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divine love

Raise Your Vibration With Love And Light

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comEverything is energy, vibration, and frequency. Everything! Changing your vibration changes your frequency. This can lift the veil between dimensions. You will see things differently. Your intuition will evolve.

If you think limitation, you are limitation. If you think abundance, your are abundance.  If you send the universe messages that you deserve something, positive or negative, the universe will send that to you in return. Positive or negative.

I often have clients ask why they keep attracting a certain kind of romantic partner. In my experience the issue is not in the attracting of that person, but rather understanding why they stay with that person.

There are many dysfunctional people in the world. So, attracting dysfunctional people is not unusual. But keeping them in your life, putting up with them, being intimate with them, and marrying them is not about them and their dysfunction. It’s about you. Your vibration is sending out a signal that you believe you deserve that kind of person. If you believe you deserve dysfunction, you will attract dysfunction.

We all meet at least one mentally healthy, well-adjusted person in our lifetime that we were not attracted to. Why? Our vibration was low or not in resonance with that person’s energy.

How do we raise our vibration? By engaging with input energies with high vibration frequencies. If you watch television, watch ‘higher vibration’ television. Bad reality TV, violence, horror movies and crime shows lower your vibration and attract darker energies on all dimensions. Too much radiation from phones, computers and television sets also lowers our vibration.

Lifestyle choices also determine our energetic frequency. Drugs and alcohol lower our vibration. Same goes for processed food with chemicals, additives and pesticides lower our vibration. Conversations that are petty, gossipy, and negative not only degrades others, but also lowers our vibration. Fear, anxiety and anger also lower our vibration.

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The Wisdom Of The Trees

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe annual seasons profoundly affect perennial trees. Each year many species of perennial change color, release their leaves, go dormant, and then come back to life in the spring with new growth.

As humans we could learn a lot from these trees. Firstly, they are naturally in tune with the seasons. They can ebb and flow with the natural order of things.  For a season their leaves will gather up energy from the sun for growth.  They bask in the light and find nourishment. And they can do this because of their ability to release the old when the time comes.

There are times in our lives when we also need to release the old things from the past.  All our life experiences have natural course and expiry date to them.  All our relationships in this physical life are also temporary experiences. Knowing this allows us to be in the flow with the cycles of life and the afterlife.

Too often we resolutely cling to the past, which causes us to feel stuck or keeps us from developing the types of relationships and experiences we truly want.  If the trees were to hold on to their old dead leaves, there would be no room nor energy for further growth. It would be impossible for them to thrive and be nourished by the sun.

There is also no way for trees to perpetually grow. One time I planted a tree late in the season. I gave it lots of nourishment, but over the winter it died off. By fertilizing the tree, I was creating a condition that would not allow it to survive. The fall is when trees release their leaves so the wood can harden off.

Too often people want to run to the next experience, and the next experience. Or they they try to make an experience last indefinitely. They want to make the ‘summer’ of their peak human experiences last forever. They never give themselves the opportunity to let go and properly grieve what has been, in order to recenter and become stable and energized for the next spring.

It is important for us to acknowledge our actual life experiences and move through the winter seasons in a way that prepares us for the next season. There is a temptation to just keep running to the next experience or next relationship to satiate a previous painful experience. However, in doing so we create situations that are toxic and unsustainable.

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Life Invites You To Dance

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn the quietude of the morning, as the sun gently rises with a golden glow glistening through the trees, I feel a calm within reflecting the clear blue sky. The season is changing. The heavy heat and humidity of summer has dissolved into an idyllic balance of coolness, warmth, and lightness in the air.

It is a time of transition, moving toward autumn, but not fully there yet. For me, it is a season of revitalization and renewed inspiration. The vastness of nature expands all around and the interconnectedness of every soul within it reaches the forefront of my awareness.

Today, I will be intuitively teaching a dancing with nature class at the World Peace Sanctuary nearby. All of life is a dance with nature and its Creator. We are invited into that partnership and party of life, to move together in joy and harmony.

But how do we join the flow? It begins at the feet, at the root of the tree of life. In Srimad-Bhagavatam, the great celestial sage Narada instructs, “As pouring water on the root of a tree energizes the trunk, branches, twigs and everything else, and as supplying food to the stomach enlivens the senses and limbs of the body, simply worshiping the Supreme Personality of Godhead through devotional service automatically satisfies the demigods, who are parts of that Supreme Personality.”

Not only are angels, nature spirits, and demigods part of the tree, but so are we. Like leaves upon it, we are connected not only with the twigs, branches, and trunk, but with the root, the very source and sustenance of all life. By watering that root with our whole-hearted attention and intention, we are nourished, supplied, and satisfied.

But what does this mean practically? It means peace and growth rest not in pursuit of individual desires, but in harmony with and service to Divine desires. Endeavoring to serve separate interests is futile and unfulfilling, just as watering the leaves and limbs of a tree individually would be. They would dry up and die if simply watered separately. Continue reading

Opening To Divine Guidance

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comBeginning to work with your angels and spirit guides is just like learning any other new skill. It requires patience, commitment, openness, and a willingness to ask for help.

In fact, I compare opening to divine guidance to learning a new language, because in essence you are discovering the ways you and your ‘spirit team’ communicate with one another.

Everyone has this ability and if you are willing to put forward the effort, the dividends will be life-changing in positive and joyful ways.

The first step, as with everything related to spirit, is to set the intention to work more closely with your spirit team. Ask your spirit team to work more closely with you. Empower them to turn up the volume of their communication with you.

It is important to remember that you are an important member of your team. You are not a subordinate or lesser, because you are in physical form.

