Unstuck Your Life By Transmuting Your Origin Story
Do you feel that no matter what you do, your life experiences seem to be stuck on repeat? Are you living the same scenario over and over with a different cast of characters? Or maybe even the same cast, but going through the same problems over and over with no change? If any of this sounds familiar, you may need to revise your origin story.
We all have an origin story. It is a set of deeply held ideas and beliefs that shapes how we see ourselves and our place in the world. It is the story of that we constantly repeat when we talk about ourselves or think about our life experiences. Internally, we use it to define ourselves, and externally, we use it to present ourselves to others.
Our story of origin comes from family, early life experiences, and the choices we made about ourselves as we grew up. While it helps define us, it can also become a prison, limiting our growth and repeating unsatisfying patterns in what we manifest.
In my work as a psychic consultant, I often find in readings that many people are held back by their origin story without even realizing it. When we hold on too tightly to our chosen narrative, we become trapped in cycles that prevent us from evolving into the version of ourselves we truly want and deserve to be.
An origin story differs from a limiting belief in that it is more about the construction of our identity and personality – who we are and how we want to be in the world. It can be more difficult to identify and deconstruct because it is such a strong part of our personal identity. However, it is similar to limiting beliefs in that it is important to explore and become aware of it because it can hold us back and create very unsatisfying life experiences.
The Empowering Eight Energy Of September 2024
As this month unfolds, we find ourselves in a powerful and transformative period in terms of numerology.
September 2024 carries the dynamic energy of the number 8, which resonates strongly with the overall vibration of the year, as this is a year of the number 8.
In numerology, each month is assigned a number based on its position in the calendar year. September is the 9th month of the year, so the number for September is 9.
To find the numerological number for a year, you add up each digit of the year until you reduce it to a single digit. So the number for 2024 is 8.
2024 → 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 8
To find the combined energy for a particular month within a particular year, add the number of the month to the number of the year and reduce the sum to a single digit (if necessary).
9 (September) + 8 (year 2024) = 17
Reduce 17 to a single digit: 1 + 7 = 8
Thus, September 2024 carries the dynamic combined energy of the number 8. This creates a powerful alignment that amplifies the qualities of the number 8 this month with significant opportunities to achieve personal growth, balance and abundance.
Tarot Forecast July 2024: The Tower
This month’s card is the Tower, which predicts the energies of disruption, revelation, transformation and the breaking down of old structures.
The Tower card is a powerful symbol of sudden upheaval and change. It’s traditionally depicted as a tall tower struck by lightning, representing chaos and upheaval. It represents life throwing us a curveball.
As lightning strikes and flames dismantle the old structure, it forces us to confront our foundations and belief systems. While painful, this destruction can lead to necessary revelations and a chance to rebuild on a stronger foundation. By letting go of what no longer serves you, you open yourself up to new possibilities.
The Tower showing up in a reading, though scary and troubling at first glance, always precedes a period of significant growth. Destruction creates opportunity. Most situations we face are opportunities, even the bad ones. It’s all about the opportunity and how you see it.
Embracing chaos will be the key to clarity and growth this month. This is a time to rebuild and redesign your life in a way that is more in line with your true self.
Approach the month with an open heart and a willingness to let go of what no longer serves you. Whether it’s health, finances, career, relationships or personal growth, the Tower’s influence will lead you to a more liberated and empowered version of yourself. Trust the transformative power of the Tower. Embrace the changes and you will emerge from this month stronger, wiser and more in alignment with your true self.
Recognizing When A Relationship Is Over
Every relationship serves a purpose and has its own timeline. When a relationship has served its purpose and is no longer contributing positively to our personal growth, happiness and soul evolution, acknowledging that it’s over opens a door to new possibilities and opportunities for healing, growth and expansion.
But while recognizing that a relationship is over is crucial for our personal well-being and spiritual growth, it is also very difficult for many people to face the truth when they see the writing on the wall. I find this to be a common problem that comes up in many psychic readings.
Staying in a relationship that has run its course is often detrimental to one’s health and well-being. It leads to stress, anxiety, loss of self-confidence, and a sense of being stuck or unfulfilled. Recognizing when it’s time to let go allows us to prioritize our own joy, happiness, and well-being.
Recognizing the end of a relationship is a lesson in acceptance and surrender. It encourages us to trust the universal flow, embrace change, and set new and better intentions to manifest our highest good. It is also an opportunity for deeper self-reflection and karmic growth.
When it comes to recognizing that a relationship is over, it’s important to listen to your intuition and inner guidance. The universe and our higher selves always give us subtle hints or nudges to show us when it’s time to let go and move forward on our personal and spiritual path.
Recognizing the signs that a relationship is over takes courage, self-awareness, and a willingness to prioritize personal well-being and growth. It’s a transformative process that ultimately fosters greater self-love, resilience, and spiritual evolution.
Reclaim Your Personal Power With ‘Sat Nam’
As a Kundalini Yoga teacher, I had the unique privilege of studying with Yogi Bhajan, the yoga master who introduced Kundalini Yoga to the Western world. Before he passed away in 2004, Yogi Bhajan gave me my spiritual name, Satya Kaur, which essentially means “princess” or “lioness” who embodies or strives to live by the principle of truth. It symbolizes a spiritual identity or path that focuses on integrity, authenticity, and the pursuit of spiritual truth.
Our soul identity is the key to our life journey and spiritual growth. For this reason, at the end of each Kundalini Yoga class, the teacher says “Sat Nam” to the students. The class then repeats these words back to the teacher. Because of the name Yogi Bhajan gave me, this mantra will always have a special place in my heart.
The phrase is a Gurmukhi term that translates to “Truth is my name” or “True identity.” It is used as a yoga mantra to center the mind, connect with one’s true self, and remind us of our true essence and reality beyond the physical and mental constructs of the external world.
Saying “Sat Nam” to others is similar to the greeting “Namaste,” which means “The divine in me bows to the divine in you,” or “The spirit in me salutes the spirit in you.” For me, sacred affirmations like “Sat Nam” and “Namaste” have even more power and meaning now in the dawning Age of Aquarius.
Let Go And Embrace The Cosmic Dance!
Life is a mystical dance where the things we know and the mysteries we’ve yet to discover dance an intricate tango. And the universe invites us to let go and groove to the enchanting rhythm of this dance.
But here’s the thing – we often get tangled up in our own threads of attachment and resistance that interfere with our divine energy flow. In order to dance our best dance, we must learn to let go of what does not serve our flow. Letting go, releasing, surrendering is like untangling a messy knot that allows our mind, body and soul to boogie more freely!
In this dance of life, a psychic, medium or energy healer is like a cosmic DJ who can help you drop the limitations of the ego to participate more fully in the cosmic symphony. We help people transform their baggage of attachment into the gold of spiritual joy and fulfillment.
Whether it’s material possessions, toxic thoughts and feelings, dysfunctional relationships, or limiting fears and beliefs, attachments are like veils covering the radiant essence of your soul. You are potentially a spiritual alchemist who can dissolve these veils with the elixir of surrender. When we release our ego grip, we reveal the hidden sparkle of our soul in the divine light.