Why You Need To Be Honest With Yourself
As a professional psychic, I frequently see clients stuck in unfulfilling relationships or careers, yearning for a deeper sense of happiness and purpose. Many of these individuals are forced to navigate a societal norm that encourages them to settle for less than what they deserve.
Furthermore, many of us were taught to avoid confronting our problems. This is wrong. We must face the root causes head-on, choosing temporary distractions over them.
This approach may provide a brief sense of comfort, but it is ultimately a futile attempt to perpetuate cycles of dissatisfaction. If you find yourself at a crossroads—questioning a toxic relationship, a stagnant career, or an unfulfilling life path—it is time for a transformative shift. The journey begins with radical honesty.
We must be brutally honest with ourselves. This is not self-criticism. It is self-love. Spiritually empowered people take responsibility for what they can change and refuse to make excuses. When we do this, we empower ourselves to move toward a more authentic, fulfilling life.
Denial and a lack of self-love are holding you back. The truth is our liberator. It shows us the way to greener pastures and a higher vibrational frequency.
Facing your inner truth is uncomfortable. Get over it. Embrace the temporary disruptions of change. It often demands that you release relationships, habits, or patterns that no longer serve your highest good. These shifts might initially feel like losses, but they are blessings in disguise. Each adjustment creates space for new, more aligned opportunities to manifest in your life.
Forgiving Yourself Is A Spiritual Necessity
Self-forgiveness is more than just a mental health recommendation – it is a spiritual necessity. It is vital for the spiritually aware person to release guilt, self-blame, and self-criticism, because forgiving oneself is crucial to both personal well-being and spiritual progress. It allows for healing, growth, and the ability to live a more fulfilling and harmonious life.
Failure to forgive ourselves can have profound personal and spiritual side effects. Carrying guilt and self-blame leads to chronic emotional distress and contributes to anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. Over time, this can manifest itself in physical symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, or even chronic illness.
A lack of self-forgiveness undermines self-worth and hinders personal growth and development. Difficulty forgiving yourself also strains your relationships with others, as it can lead to withdrawal, defensiveness, or projecting negativity onto those around you. Without forgiveness, our negative feelings toward ourselves can fester and damage even our most cherished relationships with our loved ones and friends.
Holding onto guilt and self-blame blocks the flow of positive energy through the chakras and hinders spiritual well-being. For example, guilt often stagnates in the solar plexus chakra, affecting one’s sense of personal power. Self-forgiveness is essential for clearing such blockages in the energy field.
Forgiveness is also essential to achieving inner peace and harmony. Without it, one can experience constant inner turmoil and restlessness. When we hold onto guilt, shame, or self-blame, parts of our spiritual essence or inner divinity are suppressed or disconnected. It causes separation from one’s spiritual path or a sense of disconnection from spirit and the divine.
Forgiveness Is Choosing To Take Back Your Power
Ah, forgiveness! Such a misunderstood concept. For many people, forgiveness, as noble as it may sound, is very difficult, even impossible.
Sometimes certain wrongs are so grave to us that the offender doesn’t deserve forgiveness in our eyes. There is also a misconception that forgiving someone is tantamount to excusing or justifying their terrible actions. But forgiveness is not about absolving someone of responsibility. Instead, it is a powerful, personal act of release and healing.
When we forgive someone, whether they’ve hurt us emotionally, betrayed our trust, or even caused us physical harm, we’re not letting them off the hook.
We are not condoning their actions or giving them permission to repeat those offenses. Rather, we are choosing to free ourselves from the weight of resentment, pain, and bitterness that binds us to them and their past actions.
Forgiveness is a gift we give ourselves. It allows us to move forward without the burden of past grievances and with an open heart, free of resentment.
By forgiving, we determine for ourselves that the transgressor’s actions and the memory of their misdeeds will no longer hold us hostage or march with us into the future.
