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My Mystical Encounter With A Music Box

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!I go through my house at least once a year to get rid of some of the clutter. I even have a large bin labeled “donate,” and when stuff has outlived its usefulness, it goes in there.

Recently, I took some of these unwanted items to the charity thrift store they were intended for.

Whenever I go into an antique or thrift store, I immediately lower my psychic awareness and energetically shield myself as a precaution. I have to, or the energy residue and imprints in those places will wreak havoc on my auric well-being and state of mind.

Not protecting my energy and not blocking out incoming psychic impressions in such an energetically dense environment would be like hanging out at a funeral home, absorbing everyone’s sadness and grief and then taking it home with me. It is basically the psychic empath equivalent of sunbathing on the beach for hours without sunscreen!

Before I learned how to “unplug” and “shield up,” I would feel so unbalanced and completely drained afterwards that I would lie in bed for days to recharge my batteries. I would feel overwhelmed with emotional and psychic overload, which is both mentally and physically toxic. Fortunately, over the years I have learned how to protect my auric energy and “turn off” my psychic abilities to use at my discretion only when needed.

After dropping off my bags at the store, the man behind the counter went into sales mode and excitedly informed me that he had just received a ton of cool new items. His sales pitch was charming, and I decided to poke around the store for a few minutes to see what I could find. I had no intention of buying anything, and thankfully I didn’t. I didn’t need any more clutter!

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Is Your ‘Friend’ A Toxic Energy Thief?

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Do you have a friend who constantly makes you feel unbalanced and drained, while adding no value to your life? We’ve all had that so-called ‘friend’ who doesn’t seem to care much about our well-being. Sometimes they don’t even seem to like us at all!

They are that fair-weather friend who drains your energy and constantly exhibits toxic behaviors that destroy your inner peace, steal your joy, and disrupt your spiritual balance. Interacting with them increases your stress or anxiety, and even triggers a sense of disconnection from your true self.

If you have such a “friend,” consider this a serious wake-up call. After all, with a friend like that, who needs enemies? And if you have more than one such friend, consider this an urgent intervention!

The truth is that having an energy vampire masquerading as a friend in your life poses significant spiritual dangers and negative effects on your overall health and well-being.

Constant interaction with someone who is unkind and unsupportive hinders your personal and spiritual growth. Instead of uplifting and encouraging you, they serve only to hold you back and may even discourage you from pursuing your dreams. These people are not your friends.

It reminds me of the karate classes I used to take. We were taught to have ‘situational awareness.’ In karate, this refers to being fully aware of your surroundings, including potential threats, opportunities, and obstacles during training, sparring, or self-defense scenarios. It involves being mentally present and observing the environment, the opponent, and any relevant factors that could affect the outcome of a situation.

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Energy Imprint, Energy Cord, Or Entity Attachment?

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!In my work, I often encounter people who are experiencing phenomena that are negatively affecting their energy field, causing them to suffer a loss of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health and well-being.

Usually these problems are simply due to their own negative thinking, or external negative energy imprints or residues that their aura has picked up from toxic people or environments. In many cases, it can be due to the energy cord of a dysfunctional or unhealthy romantic relationship or other types of energy cords with family, friends, or co-workers that are contaminating or draining their personal energy and vitality.

In some cases, however, these negative energy influences have a far more sinister origin that the “carrier” or victim is rarely aware of, while it is destroying their well-being and wreaking havoc in their lives.

The problem is that many people do not understand the difference between negative energy imprints, energy cords, and evil entity or spirit attachments. In my experience, the confusion is mainly due to the fact that the effects these three categories of negative energy phenomena have on people are often similar, leading to misinterpretation of the source or cause of these influences and disturbances.

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The Haunted History Of Music City

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Many cities around the world are home to their fair share of ghosts and haunted places. Nashville, Tennessee, also known as Music City, is no exception. With the city’s rich and diverse cultural history, from early Native American times to the Civil War to today’s country music industry, it’s no wonder Nashville is haunted.

