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Crystal Energy Work For Prosperity

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn these difficult times, we are all more budget-conscious, and for good reason. There is fortunately much we can do energetically to improve our finances. If it’s been a while since you worked with your crystals, and you find yourself financially struggling, this is an excellent time to revisit this work. Using the right types of crystals can help you grow and attract this kind of energy.

But instead of merely wanting more money, think about the concept of prosperity: the state of being successful and thriving with complete economic well-being.

Prosperity crystals have colors associated with wealth: green, gold, and clear. The beauty and power of green stones such as jade, amazonite, aventurine, and peridot are known for their ability to attract wealth. The same is true for crystals and stones in shades of gold (citrine, tiger’s eye, amber), as well as pyrite, or fool’s gold. And clear quartz, one of the most versatile crystals of all, sparkles like a diamond and further magnifies the traits of the other prosperity stones.

The best way to use your favorite prosperity crystals and stones depends on your intention. If you have entered a lottery or lucky draw, for example, you can simply carry a prosperity crystal or two in your pocket. An entrepreneur or business executive can wear a stylish piece of jewelry with their favorite prosperity stone to grow a new business venture.

Prosperity energy doesn’t have to be all about money only. Think of good fortune when making important deals, or a sudden flash of inspiration for a viable creative project. This is one of the key secrets many people struggle to grasp with prosperity: it is not merely material wealth!

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How To Get More Out Of Your Journaling

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI always thought of all journaling as writing one´s thoughts and feelings down on a notepad or in a book- something like a very personal diary. But recently, a very artistic, creative friend posted photos of some exquisite journals she makes. I had simply had to get one.

I even got to choose the colour, together with a sigil my friend will add between the layers of the journal. My choice for a sigil was something I am working on manifesting, so seeing that inscribed symbol will be a constant reminder of my manifestation each time I journal.

I asked my friend what her view is on journaling, because she absolutely loves creating these works of art. She envisions her creations being used as perhaps a gratitude journal, a dream journal, a meditation journal, a poetry notebook, as well as for general journaling or recording one’s favourite quotes.

At the beginning of the year, I began a nightly routine before falling asleep in making a mental note of the big and small things I am grateful for, and also to ponder about what I have managed to achieve during that particular day, be it a small chore I had procrastinated on, or something more important.

My fancy new journal will now be used to write down all the things I am grateful for at the end of each day, as well as recording my achievements. I feel it will have more impact written, and will be good to look back on, because I tend to be my own worst critic when something doesn’t get done.

Journaling is going to help me realize that I have really accomplished much as I could possibly get around to on any given day, and that I have done the best I could with the time and energy available to me.

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New Beliefs To Live Your Best Life

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe stress and challenges of late and the negative energies in our world in recent times have brought many of us to a point of feeling anxious, frustrated, worried and confused. Some people have even become fearful of leaving their homes. But the time has come to move beyond the negativity and fear and start living our best life again.

Fear is powerful. Fear can keep us trapped in a mental prison of our own making and can prevent us from moving forward. More often than not our worst fears are unfounded and not based in reality or truth.

Belief is also powerful. Beliefs can be negative or positive, true or false. Beliefs originate from within and, again, it is up to each of us to decide if our beliefs are true, or if merely keeps us stuck.

Look deeply at your fears and beliefs. Consider all the fears and beliefs that you sense may be holding you back. Make a list and leave some spaces between each line. When you are done, carefully review your list. Read each line carefully. Once you have done this, think of a truth or positive belief to counteract each of the items on your list and write it underneath each one. Now read the new list out loud to yourself. For example:

False belief: I have no money to do anything.

Counter belief: I do have some money. I have food on my table, a roof over my head, clothes on my back, and I a few extra nickels in my wallet. I do have money to do things. And if I set my mind to it, I can earn some more money.

It is that simple to come up with new beliefs. However, the difficult part is programming each positive statement in your psyche. Therefore, it is important to keep it simple, realistic and truthful.

For example, ‘having a few nickels’ is a simple truth that counters the false belief that you ‘have no money.’ it is simply not true that you have no money. You do have a few extra nickels…and that is indeed money.  In other words, you have now erased the lie that you believed and changed it to the truth that is. That is the simplicity of this exercise.

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Now Is The Time To Celebrate Life!

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe time has come to recognize how far we have come and celebrate the sheer joy and privilege to be alive. Although Covid-19 is still around, and I personally know several people who are just now recovering from the illness, we are in a much better position now than a year or two ago. We have a lot to be grateful for as we start to work our way towards the future.

So, let’s celebrate! While still taking appropriate precautions, it is wonderful to be able to go out again, eat in restaurants and shop inside stores. A feeling of lightness is everywhere these days, with people really appreciating the ability to get back to some semblance of normal.

I see people smiling and laughing again while they are out and about, doing their daily errands, meeting friends, and attending functions and events. It seems even strangers are friendlier and more open to positive conversation and a more optimistic outlook nowadays. What a welcome change!

It is particularly satisfying to focus on and reconnect in person with the people who are important in our lives and make us feel happy. This year Mother’s Day was especially meaningful for many of us. It is always a beautiful opportunity to showcase the love for our mothers, both those who are still with us in this life, as well as those in spirit.

