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Our Healing Circle Of Cats

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI belong to a healing meditation group for women. We gather in a circle and discuss the past week’s goings on, and also direct healing energy to anyone who needs it. Many of the members in the group are lightworkers. Some of them may not have been aware of the true extent of their spiritual abilities, when they first joined the group, but as they continued attending they learned many things to open up, expand, and develop their spiritual gifts and talents.

Our most recent gathering was especially interesting to me. As usual, we were passing the ‘talking stick’ around. This custom comes from an ancient Native-American tradition of tribal democracy. The talking stick is passed around in the group, enabling the group members to speak in turn.

The first lady to share was a very wise women, and of the kindest people I have ever met. She talked about rude one of her family members were to her recently, for no reason at all. She also shared how she “about had it” with her brother. He is constantly criticizing her, and looking down his nose at her. Apparently, he feels she doesn’t live a ‘normal life’ and he does not appreciate, among other things, her work as a Reiki practitioner and an energy healer.

A few other women then also shared stories of their unfortunate dealings with family and friends, who were very judgmental and condescending about their spiritual interests and practices.

When it came to be my turn to share, I was very open about how I had decided I was not going to attend an upcoming family wedding, because the father of the relative getting married is a very bigoted and unpleasant man,. He is racist, has no respect for anyone, and is very controlling. Simply put – he is a hater.

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The Spiritual Symbolism Of The Peacock

Click Here for a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThe masculine energy of the peacock emanates self-assurance and confidence, and also represents pride and vanity. In the spiritual context, masculine energy is understood to be the active and doing part of nature – it is the force that compels us forward.

Given the uncertainty we are currently facing our world climate, we could all call on the energy of this spirit animal to provide us with the courage to step forward in new ways.

The peacock was the first bird to every appear in my artwork. Each time I was drawn to paint the peacock, I experienced major changes in my life, which involved either moving home or relocation, or taking another step to progress in my career.

The peacock (Pavo cristatus), also known as the Indian peafowl, has a long tradition of spiritual symbolism in many cultures and belief systems. The peacock (in contrast to the peahen) is known for the beautiful array of iridescent colors in his tail feathers, featuring the well-known mystical designs that look like eyes. Some of the key spiritual messages of the peacock include:


As the vision for the peacock came to life on that first canvas, I gained a renewed sense of confidence with my own artwork. He reminds us all of the need to feel free, joyful and confident in how we express ourselves. When we have appreciation for our abilities, it gives rise to self-confidence.

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Now Is The Time For Love, Joy And Serenity

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe have been given a unique opportunity by the Covid-19 pandemic: we have free time. Many people are feeling frustrated or anxious right now, but the sages of the ages gave us unique tools to deal with such things.

The great teachers, prophets, gurus, avatars and ascended masters taught us that the experience of love, joy, and serenity can only truly come from within. They encouraged us to take time each day for prayer and meditation. But many of us did not listen. We have the time now, so don’t waste it!

Before Covid-19, most of us were frantically running around in search of these intrinsic qualities of inner peace, love, joy, and serenity. We attempted to control everything in our lives, so we could feel a sense of stability and security. And we were searching for a sense of fulfillment.

Now, as we are forced to settle down, some of us are beginning to realize that these ‘fillers’ we had been chasing in life, have not really provided an authentic sense of security or fulfillment. The truth is that the answers were never outside of ourselves.

In my career as a professional psychic, I have talked to countless people over the years who were on a crusade to find love, joy, and serenity outside of themselves. I have heard so many people blame their circumstances, or other people, for their many woes. But their misery is usually a product of searching for something that is not there. You see, we cannot find love, joy, and serenity. We can only be it.

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There Are No Clocks In The Spirit World

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI attended a lecture at the Arthur Findlay College of Psychic Research in the United Kingdom many years ago, during which I recall the speaker saying, “There are no clocks and watches in the spirit world.”

He explained further that those of us who do psychic readings must bear in mind that as much as our spirit helpers do their best to give us some indication of time-frames, timing can actually be very tricky.

