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Spirit Will Guide You Through Life’s Murkiest Fog

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThis time of year, I am usually way too busy to spend much time relaxing on my porch, but today, I just felt it was high time for some ‘me time.’ Yes, psychics and mediums tend to be great at giving guidance to others about the necessity for taking some ‘me time,’ but not so good about following our own advice.

It is always so calm and peaceful to just rock away in my favorite chair on the porch, feeling the energy of the ocean. It is a wonderful time for me to meditate and connect with my spirit guides and loved ones in spirit.

Looking out over the ocean, I observed some ‘sea smoke’ over the water. Sea smoke, also known as ‘frost smoke’ or ‘steam fog,’ is a type of fog that arises when extremely cold air moves over warmer water.

The sea smoke can become so dense that it is impossible for sailors to clearly see all the boats and yachts on their moorings. This is when one hears the tugboat’s foghorn guiding the big tankers safely to their destination. Although it is a strange, eerie sound, it is also reassuring to know the boats can find their way through the sea smoke.

As I came out of meditation, I noticed the sea smoke had finally started to lift. I could now see the red tugboats and the sun was peeking through the clouds. It looked like a slice of heaven to me.

Then the thought came to me how symbolic this beautiful sight was of life’s challenges and how we can overcome adversity more easily with the support and guidance of spirit.

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Stay Spiritually Uplifted This Winter Holiday Season

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comFor some people, the approach of winter is a fantastic time of the year. They love to walk amongst the golden autumn leaves, breathing in the crisp air that enlivens the soul, while looking forward to the festive holiday season.

For others, the holiday season is a time of fear and dread. It is for some that time of the year when they feel more bored, lonely, depressed and lacking in enthusiasm. I used to be one of those people. I could not wait for it all to be over, so the brighter days of spring could arrive. But these days I have a very different outlook. I have learned ways to lift my spirits during this time of the year. Yes, winter holiday period does not have to be a ‘dark night of the soul!’

If you are currently also dreading the fast-approaching holiday season, the following self-care strategies can help you turn this time of the year into a period of true joy and upliftment. It will assist you in navigating the winter through to the spring effectively and happily, while maintaining emotional well-being and keeping your spirits high.

Intentions & Goalsetting

It is always great to have something uplifting to look forward to, especially when the nights are cold, long, and lonely. This time of the year is the perfect opportunity to set new goals or personal targets that will add value and excitement to your life. No need to for New Year’s Eve to make your resolutions. Start setting those intentions

Once you have set your goals, begin to meditate on and visualize those intentions. Once you get your intentional energy rolling, the Universe will assist you in manifesting your endeavours by cosmically aligning you to the desired end result.

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Do You Have A Map For Your Love Journey?

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn my experience as a psychic advisor everyone has a unique love journey.  Love is a big question for many of my callers, yet the answers from spirit are never exactly the same.

Two of the recurring themes I often find in love and relationship readings are that people have a unique set of dealbreakers, as well as personal love languages. And when these differing needs, wants and expectations are mismatched in a love connection it leads to much disappointment, frustration, heartbreak, and even abuse.

If you have been struggling in the romance department, a good place to start improving your chances of finding or building a lasting love connection is to become more self-aware and conscious of your actual expectations. I find many people lack clarity on this and therefore tend to figure it out by trial and error, which is seldom the best approach.

The first step is to figure out what your love language is. How do you expect to me treated by your partner? How should they ideally behave towards you in your relationship dynamic? If we do not know what love behavior we need from a partner, we are also not able to clearly ask for it. And if we do not ask for what we want and need, we are unlikely to receive it.

For example, some people need lots of verbal affirmation in a relationship, while others value physical touch, or receiving gifts, or acts of kindness, or intellectual stimulation, or emotional support. Some simply require quality time, sharing interests, or having their partner’s full attention from time to time. What is your love language? Continue reading

Forgive, But Never Forget!

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI’ve been reflecting on the notion of ‘forgive and forget’ in this season of thanksgiving, joy, generosity, and gratitude. Is it indeed necessary for us to both forgive and forget when others wrong us? Does that not make is doormats or losers? Consulting spirit on this matter, I found that the concept of ‘forgetting’ actually implies something quite different to our typical understanding of it.

True forgiveness is to ‘turn the other cheek’ when we are wronged. It is an essential aspect of our spiritual growth and soul evolution. When we practice forgiveness, we increase dharma, which is essentially ‘cosmic law and order’ and therefore ‘good karma.’  If we have good dharma, we begin to receive more gifts and blessings from the Universe, and spontaneous kindness and generosity from others. We also become more approachable because our ‘gratitude glass’ is always more than half full with spiritual champagne!

