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The Spiritual Meaning Of Seeing 11:11

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe synchronicity of seeing 11:11 is a common sign of spiritual awakening many people begin to see once they become more metaphysically aware. But what does it mean? Why are you seeing this number all the time? And how does it relate to your spiritual path?

As we awaken into higher consciousness, we begin to see all things more clearly for what they truly are. Many people embark on a spiritual journey because they are seeking greater balance and harmony in their mental health and emotional well-being. But while spirituality can help us heal and find greater peace, there are two sides to this coin.

On the one hand we may be waking up to some brutal truths and particularly challenging realities. The world seems broken right now. Humanity is collectively so painfully out of alignment with our highest good that we are destroying the very Earth that gives us life and supports our very existence!

Once you wake up to everything that is happening in the material world, and the thinly veiled realities of conspiracy, hatred, violence and greed, it can be so disheartening.

On the other hand, once we awaken we are able to fully experience and actually see the magic an wonder in the world around us! We also begin to realize that we are the architects of our own life path and destiny. The gift of free will gives us so much potential to create the life we desire. And we begin to experience the signs and synchronicities which confirm this new sense of empowerment and higher consciousness.

It is exciting and liberating to discover that we were not meant to be ‘slaves’ to some pre-determined destiny. We now get to consciously and deliberately create our own reality, as a powerful co-creator of the world we live in.

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Making The Most Of Psychic Guidance

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSometimes you receive information in a psychic reading that you do not immediately understand or may think does not apply to you at all. Never disregard any information or message you receive. It may not make much sense at the time, but it usually will make a lot more sense later on.

When there are aspects of a reading that you do not understand, you may think the psychic is making a mistake or she does not know what she is talking about. You may even be critical or skeptical of her psychic ability. But if you are consulting a gifted, reputable reader then you can be sure she is simply relaying what spirit is communicating.

There is much we do not know or understand about the mysteries of life. The ways of God, Spirit, Source, the Universe does not always make sense to our limited human perspective. The best approach is to keep an open mind and to not be afraid to grow, change and evolve. Always remember there is a higher power that guides and protects us.

Psychics often say your guides are “giving you signs.” This means your guides are sending you messages, trying to nudge you in a certain direction, or assisting you in some way. Pay more attention and be aware.

Change is uncomfortable and the truth can be challenging. It can be extremely uncomfortable for some people. But we must never hide or be in denial. If you follow the guidance of spirit you can start to make the right choices for yourself, instead of being guided by fear or ignorance. Things will start to fall into place if you follow the signs.

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The Truth Be Told

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHave you ever been told you are just too honest? Well, I have, and this very statement has given me a lot of food for thought. I have been wondering why being honest does not typically win any popularity contests?

It took a lot of meditation and mulling it over in my mind for several days, for me to finally decide how I felt about people being ‘too honest.’

Truth be told, I would much rather be honest and deal with other ‘overly honest’ people, than the opposite. I prefer not to have people smile to my face, and then later stab me in the back.

A client who has been reading with me for over a decade, came for a session recently. She was very depressed and teary-eyed. Before we even started, I saw in my mind’s eye my symbol for a broken heart. I also saw that she would find healing, but not soon.

It soon unfolded that her boyfriend of two years had in fact broken up with her and moved out. Spirit then showed me that she had been too honest with him. “He doesn’t always appreciate it when you tell him the truth,” I said. “Even when he asked you for your honest opinion, he would be offended when you gave it to him.

“Yes,” she replied, “the reason he moved on was that I was too honest and direct for his liking.” Just unbelievable, I thought to myself.

Apparently, many people feel it’s okay to tell a little white lie. This is usually the case when they feel being very honest will possibly hurt the other person’s feelings. In my mind, when you ask for an honest opinion, then you are open to the truth. If not, then don’t ask. When I ask my best friend if a pair of blue jeans makes my butt look big, then I really want to know – the truth!

This is what I love about doing readings. Spirit only gives truthful and honest answers. The recipient of this guidance then knows how their choices will influence the direction or the outcome of a situation.

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A Conversation With Your Spirit Guides

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen I first began to converse with Spirit, I didn’t really know what I was doing. I was receiving these messages and listening to them, but I never really put much thought into it.

It wasn’t until I consciously acknowledged the conversation was happening, that the momentum really started to build. It was then that I realized my guides had been with me all along!

In my experience, the most important step you can take in opening a conversation with Spirit is to acknowledge that it is your intent. Your angels and spirit guides are always with you, but they need your permission for them to help you.

Remember to ask them often to be near you and to help you and guide you. When you need direction, ask them for a sign. Then be patient and watchful.

Spirit communicates in many ways, such as using repeating number sequences that constantly show up, for example, or a song you hear again and again wherever you go. Spirit will try to get your attention any way it can and will typically use signs, symbols and synchronicities that will be meaningful to you personally.