In fact, our spirit team reveres us for our courage to come forward into this lifetime, and they assembled strictly for the purpose of supporting us in this endeavor. They are here to make your life easier and to support you, so let them!

The first way spirit communicates with us is through signs. This can be something as profound as a book we need to read falling off the shelf in front of us at a bookstore; or overhearing a conversation that answers a question in your heart; or something as simple as finding feathers and pennies on the sidewalk.

The key to determining if something is divine guidance or not, is how it makes us feel. If we feel love and inspiration, rightness in our heart, mind and body, then it is a Divine message. If it makes us feel scared, frightened, or disempowered then it is not divine guidance, it is human ego.

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True Love Is About Letting Go

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comOver the many years of doing psychic readings, I feel the best advice I have ever given clients is to let it be, and let it go. As difficult as it may be sometimes, whenever spirit shows me that toxic love cord connection, while there is still lifelong learning, soul growth and spiritual evolution to be had, then I know that person needs to release the energy that is holding them back and surrender to the flow.

The potential good news is that instead of losing the person we let go, the opposite often happens. Without all the energy attachments of anxiety, fear, obsession and worry, the other person who has been struggling to be separate, independent or free from the one that is holding on, feels the dramatic shift in energy and often change their mind and come around.

There is some real truth to be had from the 1981 rock hit Hold On Loosely by 38 Special that I still love to listen to. That song probably remains popular after all these years, probably because it offers such sensible relationship advice!

People sometimes come to me in turmoil, devastated and in tears, because they think it is over or never going to happen. If I see there is still hope and potential, I advise the client to let go and just go with the flow. The people we love are not always ready when we are. Sometimes we just need to give them a little space and time.

Sooner or later come around if it is meant to be – especially when we no longer spoil them with our constant, undivided attention, emotional coddling and obsessive thoughts. Every time we think of someone they pick up on the energy and begin to take it for granted. So, practicing ‘tough love’ tends to work wonders in the energy realm.

I have sees this advice work for most of my clients over the years, so I am sharing it with you today. If you intuitively feel a strong love cord that connects you with another, and that other person just does not seem to feel it in the same way you do, try just letting go for a while and see what happens. That person often comes around after a time left alone to think, ponder, and maybe go through some personal growth, trials and tribulations. Continue reading

Discover Your True Strength And Inner Beauty

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen you look in the mirror, what do you see? Are you looking at only the outer appearance, or are you looking at the soul behind the flesh? Are you seeing the spirit within you?

Take a few minutes today to shut out the noise of the world, as well as any negative self-talk you may tend to indulge in. Then be still, take a few deep breaths and go within to explore who you really are on the inside.

Shift your awareness out of your mind and into your heart and gut. Uncover the inner strength that lies beneath the tears and hurt. See the love that longs to come to the surface and be shared with others. Find your inner spiritual truth.

So often we tend to see only our defects and not the good that lies underneath. It is time to see yourself as the best possible version of yourself. Begin to realign the way you see yourself and make it positive, confident, and powerful.

Trust me, I have been there too. I used to be always looking for affirmation from others that I am worthy, beautiful and worth being in their life.

Then one day, Spirit woke me up. Spirit spoke clearly and said, “Sheri, close your eyes and see the real you within. Feel your true power. Feel the essence of goodness that you are and what you can give to others. Help others to also see their perfection within themselves and guide them to not give their power away to others who cause them pain and hurt.”

It was a powerful moment of enlightenment for me and the message from Spirit has stuck with me for decades since.

Now, you may think that you have nothing to offer. Maybe you feel old, or unattractive, or not smart enough, or successful and talented enough. Maybe you believe your partner left you for another because you were not good enough, and so on. But none of these ideas you have about yourself are true.

You are a spiritual being in human form. You were created in the divine image of God. There is an inner beauty, a goodness, an infinite intelligence that lies beneath your physical exterior, no matter who you are or what you look like.

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Love, Joy And The Pursuit Of Happiness

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAccording to the United States Declaration of Independence “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” are the inalienable birthrights of every human being given to us by our Creator, God, Source, the Divine.

Sadly, I find very few people to be successful in their pursuit of happiness. The same is true for finding love and joy. It seems many are merely stumbling through life trying to find it.

A teacher once told me life is like school. For some of us it’s like kindergarten – easy, uncomplicated, and lots of fun. For others it’s like graduate school with lots of difficulties and challenges to overcome.

Searching for joy, love and happiness does seem to be a ‘wild goose chase’ for many people. It truly is like chasing wild animals. The faster we run after it, the more it seems to flee. I don’t believe joy, love and happiness can be found. Well, at least not in the ways that many of us are hoping to find it.

Like happiness, the right to love is also the natural inheritance of every person. The well-known channeled text, A Course in Miracles, delves into the idea of love from a spiritual perspective. It states that it is impossible to teach love. Instead, the goal should be to remove the blockages or obstacles we have to allowing love’s presence in our lives.

I have seen repeated evidence of this in doing readings for many years now. Certain reading themes are repetitive and common themes are ‘finding love,’ or the ‘lack of love,’ or ‘loss of love.’ In all these readings one thing always becomes very clear: love itself is not an ‘out there’ thing. It is also not something that can be received from another person or thing.

In readings, Spirit will often say, “Love is not a feeling.” This one initially took me a while to understand myself, until I realized that love is in fact an intrinsic quality of being. It is already within each of us. We refer to it as the Higher Self, the Soul, or the Spirit. No one is ever separated from this innate love because it is an intrinsic aspect of our very being.

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