While we may not be responsible for what happened to us in the past, we are responsible for how we choose to carry the memory of it into the future. This is the power of forgiveness: it gives us the strength to embrace our present reality with clarity, compassion, and freedom. It also transforms our future, for it is ultimately a karmic choice that will shape our destiny in ways we will only understand much later in this life and beyond.
Unstuck Your Life By Transmuting Your Origin Story
Do you feel that no matter what you do, your life experiences seem to be stuck on repeat? Are you living the same scenario over and over with a different cast of characters? Or maybe even the same cast, but going through the same problems over and over with no change? If any of this sounds familiar, you may need to revise your origin story.
We all have an origin story. It is a set of deeply held ideas and beliefs that shapes how we see ourselves and our place in the world. It is the story of that we constantly repeat when we talk about ourselves or think about our life experiences. Internally, we use it to define ourselves, and externally, we use it to present ourselves to others.
Our story of origin comes from family, early life experiences, and the choices we made about ourselves as we grew up. While it helps define us, it can also become a prison, limiting our growth and repeating unsatisfying patterns in what we manifest.
In my work as a psychic consultant, I often find in readings that many people are held back by their origin story without even realizing it. When we hold on too tightly to our chosen narrative, we become trapped in cycles that prevent us from evolving into the version of ourselves we truly want and deserve to be.
An origin story differs from a limiting belief in that it is more about the construction of our identity and personality – who we are and how we want to be in the world. It can be more difficult to identify and deconstruct because it is such a strong part of our personal identity. However, it is similar to limiting beliefs in that it is important to explore and become aware of it because it can hold us back and create very unsatisfying life experiences.
How To Embrace Your Shadow Self
Most people tend to shy away from acknowledging their dark or “shadow” side when it comes to spirituality.
In fact, the tendency to avoid the uncomfortable aspects of the self is due in large part to our religious or spiritual background. Throughout history, most traditions have encouraged people to suppress, deny, or transcend their human flaws and shortcomings in favor of higher ideals such as purity, salvation, or enlightenment.
This reluctance to face the shadow within continues to this day, with modern spiritual and metaphysical communities often favoring light, love, and positivity while largely ignoring the messy, difficult, and painful aspects of the human experience.
But by avoiding the shadow within, we deny ourselves the opportunity for a deeper understanding of our soul’s purpose and untapped possibilities for personal and spiritual growth.
According to Carl Jung, the famous Swiss psychiatrist who pioneered the concept of the “shadow” in psychology, “one is not enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.” Enlightenment isn’t about avoiding the shadow. Instead, it’s about facing it and integrating it into our being.
When we face the shadow within, we reclaim parts of ourselves that hold immense power, creativity, and insight. By delving into the deeper truths of our shadow selves, we can unravel the unconscious patterns that dictate our lives, allowing for true healing, transformation, and enlightenment.
A Simple Visualized Meditation To Get Unstuck
Have you ever struggled with a manifestation problem that no matter what you do, say or think, remains stubbornly unresolved?
Whether it’s manifesting much needed money, attracting your soul mate, getting a solid offer on your house, or anything else on your manifesting to-do list, this feeling of stagnation and zero results can be deeply disheartening.
If this resonates with you, spirit wants you to know that you are not doing anything wrong. The universe has heard your prayers, and your dreams are indeed on their way to becoming a reality.
While you may understand this on a spiritual level, it can still be incredibly frustrating to continue to sit in a space of longing and lack while you wait for your desires to materialize.
To help you shift this energy and open yourself up to greater possibilities, spirit has shared with me a simple yet powerful visualized meditation. This exercise is designed to clear energetic stagnation in the areas of your life that feel stuck.
Doing this exercise regularly teaches you to be in the flow and builds trust and faith in the goodness of the universe. It clears your own energy of negativity, positively impacts those closest to you, and blesses the entire planet.
By raising the consciousness of the world, you tap into your inner divine spark and grease the wheels for your desired manifestations. As you move into the flow, you invite grace to work through your life in bigger and better ways.