Spiritual practice and energetic self-care are the optimal ways to practice and strengthen our forgiveness. Through daily prayer, meditation, candle work, or journaling, supplemented by anointing ourselves with healing essential oils, for example, or taking an Epsom salt bath, we can release all resentment, anger and bitterness that block our energy flow and holds us back.

The other person does not need to know that we’ve forgiven them. It is of course even better if we tell them, but their participation or approval is not necessary. Forgiveness is a private matter and a gift we give to ourselves.

Forgetting harms and hurts is however an entirely different matter. If we forget too easily, we also tend to stop reflecting gratefully on our joys and blessings. Bad things happening to good people increases our appreciation and gratitude for the good things in our lives.

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Messages From My Totems

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDo you have a specific animal, bird, reptile, or insect that keeps catching your attention? I am not speaking of your dog or cat or pet bird, but of those that you repeatedly cross paths with in nature, or even in your dreams.

Each one of us has at least one totem or spirit animal, and sometimes more, that show up in some way throughout our lifetime. The term totem comes from the Ojibwa word ototeman and was introduced in English in the 18th century to refer to a ‘designated guardian spirit animal.’

When our totems show up, the most important thing is to recognize what is currently happening in your life, or what thoughts are going through your mind at the time you see it. You may also notice that whenever you are in turmoil you tend to see this specific creature (or creatures) more than when life is going smoothly.

Each totem is a symbolic representation with a specific message. They warn us of danger, or help us make important life decisions, or comfort us when we are struggling, or just bring a confirmation or a sense of peace.

They bring to us whatever we most need at the time they cross our paths. It is up to you to just trust the energy you are in when you come across one of these beautiful creatures.

Three totems that have been present in my life at specific times are the Eagle, the Owl and the Wolf. Each offered me specific support I needed at that time, and they brought me reassuring messages. At times they have also inspired me with confidence, power and strength when I most needed it. Below are a few examples of what these totems have represented to me. Maybe it will help you identify, understand, and trust your animal totems.

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Signs That You Have A High Vibration

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSpiritually aware people know that it is important to achieve and maintain a high energy frequency to live a truly conscious, empowered life. Diverse spiritual practices, metaphysical techniques and lifestyle activities can be pursued to achieve this elevated state of ‘beingness’ and higher consciousness.

But how does one know for sure that all your efforts to raise your vibration are indeed successful? How do you recognize an elevated ‘vibe’ in yourself and others? Are there clear signs of someone having a high energy vibration?

Yes, there are indeed certain traits and indicators one can look out for to identify people with a high vibration:

Empowered. When a person with a high energy vibration walks into a room, everybody immediately takes notice of them. They have a powerful presence. Everyone will instantly light up and suddenly become more relaxed, friendly, happy, and joyful.

Healing. People seek you out others who have a higher vibration when they are feeling sad, depressed, anxious, or just need someone to talk to. High vibration people therefore often find themselves in the role of teacher, nurturer, caregiver, healer, or peacemaker.

Trusted. People with a raised vibration are often more easily and spontaneously trusted by others. Animals and children especially are naturally drawn to those who have a high vibration. Animals and children are sensitive to negative, low energies and tend to avoid it at any cost. If a crying baby or scared pet vehemently refuses to have anything to do with someone, chances are something is off with that person’s energy. Kids and animals prefer and only trust ‘light and love’ vibes.

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Are You A Victim, Observer, Or Empowered Creator?

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI have been doing psychic readings for many years now, and I learn something new almost every day. Many of the personal and spiritual insights I have attained in my sessions with clients, have been very beneficial to me in both my professional and personal life.

One of these spiritual messages revealed to me a powerful concept regarding the mindset we choose as our overriding outlook on life and the impact it has on our joy, happiness and fulfillment. How we view the world and interact with others depends on whether we choose to go through life as a Victim, Observer, or a Creator.

Most people shift between these three mindsets at different times and in different areas of their life, but we tend to revert to one of these positions as our predominant outlook on life. Spirit has shown me that the ideal for all spiritually conscious people must be to empower ourselves in such a way as to achieve the Creator level in all areas of our life. This has become my hope and aim for all of my clients.

Consider which of these three mindsets tends to define your outlook on life most of the time:

Victim – A victim allows the external to influence the internal and experience things such as constant financial hardship and debt, chronic discontent in relationships, co-dependency in relationships, boredom and frustration, chronic exhaustion, fear and confusion, and dissatisfaction in career and business. The victim‘s emotions are dictated by the ebb and flow of life and allows external events and other people to determine their daily state of mind.

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