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The Intuitive Wisdom Of The Human Body

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe more time I spend working in the psychic realm, the more it seems to expand outward and the more it has to teach me. There is a certain magic that happens during psychic readings, where I feel touched by Spirit.

Sometimes, after completing another session with a client, rather than getting back to everyday life, I just stay in my chair for a while, and commune with my guides. I thank them, and also absorb any further messages or information that I need to learn as a spiritual advisor.

However, I find the best time to learn from Spirit is actually in my free time, when I am not working. It is actually in my personal life where Spirit usually has the most to teach me. Those ordinary, mundane moments, when I am doing the dishes, or taking a shower, or cleaning the house, is often where I learn the most. Maybe this is the case because I’m in more of a receptive, relaxed state of mind? It also happens frequently at night, when I’m just about to fall asleep, or upon waking in the morning.

I find it truly amazing how divinely orchestrated everything is in the metaphysical realm. There is very little effort needed to be able to perceive so much. Each year that passes, I learn to trust my inner guidance more and more.

Lately, I have come to recognize once again that the human body is a highly sensitive, intuitive apparatus through which Spirit guides us. My physical body, and how it reacts to being around certain people, and in certain situations, is something I no longer take for granted. What I have observed is that my body is innately aware and instinctively intelligent, maybe sometimes even more than the rational mind.

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Guidelines For The Anxious Clairsentient

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAnxiety is high for many people in the world right now. This is especially true if you are a clairsentient. Clairsentients have the ability to detect and feel energies from those around them, as well as their environment.

If you are a clairsentient, you might be feeling lately as if the world is falling apart. The good news is, there is hope – both for the future of our world, as well as the anxieties you have been experiencing.

Clairsentients experience incoming energies on all fronts. Only you have the power to determine which energies will affect you, and how much. Learning to control how much of your own energies you project into the world is also crucial.

Many clairsentients, who have practiced for years, report that they are able to be as visible or invisible as they choose to be. Imagine whatever works best as a powerful visual metaphor for you to create psychic protection around you: a force field, suit of armor, or a shield of light, are all good shielding visualizations.

When was the last time you took a vacation? If you’re like most people, it’s probably been a while. The concept of a ‘staycation’ is perfect for the stressed-out clairsentient. Really focusing on your own needs is okay and you don’t need to feel guilty. You can also use this time to discover more about your own aura and chakras, and make them stronger and healthier. If you’re the outdoorsy type, a camping trip or day hike might be just what you need to breathe, reconnect with the earth, and shrug off the negative energies that have built up.

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Authentic Feelings Are Not Always ‘Sunshine And Rainbows’

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhat a comfortable, easy life this would be if everyone could just feel like ‘sunshine and rainbows’ all the time. The truth is that the many of the most worthwhile things in life do not come from ‘easy’ and ‘comfortable.’ And when we suppress our true feelings, it is ultimately detrimental to our health body, mind, and spirit.

Revealing our true feelings does not come easily for many of us. I am not trying to make up an excuse, but I just was not brought up that way. My parents’ generation were masters of the art of concealing their true feelings, good or bad. When I am doing a mediumship reading, and a departed parent or grandparent shows up, they often say things like, “I wish I told you more often how much I love you.”

I could count on one hand the moments in my childhood that I can remember my parents showing affection for each other in front of us children. Those of us who had been brought up in such a stoic family environment, tend to struggle when are encouraged to express our deepest emotions. As an adult, I do however see the bigger picture today. And I do feel it is necessary to express one’s feelings in a considerate and healthy way.

In my family my parents also never argued in front of us kids. My dad just gave my mom the silent treatment. We grew up thinking he was just be the ‘strong silent type.’ Consequently, I felt that this was what communication in a marriage should be like.

Of course, reality hit me badly with my first marriage, when my ex-husband and I had our first serious argument! I thought it meant the marriage was now over, because I had no coping skills or frame of reference for this kind of authentic self-expression in a relationship. I also had no clue how to have a good, healthy argument.

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Yesterday, Today And Tomorrow

Click Here NOW for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comA loyal client recently asked me to send her one of the guided meditations in my collection. I have collected many over the years, and she experienced several of them in a meditation class I used to offer. She said she was planning to start a small meditation group of her own, and would be happy with whichever meditation I chose to share with her.

I sincerely wished to help her, and therefore wanted to choose carefully. So, on my walk this morning, along a path lined with olive trees, I asked my guides for a sign or symbol of what script would best help her get going with her guided meditation venture.

Well, Spirit never ceases to surprise me. The ‘sign’ was almost instant, and prominent. Out of nowhere, I suddenly smelled the exquisite scent of the ‘Yesterday Today and Tomorrow’ plant (Brunfelsia). I immediately knew exactly which meditation to send my client.

Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow Meditation

Sit in a comfortable chair and close your eyes. With your eyelids closed, glance upwards for a few moments, directing your eyes towards the heavens. This is helpful in relaxing your eyes and also symbolic in connecting with Spirit.

Now, take several deep breaths and, as you do so, relax your head in a downward position. Allow your eyeballs to relax downwards too, whilst still keeping your eyelids gently closed.

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How To Manifest What You Really Want

Click Here NOW for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI have, for at least 40 years now, been a deliberate creator, and passionate practitioner of the Law of Attraction. Nevertheless, when I first started working with this fantastic cosmic law, I noticed that I often manifested almost the exact opposite of what I was hoping for!

How could this be, I asked myself? After all, I had read all the books, did the meditations and vision boards, was thinking positively, and even bought the incense. Why wasn’t I getting what I wanted?

The answer came to me in time. It was because I was inadvertently counter-manifesting. This can happen so easily when we attempt to manifest – particularly in one’s early days of learning the art of cosmic ordering.

