My Mysterious New Spirit Companion
I grew up with two native languages. My father spoke French and my mother English, although they were fluent in both.
As we grew older, it became increasingly apparent that my siblings and I were divided when it came to honoring our linguistic background.
Over the years, some of us chose to speak primarily English, while the rest of the clan preferred French.
However, those of us who went the English route, including myself, still ended up with a rather thick French accent and a tendency to use various distorted phrases.
Over the years, my heavy accent has fortunately diminished considerably and I no longer sound as French as I once did, but the language situation has recently taken a strange supernatural turn for me.
To further explain, I must pivot for a moment to the concept of angels, spirit guides, and discarnate beings. The angels and spirit guides I have experienced in my life, both personally and professionally, bear little resemblance to what is traditionally portrayed in religion, art, literature, and pop culture. Nor do I believe that these spirit beings sit around patiently all day waiting to be at our exclusive beck and call!
Having said that, I noticed a few weeks ago that I was suddenly humming French songs, using French phrases, and even speaking more of my broken French with some of my siblings. I thought this was pretty weird because this is not something I would normally do?
Divine wisdom has ordained that the higher should look after the lower, angels execute the divine plan for human salvation: they are our guardians, who free us when hindered and help to bring us home ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas
But having worked so closely with the spirit realm for decades, I know by now to always trust that unusual events and circumstances happen for a reason, and that the truth of their origin and purpose will eventually be revealed.
A few days ago, as I was going downstairs to make my morning coffee and start my day, I clairaudiently heard a woman’s voice say very clearly to me in French, “J’ai 82 ans” (I am 82 years old). I stopped for a moment in surprise, then simply acknowledged what I had heard and walked on.
Soon after, I was suddenly awakened in the middle of the night by the same voice telling me, “Il fait froid dehors” (It’s cold outside). At first I thought it strange, because although it had been raining lately, the weather had been quite moderate. But then I looked out the window and saw that my car was covered in a thick layer of winter frost.
Since then, it has become abundantly clear that a French-speaking female spirit has begun to communicate with me for some reason. This morning, as I was riding my bike, she introduced herself to me as “Clothilde.”
At this time I have no idea why she has chosen to make contact with me. I am sure she will reveal her motives in due time. But for now, I will just greet her every day and wait for her to reveal the reasons for her presence to me. Bon jour, Clothilde!
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