The Extraordinary Treasure Of The Ordinary
It is unfortunate that so often tend to take the ordinary for granted. Ordinary things that we do not consider unusual or special is seldom something we excited about. But the very things that one person might consider ordinary, is a magical treasure to another.
When I was about six years old, I remember being at the ocean looking at some beach roses, when a butterfly landed on one of the roses right in front of me. Even at that age, I intuitively knew this was somehow a special and significant sign. My dearly departed grandmother used to love beach roses and butterflies. I did not know it at the time, but right then and there these two things became my future mediumship symbols for someone’s grandmother in spirit.
I thought it was the most beautiful butterfly I had seen in my young life! I was excited to have my sister see and experience the beauty of it, so I called her over. To my surprise she shrugged and said, “No big deal. I see butterflies like that all the time.”
Her cynical reaction took some of the joy out of the experience for me at the time. At that young age, my older sister’s opinion on things mattered a great deal to me. But I have grown wiser over the years.
Later in life, I could not help but wonder why my sister did not see the world as I did in those days? The answer that eventually came to me was that it is all in the timing. It is about what is going on in our life at a given moment in time. One day we may look at things a certain way and not really see them as beautiful or anything special, while on another day we might be thrilled and amazed by the exact same things.
For example, we frequently travel the coastal road in my area. One day last summer, at the height of the pandemic, we were slowly driving along this road. with no rush to be anywhere at a designated time. Normally we would be in a hurry to get somewhere, but due to Covid-19 there was nowhere urgent where we needed to be.
Making The Most Of This Life, In This World!
I remember watching with fascination Sliding Doors starring Gwyneth Paltrow. In this film she finds herself in two parallel worlds with two very different realities that result from her choices and decisions.
Seeing this film prompted me to explore the fascinating subject of parallel worlds. According to physics, the existence of parallel worlds or a multiverse is a genuine possibility.
A parallel world is believed to be another world that exists alongside this one, yet it is undetectable to and independent of this world. It has also been suggested that another version of you could exist in one of these alternate realities, while there may other parallel worlds where you do not exist at all.
Could it be that each choice or decision we make in this world creates a very different reality in another world? For example, in another world, instead of going to your high school prom back in 1980, where you fell in love with Frank and later married him; you didn’t go to the prom that night, Frank never existed, and you ended up never getting married.
There are various schools of thought that this Universe is not singular – but one of many. One theory is that the Universe in which we live is infinite. However, matter can only rearrange itself up to a finite point and then it has to start repeating itself, thus creating Universe after Universe.
Another viewpoint is that there are multiple universes that all contain a planet Earth and more doppelgänger replicas of you! Furthermore, in these other worlds, you have to make different decisions – just like Gwyneth Paltrow has to decide in Sliding Doors if she is going to get on the train, or not, leading to different outcomes in each parallel life.
Some physicists theorize that the Big Bang, which may have given rise to the birth of the Universe, was not a one-off event. It may have prompted other Big Bangs giving birth to other Universes.
Seeing Yourself As You Truly Are
The art of ‘being seen’ begins within. It is not in the eyes, or heart, of an external beholder. It is the grace of being able to see oneself through the Divine Eyes of our Creator.
Every soul is unique. No two are the same. Each soul emanates from the Supreme Loving Source to offer its unique beauty and pleasure to God in an incomparable, individual way. When we look at ourselves through this lens, the true beauty, light, and power of the spiritual spark of our being shines upon our inner vision.
Relationships offer mirrors too. But what they show vary according to the quality of the reflecting surface. And what we see in them depends upon how well we know, see, and stand in the truth of our own higher self.
For example, if I look at myself in a broken mirror, do I see a crack in my face? I might…if I am not sure of who I am. However, if I know myself to be whole, I can readily recognize that the crack is in the mirror, and not in my face.
Similarly, there are relationships in life that reflect broken images back to us. That does not mean that we are broken, nor that the other person or people involved are broken either. We all have wounds and scars and other gaping holes yet to be healed, or not.
Whatever the case may be, it is the relationship itself that offers up the reflective element. It is the dynamic of exchange that shows itself as either clean, clear, balanced, cracked, smeared, skewed, and so on.
