where is the obsession coming from? What is causing this persistent state of denial and self-delusion? Only once the person’s true motivation is unraveled and addressed, will they be able to accept the truth and move forward.
How To Work With Oracle Cards
I like to use oracle or angel cards when I do readings, because they provide the client with a visual element. This makes the process of reading seem more tangible, and less intimidating. In fact, these user-friendly cards are so accessible that they can be used by anyone in their daily spiritual practice.
My regular clients know that I use the terms ‘angel cards’ and ‘oracle cards’ interchangeably. They are basically decks of cartomancy cards similar to traditional Tarot, but they tend to have more positive messages, images and symbolism than the Tarot.
The many ways one can use oracle cards in your personal practice are only limited by your imagination. For example, you could pull a card and use it as a journal prompt, and then use freewriting or brainstorming to explore how you’re feeling about a certain topic or issue.
You can also ask a question, hold the cards to your heart, and then select the cards you feel most drawn to for the answer. Once you have selected the cards, I advise clients to truly ‘listen’ to the story the cards are telling you. What thoughts, feelings and intuitions do the images and words evoke? How do they correspond with the other cards you selected? What are the common themes?
If it’s helpful you can place cards in a divination spread, or you could pull just one at a time. A simple oracle spread you can try uses only three cards. The first card indicates the past, the second the present (the anchor card), and the third reveals the future.
Sometimes, when a particular card doesn’t seem to provide an instant, clear answer, take a closer look at the different visual elements of the card. For example, what is the person in the picture wearing? Are there any images in the background that provide additional insight or inspiration?
The Divine Source Of Psychic Awareness
One of my favorite Vedic hymns is the Absolute mantra which can be translated this way:
That is Absolute (Divine), this is Absolute (Divine),
Absolute (Divine) rises out of Absolute (Divine).
If Absolute (Divine) is taken out of Absolute (Divine),
Absolute (Divine) remains.
It is my personal belief that this mantra is a key to understanding our existence, and also gives us insight into where psychic phenomena come from. We are all interconnected through a Divine matrix, but the daily perception of our experience is that of duality or separateness. We do not consciously share our awareness with trees or other people, but the Divine matrix is still present whether we recognize it or not.
So, how does this explain psychic phenomena? These are my theories, but that being said, they are theories that have their roots in various spiritual traditions. We may never fully understand psychic phenomena, but it is my personal conviction that it happens when a level of the Divine consciousness seeps through into the consciousness of an individual.
Some psychics experience intense empathic impressions, where they experience the emotions of another individual, while others communicate with spirits or ultra-terrestrial beings, such as the angels and guides that observe and influence our everyday lives.
The veil of duality is slightly removed for people who have these abilities and they can therefore interact with these beings on a higher plane of consciousness. Gifted psychics can also see into the past and the future, because they are able to transcend the duality of time. This is also a manifestation of the Absolute, since the Absolute transcends even time itself.
The Metaphysical Mysteries Of Numbers
The esoteric symbolism and divine significance of numbers has a long history in metaphysics and spirituality. Christianity, for example, features many numbers of divine significance, such as the Holy Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) and the number 144,000 representing the number of souls that will be saved with the Second Coming. There are also many numerical references in Buddhism, especially in the Sutras. The number 108, for example, is an important number in Indian mysticism, symbolizing spiritual perfection.
I have been using Numerology as a supplementary tool in my psychic readings since the early 90s. I don’t claim to be an expert, but I do incorporate some aspects of Numerology into my readings with great results.
My first introduction to the metaphysical mysteries of the numbers was at a weekend Numerology workshop I attended with a friend. I was instantly fascinated and recall the excitement of sharing readings with the other students at the workshop, and the accuracy and fun we had exploring this method of divination.
Subsequently, I also had many friends and acquaintances asking me to do Numerology readings for them. It was great to get so much positive feedback, particularly from people I didn’t personally know very well.
