Telepathy Can Be Child’s Play!
Some psychics use ‘mind reading’ or telepathy in their work. Telepathy is communication between two minds, during which one or both people can perceive each other’s thoughts. Can it really happen? Does it really happen? Well, I know for a fact that it does.
Have you ever thought of someone who is many miles away, and all of a sudden the phones rings and the call is from that person who you where thinking about? At one time or another we all experience telepathy in some way.
When I was a boy, my older brother Mike and I would try to read each other’s minds using telepathic communication. We would try to sense what kind of ice cream the other would like to have. One would be the sender and the other the receiver.
My brother and I did our little experiment with an open mind and a non-judgmental attitude. It helped that we were growing up in a psychic-friendly family who lived in a real haunted house. Trust me you need an open mind and attitude to do that! We gave it a hundred percent effort, even with the many household distractions around us. It was summer time, but we would use our winter ear muffs to block any noise that might get in the way.
One of the biggest challenges for me was to learn to relax physically. It was difficult at first, but I soon learned to overcome it, mostly by breathing deeply. Eventually, when I was completely calm and relaxed, I was be ready. Then I would shut my eyes clear my mind and try to visualize what the object might be that my brother was be thinking of. We used my mother’s egg timer to make sure we would not overdo it.
Telepathic connection is believed to be stronger between family members than strangers, especially between mothers and children, and siblings, especially twins. For example, in 1942 zoologist and geneticist Horatio Newman published a book titled Twins and Super-Twins, in which he cites several examples of telepathy between twins.
True Love Is About Letting Go
Over the many years of doing psychic readings, I feel the best advice I have ever given clients is to let it be, and let it go. As difficult as it may be sometimes, whenever spirit shows me that toxic love cord connection, while there is still lifelong learning, soul growth and spiritual evolution to be had, then I know that person needs to release the energy that is holding them back and surrender to the flow.
The potential good news is that instead of losing the person we let go, the opposite often happens. Without all the energy attachments of anxiety, fear, obsession and worry, the other person who has been struggling to be separate, independent or free from the one that is holding on, feels the dramatic shift in energy and often change their mind and come around.
There is some real truth to be had from the 1981 rock hit Hold On Loosely by 38 Special that I still love to listen to. That song probably remains popular after all these years, probably because it offers such sensible relationship advice!
People sometimes come to me in turmoil, devastated and in tears, because they think it is over or never going to happen. If I see there is still hope and potential, I advise the client to let go and just go with the flow. The people we love are not always ready when we are. Sometimes we just need to give them a little space and time.
Sooner or later come around if it is meant to be – especially when we no longer spoil them with our constant, undivided attention, emotional coddling and obsessive thoughts. Every time we think of someone they pick up on the energy and begin to take it for granted. So, practicing ‘tough love’ tends to work wonders in the energy realm.
I have sees this advice work for most of my clients over the years, so I am sharing it with you today. If you intuitively feel a strong love cord that connects you with another, and that other person just does not seem to feel it in the same way you do, try just letting go for a while and see what happens. That person often comes around after a time left alone to think, ponder, and maybe go through some personal growth, trials and tribulations. Continue reading
To Hate Is A Self-Destructive Choice
When I was in middle school, around the age of 13 or so, I remember an older, more popular girl used to constantly bully me. I also remember coming home from school and telling my mother about it. I told my mother that I hated that girl, but she very sternly said, “Oh no, you don’t hate anyone!”
I defiantly replied, “Oh yes, I do!”
My mother then patiently replied, “Okay, well if you are going to insist on hating her, please go and do it somewhere else, young lady. I do not want to hear about it anymore!”
She never explained to me why she felt it was inappropriate for me to hate anyone. I didn’t figure this out until much later in my life.
My own daughter is now also a teenager and she sometimes comes home from school with similar complaints. A girl at school has been spreading false rumors about her. Just like I did all those years ago, my daughter also told me how she hated this girl. And I replied the same way my mother did, except I also explained that hate only breeds more hate.
To hate someone or something only hurts you, no one else. My daughter hating this person she feels has wronged her, will only cause her to hurt herself more with negative emotion, every time she thinks about this person. Every time she tells a friend or family member about this girl, she will be refueling her own negative fire. Thus, she will only end up hurting herself more.
The other girl does not feel every occasion my daughter is upset, or reliving the hurtful situation that occurred. In reality, my daughter is punishing herself every time she thinks about how this person wronged her. This is what we all tend to do, when we find ourselves in similar or hurtful situations.
Uproot Limiting Beliefs With Denial And Affirmation
Denials and affirmations are two methods of prayer or meditation that can be used to shift our experience of life. They are simplistic statements of truth that enable us to reprogram our subconscious mind and consciously create at a higher level.
These spiritual techniques are used by many in the New Thought and New Age spiritual movements and are amazingly effective for breaking old habits and thought patterns.