However, spirit impresses on me that honoring our mothers should happen more consistently than just one day per year. Each May, many of us resolve to show our love and respect all year through. So, how are we doing so far? Are we still honoring our mothers long after her special day is over?

A quick call, some surprise flowers, a little gift for ‘no reason’ are all lovely gestures that don’t take a lot of time or money, but can mean the world to mom, or stepmom, grandma or other maternal role-models who have touched our lives.

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The Transformative Power Of The Moon

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDoes your energy change for better or worse when there is a Full Moon? Every person has some notion of what a Full Moon means to them.

When the Moon is full, it has an energy pull and charging capability that is unlike the new or quarter moons. During a Full Moon, I usually find it difficult to sleep – no matter how hard I try.   The energetic pull is powerful. This is when my mind is most active.

A Full Moon is in fact the best time to open yourself to receive healing or spirit messages, to recharge  your energy, or set intentions for manifestation to transform your life for the better. Crystals can also be put out under the Full Moon to charge them up and bring new life to them.

The Full Moon is a time to breathe in the good, release what does not serve you, and allow the Moon’s energy to take lighten your worries and lessen your burdens. A simple clearing ceremony becomes ‘super-charged’ under a Full Moon. Write down what does not serve you: your hurts, your disappointments, your anger and so on. Then burn this list outside, under the Full Moon, while asking the Universe, Source, God, Spirit, the Divine to cleanse the energy from your being.

I live close to a lake and when the Moon is full, no matter what time of year, it reflects off the lake in its various hues and colors. I always take a walk to the lake to allow this energy to feed my soul. It uplifts my spirit and makes me smile. Gazing at the beauty of the Full Moon brings new energy to you if you do it properly.

The next time there is a Full Moon, venture outdoors, look up and contemplate her beauty and power.  Ask yourself, how do you feel standing there under the Full Moon? Ask yourself what you want to accomplish or change in your life?  You need not do anything further. The manifesting and healing powers of the Moon will carry your intentions forward.

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Ritual In A Modern Spiritual Lifestyle

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comRituals, rites and ceremonies are the oldest forms of spiritual practice and essential aspects of all religions and belief systems. A ritual is a meaningful or symbolic action or series of actions that has a standardized format or sequence and can therefore be repeated in exactly the same way by individuals, groups or even communities.

The metaphysical energy generated when we focus our intent using symbols, tokens and metaphoric activities during a ritual that has special meaning for us personally can be highly transformative! Whether you practice ritual in a group or solo, it can supercharge your manifesting ability and aid in any mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual healing processes you may be going through.

When some people hear the word ‘ritual,’ they tend to imagine darkened, smoke-filled rooms with mysterious people in long robes, chanting strange refrains perhaps, all choreographed with everyone knowing their roles. I’m sure there are people who practice rituals in this way and elements like incense and chanting can indeed be party of a rite or ceremony. But a ritual can also be more simply crafted in a way to fit into a modern lifestyle and everyday spiritual practice.

In my own practice, I created a little ‘altar’ for myself. A small sacred space where I have placed a few candles, some incense, crystals, feathers and a few other symbolic tokens which hold special meaning for me. I also added a picture of my mother and a statue of an angel given to me when my grandpa passed away. In this way I created a sacred space that has deep meaning for me personally and brings me into a spiritual mindset.

You don’t need to have a lot of room for this in your home. So, you can even create a small sacred space for yourself on the corner of a dresser or table top. As my practice has evolved, I now find that any spare surface or quiet corner in the places where I have lived can become a nook for little spiritual treasures that I find during my adventures. Once you start creating a sacred space, the Universe will send you little gifts to help you along.

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The Secret To Attracting A Magical Relationship

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comPrior to calling a psychic, you may have a certain level of worry or anxiety around a particular topic, or you might be given a nudge by your spirit guides to get insight and clarity to help you move forward toward our goal. Many people ask me in readings if I see something manifesting in their life they have wanted for a long time, or the successful outcome of something they are currently hoping to achieve.

A psychic advisor can confirm if you are on track and anchored in our power. When I do a reading, I can see a person’s soul purpose and where they currently are on their spiritual path.  I can also see the likelihood of an event happening or not, based on previous events they’ve been through, or perhaps a current spiritual lesson they are undergoing. However, what I find callers don’t always realize is that for some of the questions they ask in readings they already hold the key to not only the answers, but also how to make things happen that they may be leaving up to fate.

Whether something is going to happen in your life, or not, is mostly determined by your own thoughts and actions. For instance, if someone calls me for a reading and wants to know if things will move forward with a particular person they are romantically interested in, there are many ways the situation can potentially play out. And the outcome will depend mostly on the caller’s own thoughts, ideas, beliefs, fears, energy frequency, and behavior patterns.

The early stages of a relationship and dynamics of love can be a funny thing. I liken it to ‘reverse psychology’ in the etheric world.  I say this because what I find works most often in attracting the love of our potential partner and get their attention is somewhat counter-intuitive to what we might assume.

For example, the old saying it is best to ‘play hard to get,’ holds far more value than we may think.  Granted, it does take a lot of self-discipline to pretend we’re not as interested in someone as we really are, but I can guarantee you that energetically it will pay off.

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