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Love, Joy And Happiness After Years Of Hardship

click here for a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI have a client who used to be extremely depressed. I recommend she speak to a therapist or counselor instead, because I felt that is exactly what she needed at the time. She had been harboring a lot of bitterness, grief, sadness, anger and other toxic negative emotions for a very long time. She needed professional help that I felt was beyond my scope of expertise.

So, she found a therapist and went for counseling, but months later she told me that the only thing she felt she accomplished was her spending thousands of dollars on help she never really received. She had still found no relief from her deep distress.

She had been bitter for a long time. While raising her children and attending church, her husband would cheat on her. She also worked the entire time the children were young, until they graduated. Meanwhile, he would leave on ‘business trips’ to go and gamble away their hard-earned livelihood, and spend time with other women. Then one day, he met someone he wanted to marry. So, they divorced and he moved far away to be with his new wife. He was a narcissist.

Her sadness and grief was also due to the loss of her mother, whom she had taken care of for 20 years after her father passed. She sacrificed a lot to dedicate herself to serving her mother’s needs. During this time she had no notion of self-care. She suffered on all levels: emotionally, physically, spiritually. She even gave up going to church. She was slowly dying inside and didn’t even know who she was anymore.

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Mandala Meditation

click for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMandala is an ancient word simply meaning ‘circle’ in Sanskrit. Mandalas are patterns which range from simple to complex, and are said to represent the Universe and its energies. Varying designs have appeared for centuries in cultures around the world. These beautiful and intriguing works of art can be used in any meditative practice.

To use a mandala in your spiritual practice, begin by choosing one which has special meaning for you, or has a design you personally find harmonious. Many can be found online, in design books, or in color-it-yourself art books. The colors and patterns can also hold intrinsic meanings.

When you have found a mandala you like, use it as a focal point for meditation. State your intent beforehand. While studying the design of your mandala, let your mind stray into the subconscious.

This work is quite similar to candle or crystal work, in that the imagery directs our thoughts rather than the other way around. If you’ve ever found yourself getting lost in the patterns of a tile floor, or the wallpaper in a favorite room, then you’re already well-equipped for mandala work!

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Healing Painful Soul Memories

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comEvery moment in our life creates a soul memory. Some of those memories are wonderful, and some are dreadful. The most horrific memories can be buried so deep, that the are no longer conscious memories, but they still affect how we move forward in life.

For example, a person who was sexually abused as a child may gain excessive weight or become self-destructive in their habits, in order to punish themselves, or to protect themselves from being the source of someone wanting to abuse them again.  Because this abuse can happen at such a young age, the child may not have a conscious recollection of it until something in the present triggers it. They often have the barriers of protection they have created, but they do not know why.

When a trigger comes to surface that brings up a subconscious soul memory, it needs to be dealt with, or it will start to eat away at all the enjoyment in a person’s life. It will ruin their relationships, friendships and even work relationships, because the person simply cannot function at their true and full capacity with joy in their soul.

How do you heal painful soul memories? It takes a lot of work. It does not happen in a moment, or overnight. It is a matter of looking at each aspect, one at a time, forgiving what happened, forgiving yourself for carrying it for so long, and releasing it from your soul memory.

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A Psychic’s Perspective On Suicide

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI have had quite a wave of callers in recent months who are extremely concerned over threats their children or loved ones have been making about ending their own lives. No matter what the circumstances may be, such suicidal tendencies must always be taken very seriously and handled with kid gloves. Contacting a psychic should ideally not be the first course of action. There are specialist emergency help lines and dedicated suicide hotlines which do a wonderful job.

Psychics also receive calls sometimes from clients who feel everything in their lives has become futile, and that the world would be better off without them. These types of psychic consultations are among the most challenging that we as advisors ever have to offer. Sometimes it helps just to listen to a distraught soul, and advise them where their true life purpose might lie, but I always suggest that such callers seek the help of a professional counselor or therapist.

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Are You Experiencing A Spiritual Awakening?

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDoing psychic readings, I sometimes talk to someone who thinks they are ‘going crazy,’ but in actuality they are experiencing symptoms of spiritual awakening. But how does one recognize the common symptoms of spiritual awakening?

The term ‘spiritual awakening’ is somewhat overused these days in metaphysical circles. Just about anyone who has a ‘woo-woo’ moment, or gains deeper insight into a situation, or suddenly sees chakra colors, seems to believe they are having a true, full-blown ‘spiritual awakening.’

Spiritual awakening does tend to occur spontaneously, and from what I’ve witnessed, the more open-minded the person is and the less attached to outcomes they are, the more available or ‘ripe’ they are for a spiritual awakening to occur.

Just the other day a client was telling me of her experience while peeling a carrot over the kitchen sink. She said she was looking down at her hands, watching them, and wondering what was animating them? It can be a strange moment when you discover that you are not really who you thought you were. It can be disorienting, to say the least, to see yourself from such an objective position. However, if you know ahead of time that this is perfectly normal, and others have experienced these signs too, it can make your life a lot easier. Continue reading

The Healing Power Of Forest Bathing

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comForest bathing, or tree bathing, is a lost healing art much needed in this era of technology. It is a powerful, natural healing tool for cleansing the aura and chakras, and it doesn’t cost anything. The Japanese call it Shinrin-Yoku, or ‘forest medicine.’

Tree bathing is to allow the trees and plants to filter your energy, like they filter the air – in with the good, pure and new… and out with the toxic thoughts and feelings of anger and fear. There is a tremendous benefit to being in nature without having to achieve, compete, accomplish, or do something.

Trees are believed to have a secret language they use to communicate with each other. This language helps to heal us when we become part of their energy and communication. Trees are natural purifiers. They take old, toxic, polluted air and filter it through their system and release healthy, pure air with renewed and powerful life force. We breath this air in and it heals our lungs and organs. Stress can also do this energetically, just by being in their presence. Continue reading

Why Take A Hospice Course

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhy would anyone want to take a course about death and dying? Most of us don’t even want to think about death, much less talk about it. A lot of people think and feel it’s just plain crazy, and that such a course could never enrich their life.

I can only speak for myself and say that I highly recommend a hospice course, especially if you want to understand yourself and life better. Hospice teaches people how to live while dying.

The cost of a course is usually very affordable as it is not aimed at making a profit. However, I had to take several evenings off from my work as a psychic medium, hypnotherapist and energy worker, so it cost be a lot more in the end. But it was well worth every penny, including the time I spent braving the cold winter here in Maine. Continue reading

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