The unique histories of cities like Nashville, New Orleans, and Savannah, which have experienced war, disease, natural disasters, and slavery, contribute to their reputations as some of the most haunted places. In these cities, many people died under unpleasant circumstances, and much of the modern urban landscape is built on old graveyards and cemeteries, adding to the lore and mystery of these places.

One of the most famous ghosts in Nashville is that of Adelicia Hayes, a 19th century woman whose second husband built the city’s famous Belmont Mansion. Adelicia Hayes Franklin Acklen Cheatham (1817–1887) is an influential and controversial figure in Nashville’s history and was one of the wealthiest women of the antebellum South. Her first husband died in 1846, leaving her an inheritance valued at approximately $1 million, which included seven Louisiana cotton plantations, a two-thousand-acre farm in Gallatin, Tennessee and hundreds of slaves.

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The Difference Between Ghosts And Spirits

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!The terms “ghost” and “spirit” are often used interchangeably, but there are significant differences in how they’re traditionally understood.

Over the years, I have found that it is quite common for people to sometimes confuse ghosts with the spirits of their deceased loved ones, primarily because both concepts involve entities that are no longer living in the physical world.

However, understanding the distinction between these two types of entities is important for those seeking comfort, closure, or communication with the afterlife, especially in the context of mediumship readings and spiritualism.

Our emotional connection to the deceased often influences how we interpret paranormal experiences. Grief, longing, and love can make us more receptive to signs and spiritual energies that we believe are from our deceased loved ones.

Without a clear understanding of the differences between ghosts and spirits, any unusual paranormal activity may be misinterpreted as evidence of a loved one’s presence.

While both ghosts and spirits are spiritual phenomena related to the survival of human consciousness beyond the death of the physical body, there are distinct differences in these two types of entities’ connection to the physical world and their level of progression or transition into the afterlife.

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My Mysterious New Spirit Companion

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI grew up with two native languages. My father spoke French and my mother  English, although they were fluent in both.

As we grew older, it became increasingly apparent that my siblings and I were divided when it came to honoring our linguistic background.

Over the years, some of us chose to speak primarily English, while the rest of the clan preferred French.

However, those of us who went the English route, including myself, still ended up with a rather thick French accent and a tendency to use various distorted phrases.

Over the years, my heavy accent has fortunately diminished considerably and I no longer sound as French as I once did, but the language situation has recently taken a strange supernatural turn for me.

To further explain, I must pivot for a moment to the concept of angels, spirit guides, and discarnate beings. The angels and spirit guides I have experienced in my life, both personally and professionally, bear little resemblance to what is traditionally portrayed in religion, art, literature, and pop culture. Nor do I believe that these spirit beings sit around patiently all day waiting to be at our exclusive beck and call!

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Investigating Paranormal Activity

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe existence of ghosts and the paranormal has been a topic of debate and controversy for centuries. With something so abstract it is nearly impossible to find fact in every ghost story. These tales are many times shrouded in myth, legend, and superstition.

However, there are those who make it their life’s work to prove the existence of ghosts and the paranormal. These people, known as paranormal investigators, use various tools and methods to detect any presence of energy that may be other worldly.

The modern field of paranormal investigation requires much more sophisticated tools than one may think. Professional investigators use an array of various technological gadgets and tools, each with its own unique purpose. For basic equipment, most investigators would go nowhere without some type of energy meter, a camera and a voice recorder.

For the more seasoned investigator, an electromagnetic field meter (EMF) and an infrared (IR) thermometer are crucial to a successful and thorough investigation. An EMF detects high levels of electromagnetism, but they are not ‘ghost detectors.’ An EMF only captures the information, but it is up to the investigator to decipher this data. High readings near telephone lines or wiring may be false positives, but a presence in an abandoned building or open field are likely to be more suspect.

An IR thermometer will simply detect changes in temperature, but as with EMF readings these readings must be analyzed and all other sources must be ruled out, before deeming it supernatural.

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