It’s important to be open to receiving these signs and messages, and not to dismiss any ‘coincidences’ you may encounter. Coincidence is an expression of synchronicity in the Universe. Once you start flowing with it and moving with the guidance of Spirit, you will likely start to experience many of these synchronicities. Your guides want you to be in the flow, because it is in this state that you are walking the path toward fulfilling your ultimate potential.

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The Daily Protection Of Your Guardian Angels

Click Here FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comOur guardian angels are always around. I have witnessed their work and protection many times throughout my adult life. Earlier tonight, I had a sobering reminder of this.

The miracle of divine intervention often is all about divine timing. If we had been a mere 60 seconds further down the road on our drive home today, we may have become another tragic statistic. Instead, we witnessed a horrific accident scene this evening that happened about a minute before we arrived on the scene!

What kept us from being the vehicle hit? What kept us back, just far enough to not be in that accident? Our guardian angels, of course! This is why I offer gratitude daily to the angels for keeping me and my family safe.

We were the first to arrive at the accident scene, and while I was calling the emergency services, I silently said a prayer for those involved. I also gave thanks to Archangel Michael for the protection he has always provided me since I started to work with him.

To process my shock I even jokingly said, “You know, Archangel Michael, sixty seconds is maybe still too close for comfort, wouldn’t you say?” The message I got in return was more serious: “Sheri, I don’t want you to be complacent and too self-satisfied in life. These moments teach appreciation and faith.”

I know my husband was also rattled by what he saw – he was the one that went to the hit vehicle. I just could not do it. However, I held him in Archangel Michael’s cloak until we were released from the scene.

As I watched the earth angels from the fire department cut the people out of their vehicle, and witnessed the kindness of the police that came to close the roads, direct the traffic and check on everyone involved in the accident, I had a sense of calm come over me. I felt a ‘knowing’ that I was there for a reason.

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What The World Needs Now

Click Here FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comNew Year’s morning, I woke up with a song lyric on my mind. “What the world needs now is love, sweet love…” An old classic made popular by Jackie DeShannon back in 1965. God, my inner DJ, never ceases to amaze me with the brilliant selection of musical messages I frequently receive.

To keep my clairaudient channel clear, so that I will recognize when I am being divinely guided, I avoid listening to the actual radio. This ensures that I do not mistake a spiritual serenade for an ordinary tune stuck in my ear, or vice versa.

Songs I have not heard in decades sometimes surfaces from the vault, always to perfectly punctuate the moment. Undoubtedly, that was the case when this long-forgotten song came to me with the dawn of 2021, highlighting the healing that is needed in our world this coming year.

When God and his angel agents want to get a message across, they usually broadcast it in stereo. It starts showing up in my life in surround sound. But this time, I experienced something more extraordinary and unique: three of my friends who are intuitive and empathic also had a spiritual encounter with the same song around the same time. A Higher Power is clearly shouting, “Listen up world! Hear ye, hear ye! This is the truth you need to know right now.”

Love is indeed the call and cry of the hour. “Not just for some, but for everyone,” as the song goes on to say. Love is the healing ointment, the spiritual salve, the soothing balm, the substance needed to stitch the divides inside and out.

As spiritual beings having human experiences, we are each prone to encounter divisions within our own body and soul, and our own head and heart. We all share this ache of the self to be whole, whatever our differences may be. And love is the key. It unifies every aspect of our individual being with our divine purpose of existence.

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Connecting With Your Team Of Spirit Guardians

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comYou have a ‘squad’ of spirit friends you can count on and talk to when you need support. Our spirit helpers, be they guardian angels, guides, animal spirits, ancestors, or departed family members, are there to look out for us. They want to make our lives better.

So, how can you get to know them better? Because these beings are of the spirit realms, it’s not quite as simple as calling a human friend or sending a text, but the channels of communication are definitely open.

The first thing you need to do is get to know their names. If they are the spirits of loved ones or pets, of course, they already have a name you know them by. Use your intuition to receive the names of your guides and angels. All you need to do is ask. They will reveal their name to you when you are ready to receive it.

It is also important to understand that our spirit guardians communicate through various unspoken messages and signs, such as patterns of recurring numbers, lyrics of a favorite song, or seeing the same patterns in nature, such as cloud formations or a particular animal. Pay attention to these special signs. In our world, it’s easy to become distracted and overstimulated, but our guardians are always sending these subtle messages if we pay attention.

Engaging in your daily spiritual practices is necessary to connect with your spirit guides. When getting to know angels, for example, an angel card oracle deck is a useful tool, or a Tarot deck to link archetypes to individual guardians.

For animal spirits there are also lovely card decks, which can be very useful in identifying your totem of guardian animals. You can also keep your departed pet’s favorite items after they’re gone.

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