Knowing oneself in truth and wholeness is thus extremely valuable. If we do not possess such certainty of self, we may accept a broken or distorted impression projected by an ill-functioning relationship to be a reflection upon ourselves.
Showing Up For Your Spiritual Purpose
We are all given gifts. Talents. Abilities. Aptitudes. We are supposed to share these gifts with the world. There are many gifts, callings and passions, and many things we are meant to use for the greater good. And an unused, neglected gift is a tragic travesty.
It feels good when we are expressing our truth in the world, but many let their gifts lay dormant. They have forgotten what they came here to do.
It is our spiritual duty to show up for our part and fulfill our life’s spiritual purpose. We must tap into our abilities and share our message with the world. Some of us are given opportunity after opportunity to show up and apply our gifts, but we turn down every chance to shine.
If ask you today, right this moment, what makes you really excited? What do you truly enjoy doing? What is your truth? Your passion? What message would you like to share with the world? Find your inner truth and show up to do your part.
I knew from a young age I was here to help people get on the path they are meant to be on. Today, I help folks to live their best possible life.
Each person has their own unique gifts, talents and abilities and life path. I help people to identify what this is by using my own gifts. I share what spirit’s message is for each person, to help them shine and connect with their unique divine truth.
I find great joy in helping people connect with their own unique gifts. I also love to teach techniques that vibe with each person to help them to connect with their own healing and inner guidance.
You Are A Bright Star In A Benevolent Universe
We live on a vibrant planet, a microcosm of a vast universe of mysterious galaxies, infinite passages, magnificent star clusters, and more than a zillion types of light we can only touch in the stillness of our souls. I am reminded of this splendor each time I gaze into the night sky.
I am also reminded of our presence in this wondrous universe upon waking in the morning and witnessing the magnificence of the sun rising above the hills. And then there is that pre-dawn twilight period when a sacred stillness envelopes all.
It is at these times that I feel most connected to the Divine Essence of Life that flows through the entire Universe. It affirms that I am also a part of this vast and expanding wonder of abundance, benevolence and unconditional love.
We sometimes lose sight of the fact that we have been created complete and dynamic, with an endless array of spiritual, metaphysical and psychological powers to forge through any goals we might establish for ourselves.
Too often we see ourselves as lacking in the ability to move our lives forward, especially when everything seems to be going wrong. It is during these periods that we must take a step back, breathe deeply, and focus on how magnificently perfect we were created.
Each of us is born with an inner compass and a set of spiritual gifts to guide our lives to celestial heights, even in the most rough moments when it appears that our world is crumbling.
I once had a wise friend who was a revered elder in our community. Throughout her life she has freely shared her wisdom with me. Towards the end of her earthly life, she reminded me that we were each born with the perfect tools in place to navigate through any ordeal, both the positive and the seemingly negative.
She urged me to reflect upon the higher guidance we were born with, and not be afraid of trusting my inner voice, especially during the bleak periods. So, in honor of my dear old friend, I encourage you today to utilize your special set of spiritual tools and trust in the higher guidance it leads you towards.
Let Your Spiritual Gifts Flow Naturally
We are all metaphysical beings born with a variety of spiritual gifts. Some of us intuitively know how to use our special gifts early in our life, while others may have difficulty embracing them.
Expressing our natural spiritual gifts takes a certain mindset. The key is to not try too hard. That’s right! No blood, sweat or tears are necessary. Just relax, surround yourself with calm and positivity, and clear your mind. Our metaphysical gifts and psychic talents flow naturally when we don’t try to force it.
We experience intuitions, signs and synchronicities every day, but often we do not pay enough attention. You may have felt someone was coming to visit today, or a vision of that person flashed through your mind, and then you bump into them later.
Maybe you smelled a sweet scent that reminded you of someone, or you knew the phone was going to ring, and it just did. We may have a feeling not to drive a certain way home today, and later discover that we missed a major traffic jam. We all have an inner voice that talks to us when we have important choices or decisions to make.
Some people have won the lottery, after the numbers just ‘popped into their mind.’ We all have dreams that reveal important information to us about the past, present or future. Some of us feel sadness or despair when we walk by strangers. We feel soul connections with some people we meet for the first time.
So, you see, we are all gifted, but we just need practice learning how to not try so hard, and instead just get comfortable and attuned with our spiritual self.