He also emphasized how we tend to get obsessed with time in our world. While we are constantly racing against the clock, our ‘inner states’ change over time. Sometimes, we may feel that we are beating the clock, and it feels empowering for a while, but there often comes moments when we wish we had more time to ‘just be’ and to feel connected to the very source of our being. To truly feel the state we are in.

When we are fully aware of the state we are in, for example the beginning of depression, we are able to process it and deal with it, instead of ‘chasing our tails’ until our mind and body eventually forces us to stop… and really feel the discomfort!

More importantly, when we return to the spirit world one day, our environment there will not be determined by time, but by the state we are in when we leave our current physical body.

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The Power You Hold Within

Click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThere are days in everyone’s life when it feels as if you are at the end of your rope, and unable to face another day. These are actually the times that you have the most power!

When you are stressed, frustrated or lacking in energy, take time to go within and tap into your inner guidance. Quiet your mind, just for a few minutes, breathe and allow your guides and angels to connect with your energy. It doesn’t matter what type of energy you have going at the moment; it can be negative, positive, angry, happy, sad. It simply does not matter.

Once your guides connect with you, they can either enhance the positive energy, or they can take the negative energy away. They have the ability to lessen the pain, the anxiety, the frustration. They are also able to show you a new path, to enable you to walk away from the drama in your life.

It is vital to “cast your worries and cares to a Higher place.” When you let your guides and angels take these things off your shoulders, you will start to see a clearer path ahead. It won’t happen immediately, but with practice you will find that there is insignificance in most of the issues and drama. Even the ‘big stuff’ will just not feel as big anymore.

Relationships are a huge area of stress for many. Too often someone has chosen the wrong partner to spend their life with. Yet, when the relationship eventually falls apart, they often feel that the end of their world is upon them. They even believe their mismatched partner is the only person that will ever make them happy. This way of thinking is wrong in every way. No one else can make you happy. True happiness comes from within.

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Shifting Into A Creative Vibrational Frequency

click for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comYou are more powerful than you may be consciously aware of. You have access to more creative power than you think, and if you want to raise your vibration in the quickest way possible, you need to integrate your physical body with the light of the spirit of your higher self.

When your vibrational frequency shifts into a creative state, you will experience a shift in your health, relationships, income, and your entire life. It is very crucial for you to imagine yourself in the future.

To jump start this process you need to write an outline script for your future life. Find a peaceful, quiet place where you feel comfortable and then start scripting life the way you want it to be in a few year’s time. Write every detail about it, every little detail, whether it seems important or not.

Be true to your own wishes and desires. This outline is not something that you need to show to anyone else. This is for you and you alone. It is your life, you design it. Write in words what you want and how you want it to be. It will start to happen the way you want it to be. Believe!

You need to be in the right state of mind to get down to every detail that you need to write, otherwise it will not be as effective or successful as it can be. If you don’t seem to find the right mind frame to think properly about what you really want, you should invoke the angels and get their help, guidance, and assistance.

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Empath Recovery From A Relationship With A Narcissist

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI wrote a previous article about the phenomenon of empaths having a dangerous attraction to, and engaging in toxic relationships with narcissists. I have since been asked how the empath can more easily break away from such a relationship with a narcissist.

I am sorry to have to say, in my experience there is no surefire way to effortlessly sever such a connection. At least none that I am aware of. The connection between these two seemingly opposing forces is indeed a complicated one, since each of them serves the other with complimentary personality traits. Ending the connection is usually traumatic and detrimental to the empath.

Empaths seem to dive head first into ‘soul sucking.’ They are instinctively drawn to emotionally and mentally toxic relationships with narcissistic partners. It is the nature of the empath to try and heal those who are emotionally, mentally and even physically wounded. And too often the empath will commit almost unconditionally to this task.

The narcissist, however, lacks the ability to empathize with others and acts on their own selfish feelings of grandiosity and self-inflated ego. They serve only themselves and their need for attention and adoration. Their loyalty only lies where it is most beneficial to them. They are therefore capable of tremendous levels of deceit and manipulation. They will abuse the empath both mentally or physically to gain control over nearly every aspect of the empath’s life. They make the entire relationship solely about themselves and their needs.

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