Will The Aliens Come And Rescue Us?
I don’t know if is due to the havoc that has been happening on our planet in recent months, but lately I have consistently been having an unusual, recurring thought. I have been wondering whether the aliens might be willing to come and rescue us? Unfortunately, my next instinct is usually, I doubt they will!
If we had the opportunity to express our fears and worries to highly-evolved extraterrestrial beings, and ask for their help, how would they respond?
Let’s say we tell them how terrified or confused we have been of this insidious new virus that has been spreading all over our world. Or maybe we would whine and fret over the changing climate, extreme weather patterns, pollution, the plight of the animals, or environmental decline. Or we might lament the many socio-economic hardships, cultural difficulties, psychological suffering and physical pain many of us face in our daily lives.
My guess is the aliens would immediately question our fears, and remind us that it only creates panic and paralysis. Fear does not heal, or solve problems. The aliens will also explain to us that while we are here in this particular plane of physical existence, there is great value in learning to creatively cope with all the trials and tribulations that are thrown our way.
Even though life’s setbacks may appear to be frightening and insurmountable at times, each time we accept the challenge, it will enhance our personal growth and spiritual expansion. We become stronger and wiser as spiritual beings, and with the conquering of every passing fear and obstacle, we become more adept at understanding the true purpose and meaning of life and our place in the Universe.
‘Space Clearing’ Is Actually Rescue Work
In my earlier days of doing psychic mediumship work, I used to get many requests from homeowners and businesses, requesting that I do a space clearing in their premises. Typically, these clients would complain about strange things happening onsite and disturbances by unwanted spirits, which negatively impacted their daily activities or lifestyle. Some people would refer to this work using terms like ‘ghosthunting,’ but prefer to call it ‘rescue’ work.
When someone passes, they can either go to the Light, back to the realm of Spirit, or they can remain in the Earth plane dimension. Sometimes a person dies suddenly, from a murder, for instance, or in a robbery or some other controversial way where they were somehow wronged. Their spirit may then choose to remain here, in some attempt to claim justice. They may also choose to remain here because they don’t feel a sense of completeness with this life. Or sometimes they are simply just confused.
‘Clearing out’ the spirits disturbing the occupants of a home or business premises, has taught me the most about death, and what really happens when we die and leave our physical body. For instance, one time I was clearing a pretty large antique furniture store. As I made my way through the shop, I asked the owner who Norma was? She was sitting in one of the antique rocking chairs in the front corner, and she was scaring people away.
Opening Up To The Spirit Realm
All of us will experience the passing of a loved one at some point in our lives. It is very painful to deal with the aftermath of such a loss, but the ability to communicate with our loved ones on the other side can help to alleviate this trauma.
Since my daughter left this life over five years ago, I have been able to clearly and distinctly see her at any given time, which has been extremely gratifying for me. I has assured me that that she is now in a much nicer, calmer existence.
Her lifetime in this world was at times trying and extremely painful. Part of that was to repay her karmic debt, and the remainder was her individual spiritual journey which had to play itself out.
What I also enjoy is being able to experience with my own eyes how her new life is now so entirely different from the one we shared during her brief stay here. While in this life, she was not such a domesticated character, for example. Obviously she cooked and cleaned to take care of herself and her family, but she never would have been considered a ‘homemaker’ or a ‘kitchen aficionado.’ Quite the contrary to being a ‘domestic goddess,’ her heart was always much more geared towards the creative, artistic, free-spirited side of life.
She painted and sculpted, and wore outlandish clothes with the most confident panache. Her taste in her own personal wardrobe was unusual to say the least, and her home and yard were always decorated with complete abandon and eccentricity. She also was in such total compliance with nature, it was a joy to be able to experience that interaction with her.
Death Is Never Final
Most of us have lost someone dear to us, whether it be a grandparent, parent, child, friend or co-worker. And when this happens, many of us wonder why, and what happens next? Know this: death is never final.
Death is simply the spiritual essence leaving the physical body. Each one of us is born with this spiritual nature, our soul energy or spiritual essence. We are given a physical body to carry us through this journey on Earth, and throughout this life journey our physical bodies change. However, our spiritual essence remains constant from before our birth, and carries us forward to many other realms and new incarnations, beyond the physical death at the end of this lifetime.
My clients are often concerned about their departed loved ones. Is my mother in pain? Is my family okay? Is my child still suffering? Is my husband safe? Is my friend stuck in between worlds because she took her own life?
The simple answer to all these questions is: yes. When we pass, our physical body is no longer needed and our spirit simply returns to the Highest, or Heaven, or Universal Love, or Source. There is no ‘hell’ or ‘bad place’ after this life. It is all good for all of us. It is a place of peace and simplicity. A plane of existence or realm of the utmost, purest, highest state of unconditional love.
When we lose someone close to us, the essence of their spirit returns to us at different times after their passing. You may see, hear, sense, or even smell them, and sometimes even feel them touch you. All these experiences are real. If you feel them around you, they are there. If you feel a feather like touch on your cheek, they are there. If a scent reminds you of someone, they are there. If you swear someone just sat on your bed, but no one is in your room, they are there.
The Akashic Halls Of Learning
Many of us are seeking to clear out residual emotional blockages from earlier life experiences, as well as from our past lives, not to mention seeking the deeper meaning of our lives. But not many know that this process depends on the Akashic records.
I first became aware of the Akashic records in my childhood, when it came up in a conversation with my father during one of our many walks. On these walks, he’d often open up about his views on the mystical side of life. For some reason, he sensed I would be open to and unafraid of ‘other worldly’ topics of conversation. I would often journal things my dad told me soon after we arrived home. I was a very lonely kid during that particular period of my life, and I now realize that the loneliness was part of my chosen life lesson. We’d moved from the bustle of a busy town to a remote home in the countryside of the Canary Islands. I had a lot of time to myself and was often alone to journal and ponder the notes I’d made on life’s mysteries.
At that time my dad was into reading all the Lobsang Rampa books he could lay his hands on. The particular book he was reading at the time dealt with the Akashic records, or “Halls of Learning” as my dad liked to call it. My dad explained how the Akashic records contain all the knowledge of absolutely everything that has ever happened in this world. “Every world has its own Akashic records, in much the same way that countries outside of our own have their own radio programs,” I remember him saying.
Living In Parallel Worlds
Have you ever given thought to the possibility that you may be existing in two entirely different worlds, all at the same time? The reason I am bringing this up is, I am now thoroughly convinced this has been happening to me for quite some time. I just did not recognize what was going on during these strange events.
A few weeks ago I woke up in the middle of the night to find a male figure in our bedroom. He simply stood there and stared at me. Well, all I could see fit to do was to stare back! Neither of us made a sound. The next thing I knew there was now a female standing there beside him.
I finally said hello, without actually expecting an answer. After a few more minutes of silence, they simply vanished. It did of course seem an odd situation, but because a plethora of strange things occur in our home on a regular basis, I gave it no more thought and went back to sleep.