Out-Of-Body Experience, Or Astral Travelling?
Out-of-body experience (OBE) is more generally known as astral travel or astral projection in esoteric circles. Many individuals find astral traveling helpful with their own personal development. They use this technique to visit places they would otherwise be unable to visit, or to meet up with loved ones on the other side. Astral travel is also a powerful way to meet up with your spirit guides, to visit future lives, and even for what is termed as “exploring the universe.”
Now and again, my cynical husband will let me in on some of his more ‘other worldly’ experiences over the years. The most recent revelation was about how he used to leave his body at will. Over time, I have read of, and learned of various techniques to leave my body at will, but never dedicated enough time to master the art of astral traveling. Continue reading
How Accurate Is The Long-Distance Psychic?
It isn’t necessary for a psychic to do one-on-one readings for her clients by being with them in person. A psychic or mediumship reading can be just as well be done via phone or the Internet.
Some people are skeptical of the accuracy of long distance readings or they simply believe they must be able to see their reader face-to-face. But, there is absolutely no reason to be worried, since all readings are equally effective, no matter the distance or medium of communication.
Psychic energy has no boundaries. Just as there is no “up” or “down” in space, our spiritual energies exist on multiple planes in multiple dimensions all at once. If you’ve ever had a lucid dream, or the vivid memory of a prior lifetime, you’ve witnessed this first-hand. Continue reading
Life After Life (Part 1 of 7) – Death
A question that has been on the minds of humans since they were able to contemplate their own mortality is, “What happens when we die?”
Spiritual and religious traditions give many answers to this particular quandary. There are contemplations about a heaven, or a place of bliss that exists after we die. Or maybe a hell, based on our actions in this lifetime, or our adherence to a particular religious system. Still other philosophies identify a reincarnation cycle that is associated with the human experience of life and death.
In this series I will be discussing my personal viewpoints about the subject, and why I have over the course of my life come to these conclusions. At a young age I had a near-death experience, and it was this particular experience that set me on the course to becoming an intuitive. Continue reading
Déjà Vu Comes From Alternate Dimensions
Have you ever had the feeling you have been somewhere before, or done something before? We all experience déjà vu from time to time. There are various scientific and spiritual theories for this phenomenon. Personally, I believe the answer can be found in alternate realities.
It is believed by some experts that there are an infinite number of dimensions existing in the same place at the same time. It is further believed that you and I are currently in the third dimension or density. And, it is believed that those other dimensions are on alternate timelines. Some are parallel to our timeline, some are ahead of ours, and some behind us. Some people even believe that for every major decision we make an alternate dimension is created in which we choose differently.
If you are wondering how these dimensions can exist in the same place at the same time, then consider a radio. I can tune in to a 100 different stations on a single radio, by simply changing the channel or frequency. The same holds true for dimensions. They exist on different frequencies. If we raise our frequency enough, we get a glimpse into alternate dimensions. Continue reading
More Than We Can Imagine
I often set an intention before I got to sleep of what I want to do during my astral travels. This could be to visit another universe, or a deceased loved one, or to spend time in the sanctuary that I created in my mind’s eye for me to rest and recharge. I do this just before I fall asleep and transfer to the spirit realm. I have shared in previous blogs how you can do this yourself.
I enjoy visitations with my Grandpa during these astral dreams. When I want to visit with my Grandpa, I simply imagine myself walking through a well-worn path to a mechanical lift. I step into the lift and rise with it to the top of a very tall hill. Here there is a portal that I enter that leads to my sanctuary or my “happy place.” From here I may continue the journey further, or I will remain there and enjoy astral encounters with others. Continue reading