Okay, so how does one manage to counter-manifest and, more importantly, how do you avoid it?

Align Your Energy

First and foremost, if our energy vibration does not match what we are wanting to attract, we simply cannot draw it towards us.  Like attracts like, remember? No amount of visualization or list-making is going to make any difference if we are not in a positive, open state of mind and elevated mood. We have to be ready to welcome whatever it is we have set an intention for.

Therefore, the first golden rule of successful manifestation is to raise your energy vibration with some healthy self-work and personal investment. By doing so, you will begin to attract more good things into your life, rather than drawing those things that you do not want.

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September 2020 Weekly Astrology Forecasts

Click Here for a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comSeptember 7 – 13

We may not get much done on Monday, but if there is anything that just has to be completed, be sure to get to it on Tuesday, as the rest of the week will be a free-for-all!

Mars will go retrograde on Wednesday – a cycle that typically only happens once every two years. For the next two months it will be traveling backward, and being the planet of movement and action, we may all feel like we’re traveling in circles and unable to get any traction or make any headway.

Mars will be retracing its steps in Aries, the sign it rules, making it especially challenging for Aries and fire signs Leo and Sagittarius. It’s higher purpose is to give us the chance to go back and do things differently – quite appropriate, since it will be retrograde during the 2020 US Presidential Election, and won’t resume forward motion until November 13th.

Jupiter will turn direct on Saturday, ending its four-month retrograde cycle and bringing things back into balance on a personal level. It may take a few weeks for it to get ‘back on track,’ but once it does, we’ll find it easier to see the gifts in any blockages or delays Mars creates, as it begins its bi-annual retrograde cycle.

September 14 – 20

Except for Thursday’s new Moon in Virgo, things are pretty quiet on the astrological front this week, and should flow along pretty smoothly.

Monday’s Leo Moon will bring out our generous and gregarious sides, making for joyful interactions and heartfelt exchanges.

Tuesday and Wednesday the Moon travels through Virgo, making this the perfect time to attend detailed work, create a new budget, or make plans for a special upcoming event.

If you’ve been neglecting yourself physically or financially, the New Moon in Virgo will spur you into action to get things back on track, so starting a new class, exercise routine or scheduling a minor procedure will be easy under this influence.

The Moon dances through Libra on Friday and Saturday, casting a lovely and balanced tone to our movements. Romance will be in the air, and partnerships and friendships of all kinds will flourish.

Sunday’s Scorpio Moon will call us to go inward and relax to restore our energy and enjoy the wave of soulful and spiritual peace in the heavens.

September 21 – 27

The Sun will move into Libra on Tuesday, setting the stage for a month of loving, balanced and nurturing energy. Partnerships may grow stronger and those still looking for true love will have an open window from the Universe to meet their soulmates.

In fact, Monday’s Scorpio Moon is the perfect time to set your intentions for the month ahead, as its karmic nature can open doors that have been closed to you for years, so on the eve of the Sun’s move into Libra, take some time to meditate, write down your wishes or dreams. and then turn them over to the Universe for manifestation!

Thursday and Friday will be our most productive days of the week, so don’t worry if you can’t seem to get anything done until then, as you’ll make up for lost time in an instant.

The Moon will inspire us as it travels through Aquarius on Saturday and Sunday, spurring us to investigate new places, people, activities and creative ideas. Take advantage of this innovative cycle, as once Mercury moves into Scorpio on Sunday, our thoughts will turn inward to focus on more spiritual matters for the next few weeks.

September 28 – October 4

There are all kinds of activity happening in the heavens this week, with two planets going direct, one changing signs and a full Moon as the cherry on top! Saturn comes up first, as it turns direct on Monday after almost five months of retrograde motion. Once it gets some traction in a few weeks, earth signs (Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus) will finally experience some major breakthroughs, while the other signs of the zodiac will appreciate a return to discipline and balance that it brings. The Aries full Moon occurs on Thursday, and because it is also known as the Hunter Moon, it can often create the catalyst for new beginnings, provided we are finally ready to release the past and let go of things that are holding us back. This Full Moon calls for us to look into our hearts and minds and see what needs to be cleared out so that new opportunities can appear.

Venus moves into Virgo on Friday, and this can make the planet of love a little fussy! Try to keep an open mind and don’t dismiss anything because you don’t think you’ll like it. On an up note, Venus in Virgo can also bring out the humanitarian side of our natures, as well as an eye for detail, redecorating ideas and organizational projects.

The week  will end with Pluto going direct, which will set the tone for social change and heightened awareness of the world around us over the next eight months.

No More Procrastination

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDo you also procrastinate? Procrastination is the avoidance of doing a task that needs to be accomplished by a certain deadline. Or do you sometimes intentionally delay the completion of a task, despite knowing it might have negative consequences? Ninety five percent of people procrastinate at some point in life.

To break the habit of procrastination we must find some self-compassion when a task at hand causes us stress just thinking about tackling it. Some tasks just seem too big or overwhelming, and we can’t seem to motivate ourselves to get it done.

Procrastination makes most people feel guilt and shame. For some extreme procrastinators, negative feelings may trigger another reason not to complete a task. Only to become a vicious cycle of self-defeat. Most procrastinators tend to put off endings, as well as beginnings and commitments.

I have a close friend that has all kinds of ideas for a book she is writing. While collecting material, she put of starting the actual writing for three years. She felt she needed several points of view about the subject matter. She always needed one more.

Now, 13 years later, she can’t seem to stop writing the same book. The idea of being an author just feels so good to her now. The added benefit of this is that whenever she is asked what she has been up to, she loves to say, “I’m writing a book.”.

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