Over the years, working with clients all over the world, I have noticed a steady increase in questions about Angel Numbers showing up as repetitive signs, especially as double-digit or master numbers. Personally, I have been seeing the numbers 1111 almost daily for quite some time now.
Universal Psychic Symbols Versus Personal Symbology
Meaningful symbolism is everywhere, including in our dreams and subconscious minds. The earliest symbols known to modern man can be traced back to paleolithic caves of the early Stone Age. Spontaneous artwork done by both adults and children in a psychotherapy session often includes many archetypal symbols. Symbols are not only present in mythology, art, religion, and occult practices, but also in chemistry, road signs and even on the product packaging in supermarkets.
Symbols can convey a powerful, instant message and this is why people, often the young and vulnerable individuals, can be easily influenced by the media and the subliminal messages contained in the cleverly encoded symbols in political campaigns and advertising, for example. The everyday subliminal influence of symbolism in our lives is profound. Symbols speak to our mind, body and spirit.
Specific symbols make up a universal language and people with speech disabilities, or those with difficulty in communicating, use symbols and symbolic languages as an alternative method of communication. When doing animal telepathy our pets pick up the images and symbols we project to them, as opposed to words we might try to send them. Hence the need, for example, to send our animals happy images of being reunited with us if they are lost, rather than fearful images of them being lost and alone.
Symbols are the foundation of divination. Every Tarot, Rune or I Ching symbol, for example, has a documented, universal meaning, as well as a personal interpretation for the individual diviner. This is why it is important for a psychic reader to relay any symbol she receives during a reading to the client, because it may just be of great personal significance.
Leave Some Space For Grace
When I read energy, it is shown to me in terms of the strength of that energy. In other words, the strength of the energy is directly tied to its manifestation here in the physical realm. As above, so below.
When we are angry or in conflict, we are often heavily invested in simply being right. And the more the argument evolves… the more virulent the energy becomes. This is never a hopeful, healthy precursor to manifesting better things in our life.
Fortunately, there is the powerful spiritual and emotional energy that love and forgiveness can also manifest in our lives, to counteract the impact of negative emotional energies.
A sister to the energies of love and forgiveness that is not always afforded equal honor, bit is equally powerful is the gift of grace. You may have heard of ‘grace under pressure?’ Essayist William Hazlitt defines grace as “the outward expression of the inward harmony of the soul.”
So, what is grace? Webster’s Dictionary defines grace as both a noun and a verb. Noun: unmerited favor, kindness undeserved. Verb: to confer dignity or honor on, or to add beauty to.
Grace is the ‘breath’ we take between anger and forgiveness. It is a choice to be silent, hold our tongue, and open the door for peace to enter into a challenging situation.
Angels naturally possess infinite grace, and many times the angels I work with have to remind me to hold my tongue, think before I speak, and simply be silent and listen to the person I am angry with. Being heard even if we are not understood is very validating. It says to the other person, “you are important to me, what you are feeling and thinking matters to me”. What you give you will receive.
Saved By An Angel
Many years ago, I had a series of past life regression sessions with a gentleman whom I considered a mentor. I enjoyed hearing his life story, and about his journey to becoming an excellent esoteric counsellor.
In one of our conversations, I was telling him about my experience of seeing angels when I was about nine years old. And then he said something that surprised me.
“You know, I met my guardian angel once, and he was absolutely charming!”
I had no reason not to believe him, as he was a very honest and open person. Being by nature very curious, I immediately wanted to know more about his mystical experience. I was fascinated, as it is a rarely discussed subject
He then told me about a particularly dark, difficult period he was going through in his late twenties. In this negative phase of his life, he was not yet embracing his gifts as a psychic and esoteric counsellor.
He was rock bottom, feeling like a failure. He had resorted to various substances to dull the pain of his traumatic childhood, his sensitivity to other people´s negative energy, as well as “feeling like an absolute waste of space.”.
He had been avoiding emotional pain in any way he could through self-medicating, overwork, and basically trying to fit in with everyone else, whether they were friends, family, or colleagues. But it wasn´t working for him anymore.
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