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Thank You For Leaving Me

Click Here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHeartbreak is never easy. I have heard the words, “But I love him,” so many times after a break-up. I have also heard, “No one can replace her.” I have even heard, “I’ll never even think about another person in this way, or even try to find someone new.”

Who is this mindset hurting? Look at the reality of it. It’s not hurting the other person, who walked out on the relationship. They walked out for a reason. Often they have also moved on with someone new. The only person being hurt, by hanging on, is the person hanging on.

I have also heard, “She is my soulmate,” or “He is my twin flame.” Well, if they are not on the same page as you in this lifetime, and not committed to making the relationship work, then they are not your soulmate, or twin flame. It takes a commitment from both parties.

Love is subjective. Love has to be equal from both people involved. However, when only one has their heart and soul invested, it will never last. If someone is able to walk out on the first argument, it is definitely not meant to be. If there is ever disrespect, it is also not meant to be.

I have also been at this place in my life. I was devastated when my husband walked out. I thought I had failed, but then I realized the truth. The marriage was over long before this happened. The equality of feelings was long gone, and respect was non-existent. He controlled what I did, even how I thought at times, and was wreaking havoc on my self-esteem.

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The 2020 Ascension Breakthrough

Click Here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThere’s a spiritual emergence happening this year. The year 2020 brings subtle energy shifts that will propel us forward toward our soul-aligned desires.

This year has a higher vibration that holds tremendous potential for us to reach our dreams by first changing from within. For once we begin to exist in a way that the universe blesses, we will witness divine forces complement our inner-directed changes by manifesting it externally.

Simply put, 2020 will be a year of supported growth and great ascension. What is more, believing in this gateway to enlightenment will be the key to unlocking your personal power.

As we are all co-creators of our reality, we may have inadvertently created an existence that simply goes against the grain, and stifles our prosperity. This is due to outer influences, karmic blocks and limiting beliefs imposed on us through our many experiences on this Earth.

Fortunately, anything obstructive can no longer survive in the emerging 2020 rebirth, whether  it is a career, relationship or social structure. All that no longer serves us, must begin to crumble away this year, and we must allow its fall, so that harmony and fulfillment can enter our lives.

With that it’s time to loosen the reigns and worry less about getting an external grip. No need to force matters, or control people or situations this year. You only need to resolve to take care of yourself. This extra dimensional dynamism offers a paved path to increase your capacity to live a life that is in alignment with who you authentically are, by elevating your awareness.

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The Power Of Psychic Prediction

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe future is fluid and dynamic, and responds to the forces of the present moment. Feeling peaceful, grounded and centered in the present moment is a feeling we all strive to experience every day, but the challenges of life often pulls in memories of the past, and worries about the future.

Thoughts of the future can bring up fear and anxiety as we face the unknown, especially when viewed through current life challenges. In such challenging times you may want to consider reaching out to a psychic advisor, for clarity and support in navigating the path ahead. In my own life I have valued the support of a trusted fellow psychic advisor, especially during emotional and challenging times.

We all experience difficult times, and having someone hold a vision for us about our future path can be highly valuable. Someone to see the divine order in unforeseen events, and show us a way through the uncertainty, despite the challenges and broken pieces of the present. This reassurance helps to strengthen our resolve and belief in ourselves and our future.

As a psychic reader, I have great awareness of the power of a prediction. I believe that the true gift in a prediction is that they can provide a preparedness for the journey ahead, and they can anchor us in faith and hope. Faith is to have trust in something or someone, and it is a source of comfort.

Asking the Divine about the likelihood of future outcomes shows an open-heartedness and desire to see beyond the current. It also says to the Divine, show me the way. Guide me the vision, so that I may walk with more clarity and an open mind and heart.

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Cultivating Divine Patience

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDuring difficult times it can be challenging to quickly change our circumstances, or get out of the eye of storm, because there is often a full plate of responsibilities to already deal with, like work, children and also self-care.

