Life Design
But, It’s Mercury Retrograde…
Mercury went direct, finally, on June 3rd and not a moment too soon! If I can help it, I try to avoid signing new leases, having a carpenter come over to begin a new project, having a contractor pave our streets, or a daughter begin rehearsals on a very important one woman show she’s performing in New York City this summer.
You’d think having a resident astrologer on board would prevent all calamities from occurring. Not! That’s because I’m the town crier three to four times per year when Mercury retrograde takes to its sickbed. You can see me yelling through the streets warning all to thoroughly research, plan, to look before leaping, and expect delays, setbacks, and re-dos of whatever it is you’ve haphazardly done before.
Allow me to introduce myself: I’m the astrologer who cries wolf to a legion of fans who roll eyes at me. “No not this retrograde thing again! We’ve heard that before. Again, and again.
And you’ll hear it again because Mercury retrograde is one of those red flags that wave in your face and cause you to trip on a crack that needs fixing. It’s a backwards trickster this Mercury retrograde, and you’d best pay heed.
During the recent retrograde, I did my best to sound the alarm, but I was unilaterally ignored to the detriment of all who claimed they never heard my siren.
First case in point: My husband had my brother-in-law pop by for a sleepover yesterday with ulterior motives to utilize his unparalleled carpentry skills to beautify our wall. “All you gotta do is slap on a simple rock board before we add the stone,” proclaimed hubby. “Nothing to it for a master carpenter like you. Come on over for dinner, movies, and don’t forget your saw and tool kit!”
But it’s Mercury retrograde,” I whispered to my husband.
Crystal Energy Work For Prosperity
In these difficult times, we are all more budget-conscious, and for good reason. There is fortunately much we can do energetically to improve our finances. If it’s been a while since you worked with your crystals, and you find yourself financially struggling, this is an excellent time to revisit this work. Using the right types of crystals can help you grow and attract this kind of energy.
But instead of merely wanting more money, think about the concept of prosperity: the state of being successful and thriving with complete economic well-being.
Prosperity crystals have colors associated with wealth: green, gold, and clear. The beauty and power of green stones such as jade, amazonite, aventurine, and peridot are known for their ability to attract wealth. The same is true for crystals and stones in shades of gold (citrine, tiger’s eye, amber), as well as pyrite, or fool’s gold. And clear quartz, one of the most versatile crystals of all, sparkles like a diamond and further magnifies the traits of the other prosperity stones.
The best way to use your favorite prosperity crystals and stones depends on your intention. If you have entered a lottery or lucky draw, for example, you can simply carry a prosperity crystal or two in your pocket. An entrepreneur or business executive can wear a stylish piece of jewelry with their favorite prosperity stone to grow a new business venture.
Prosperity energy doesn’t have to be all about money only. Think of good fortune when making important deals, or a sudden flash of inspiration for a viable creative project. This is one of the key secrets many people struggle to grasp with prosperity: it is not merely material wealth!
Astrology Forecast June 13 – 19, 2022
Tomorrow’s Sagittarius Full Moon is the star of the show this week, emanating a joyful and optimistic energy all around us.
Full Moons are known for marking a time of release, so we should spend the next two weeks releasing old fears or worries, letting go of things that no longer bring us joy or fulfillment in our lives, and making a plan for new goals and activities that will enrich our lives.
Today and tomorrow’s Sagittarius Moon could however make it difficult to get anything done, as we’d rather want to play than work.
Fortunately Mercury in Gemini will help to even the score by inspiring us with mental acuity and curiosity. Use this energy to at least make some new plans or do research on that trip you have been putting off.
Once the Moon moves into Capricorn on Wednesday and Thursday, we’ll have no trouble making up for lost work time.
Remember to watch your step Wednesday morning under the Capricorn Moon square Jupiter in Aries, as this aspect has a the potential to get us into trouble with the law and the authorities. It can also be the catalyst for upheaval in romantic relationships.
Prepare to expect the unexpected as the Moon charges through Aquarius on Friday and Saturday, upending plans or presenting a better idea in its wake. Just remember to remain flexible and open to the shifts, as the Universe will be driving the bus on those days.