These two spiritual practices stem from the understanding that there is one Infinite Consciousness that is by its very nature benevolent and good. Many names have been given to this Infinite Consciousness or Infinite Mind, such as God, Source, the Universe, Higher Self, Spirit, the Divine, and so on.
The premise of denials and affirmations is that our individual mind is connected to the Divine Mind, and also that our mind is creative in the same way as the Divine Mind. This concept is found in varying forms in various religious and spiritual traditions.
Hindu philosophy, for example, is based on the belief that Brahman is the supreme universal force and ultimate reality to which each soul or athma is connected. The Buddha teaches, “Our life is shaped by our mind; we become what we think. Joy follows a pure thought like a shadow that never leaves.”
In the Christian tradition, Jesus says in Matthew 17:20, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”
When I was going through a difficult time in my life, Jesus jokingly came to me with these words. He has been one of my spirit guides for many years, but on this occasion, I didn’t find the ‘mustard seed’ metaphor very amusing.
Working With Sandalphon, Haniel And Jeremiel
Archangel Sandalphon
Archangel Sandalphon is one of only two archangels who has experienced a physical life on planet Earth. The other is Archangel Metatron. Sandalphon has a soft energy and can easily be overlooked, so one must pay close attention and really become quiet when he is in your space.
Sandalphon is associated with healing energy. He also assists the New Children to be born into the best possible families to accommodate their special gifts and sensitivities. He also supports us in finding inner peace.
Archangel Haniel
Archangel Haniel has the presence of a moon goddess. Her energy is subtle and deeply mysterious. She works to support us in embracing the ebbs and flows of life and helps us to connect to the Divine Feminine.
I also see her with a flowing stream of golden coins. She has taken on the task of increasing the financial abundance and prosperity of spiritually aware and conscious women. Through their hands and good works abundance and prosperity will flow that will change the lives of families and heal our planet.
The Ability To ‘Read Energy’
I use energy reading a lot in my work as a psychic advisor. I tend to read people’s energy first, and then I may ‘hear’ words and phrases, or ‘see’ images and visions, and so on. What is it like to ‘read energy’? The experience is not easy to put into words. It is both a feeling and a sensation, often combined with various sensory experiences.
For example, I once saw a photo of my friend’s baby grandson. I instantly sensed something was unusual with his mental energy. His energy, which I ‘see’ as a ‘ball,’ seemed slow. It was also moving in swirls, instead of the neat circles that I usually see with most people. It later turned emerged that he has a learning disability.
I also had a sense at the time that the parents needed to take this seriously and get him some private therapy, as it would lessen the difficulties he would have later in life and his education. But they chose not to do anything about it. As time went on it was becoming more and more obvious that he was struggling. Sadly, it could have been significantly lessened with early intervention.
When I meet people who are depressed, their energy is also slow, and it typically feels like it is diminished and moving backwards. Anxiety on the other hand reads as their ‘ball of energy’ being on fire. It is red and expansive, and the energy seems to be moving erratically.
Mental illness reads like the waves of the ocean. Instead of all their energy circling in the same direction, there are many waves going in many different directions. The energy is typically ruptured and chaotic.
People who have severe physical inflammation have energy that swells beyond their ball of light. It feels like a tire that has been over-inflated with air: dense and puffed up. Inflammation also affects their thought patterns.
Dark or evil energy is very distinct. I always have a visceral reaction first. I feel a tightness in my gut, the hair on my arms stand up, I begin to sweat, and I tend to feel nervous and on edge. The energy ball here can be anywhere from a dull brown, to grey or even black.
Your Beliefs Shape Your Reality
In metaphysics and alternative spirituality the idea that our belief or faith shapes our reality is a well-known concept. This notion is found again and again in sacred texts, ancient religions, and wisdom traditions.
In The Bible, for example, Jesus says, “With a mustard seed of faith you can move a mountain,” and the Buddha says, “The mind is everything, what we think we become.” These are just two examples among many others.
What is a belief? It is simply a thought that we choose to think again and again. Faith is when a belief becomes established as a pattern.
The mind, our consciousness, is where belief occurs. Whatever we choose to believe about ourselves, and about life, becomes true for us. The thoughts we hold in our mind shapes our reality.
‘Old school’ belief and faith is however a little different and maybe less trendy than the modern idea of the Law of Attraction and our ability to ‘manifest,’ that has become so popular in recent years in spiritual circles and the metaphysical community. Yet, it it is still an important spiritual principle.
Our beliefs and biases work as a filter within the brain to organize our experiences to confirm a belief or bias. For example, if someone has a belief that their partner is aloof, or not present in the relationship, their brain will filter out those experiences where their partner is actually active and present in the relationship.
In this way the brain confirms its own biases. Even if their partner is present, caring, kind and open to communication, their chosen belief will overshadow their reality. Continue reading