By learning to surrender some of worry and control to a higher power, you can begin to find inner harmony and cultivate divine patience which means you allow things to unfold in their own time.

Too often we want immediate gratification and answers right away, which can create added stress and anxiety in our interactions with others, since our focus is on the results instead of the process.

We forget that many times the answers are already within and all we have to do to access it, is to listen and become more receptive to what our inner voice is really trying to tell us.

The best way to tune into this is by elevating the environment you’re in by removing any negative influences or distractions that are causing imbalance. Even the act of cleaning or reorganizing a section can begin to shift our perspective, and create a sacred space for healing.

Afterwards, you can begin to get centered, quiet the mind and ask the spiritual realm what it wants you to know about your circumstances, so you can take the best course of action.

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Psychic Predictions And Divine Timing

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDuring a psychic reading it is perfectly natural for the question to arise, “When will this happen?” Our minds are trained or geared toward planning, strategizing, and looking for patterns. Asking ‘when’ supports our goals to ensure progress in the hopes of achievement.

Our penchant for wanting to know, or at least estimate, when something will occur stems back to ancient times, when our ancestors relied upon the movement of the planets and changing seasons for planting seeds, harvesting crops, and so on. It was vital to plan when things will be most likely happen.

In our everyday human life there are schedules we adhere to and time is dictated by clocks and time zones. However, in the realm of Spirit, the truth is, there is no such thing as time. What if all clocks were obliterated and we had no more calendars saying which day of the week it was? Some metaphysicians believe that people made up what we refer to as time and dates as a means to measure progress and spiritual growth of our species.

True psychics are able to see into the future of probable outcomes for their clients, to help them make choices that will support a specific outcome. These predictions come from the world of Spirit, as well as everyday life on Earth.

Remember, in the world of Spirit there is no such thing as time. When a psychic is shown a particular event during a reading, a number of factors can change or determine the timing of when something will occur.

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The Return Of The Divine Feminine

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSometimes when I do psychic readings, I sense a powerful female presence from Spirit, with wings spread wide, who appears to be lending strength and support to my clients. I recognize her as the Egyptian Goddess Isis, or by her Greek name, Auset.

When Goddess Isis comes into a reading, I know that serious business is at hand and that my client needs to be brave, strong, and to believe in themselves. This brings in the grander subject of the Divine Feminine and how that is showing up during my client’s reading.

The awakening of the feminine is alive and happening all around us, and more widely recognized now than ever before. The rise of the Divine Feminine is showing up in all sorts of arenas, including the corporate workplace. Women, as a whole, are speaking up and no longer have much tolerance for sexual discrimination, lower pay rates, or other outmoded ways of female disempowerment.

However, the interesting thing about the Divine Feminine is that it has a quality of power that is not based on forcefulness. It works more in alignment with the psychic realm and intuition.  The Divine Feminine works in harmony with what is, and ways to empower everyone.

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The Truth About Manifesting

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSpiritual seekers often ask, “Why am I struggling to manifest what I want? Why is it taking so long?” Many books and workshops on the Law of Attraction and the practice of manifesting, tend to give people the false belief that they can simply say something like, “I want a million dollars,” and then it will show up in their bank account.

I have attended many of these manifesting workshops in my lifetime, and I have watched many webinars on the subject. Most of them have one thing in common: the people leading them are charging a fee and are certainly making money. But I have yet to see their students achieve the same!

Manifesting is tricky. You have to learn to allow, and to keep your thoughts, your free will and your ego out of it.  Manifesting is also guided by what you are meant to have, or the lessons that you are meant to learn from past lives, current or past karma, and even your desire to have it all ‘right now.’

We have all had experiences of thinking of a person… and then suddenly you run into them, or receive a phone call, text or email from them. Is it just coincidence, or is it synchronicity, or did you actually manifest it? Take a moment to consider this.

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