A Pisces Moon on Sunday will add a more relaxing energy to the day, promoting easy-going and restful activities, as well as the chance to regroup after a busy week.
The Feminine Power Of The Sacral Chakra
During the recent Mercury retrograde, I lost my apartment keys. In a moment of wanderlust, my keys had slipped out of my pocket during an outing.
It happened on a Sunday, and it was a holiday weekend to boot. The office at my apartment complex wouldn’t open until the Tuesday. So, I was either stuck in my home for two more days, or I could impart creative solutions.
I chose to do the latter.
My daughter stays with me some days of the week, as well as every other weekend. The other days she is with my ex-husband. I asked if he could drop her off a day early, so I could go out and buy groceries while she was here. Then she could buzz me back into the apartment.
When we face problems, a key ingredient in navigating solutions is creativity. This is partly supported by the sacral chakra that inspires us past challenging, endless obstacles.
Communicated by the throat chakra, the other creative center in the system, the sacral center radiates joy when a solution appears.
The sacral chakra is one of the three feminine energy centers of power, along with the heart chakra and third eye. If all three are balanced in the female body, she attracts abundance in love, financial matters, and friendships with ease. Her solutions are naturally inspired by love emanating from her being. Nothing is expected in return. Those who have benefitted from her help give back to her out of gratitude. Continue reading
How To Get More Out Of Your Journaling
I always thought of all journaling as writing one´s thoughts and feelings down on a notepad or in a book- something like a very personal diary. But recently, a very artistic, creative friend posted photos of some exquisite journals she makes. I had simply had to get one.
I even got to choose the colour, together with a sigil my friend will add between the layers of the journal. My choice for a sigil was something I am working on manifesting, so seeing that inscribed symbol will be a constant reminder of my manifestation each time I journal.
I asked my friend what her view is on journaling, because she absolutely loves creating these works of art. She envisions her creations being used as perhaps a gratitude journal, a dream journal, a meditation journal, a poetry notebook, as well as for general journaling or recording one’s favourite quotes.
At the beginning of the year, I began a nightly routine before falling asleep in making a mental note of the big and small things I am grateful for, and also to ponder about what I have managed to achieve during that particular day, be it a small chore I had procrastinated on, or something more important.
My fancy new journal will now be used to write down all the things I am grateful for at the end of each day, as well as recording my achievements. I feel it will have more impact written, and will be good to look back on, because I tend to be my own worst critic when something doesn’t get done.
Journaling is going to help me realize that I have really accomplished much as I could possibly get around to on any given day, and that I have done the best I could with the time and energy available to me.
Start Your Healing Journey Today
Yesterday afternoon, I decided to take the bus to the discount grocery store in my area. They are well-known for the best prices in town. When I came out of the store there was a storm brewing. Waiting for my bus ride back, the mounting storm grew worse. Intense lightning strikes were soon followed by pouring rain. I was a little distressed, as my groceries were getting soaked.
But I was not afraid.
Before my journey, I placed an uncut amethyst cabochon around my neck, and also donned a more traditional amethyst ring. Amethyst stabilizes the crown chakra, the highest portal that connects us to the Universe.
A year ago, when I moved into my current apartment, I was still very fearful of thunderstorms, especially living on the top floor of my apartment building. My remedy at that time was diffusing high-value essential oils, such as frankincense and sandalwood.
Years prior to my body-mind-spirit recovery journey, I was so intensely scared of storms that I had to have the news on in the basement of my ex-husband’s house.
It is by tapping into such personal conquests of my own fears, that I hold sacred every client’s concern. Worries about love and relationships, job security, and many other life challenges abound in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. But by remembering my own intense traumas and self-empowerment journey, I can embrace their life stressors. I don’t judge their fears and worries. I only step in their shoes through my memory portal.
Learning about the chakras and aura, after a life changing psychic reading that set the wheels in motion for my spiritual awakening journey nearly ten years ago, I started the courageous process of clearing my severely obstructed spirit. I’m not 100% of where I need to be yet in every aspect of my spirituality, but I do have a solid track record now to look back upon.