A Foreboding Intuition Can Save Your Life!
You know how you always pay attention to road signs to avoid accidents (if you are a smart and responsible driver or pedestrian)? Well, your soul or higher self has its own inner warning signs that are worth paying attention to.
Have you ever had a gut feeling that something just isn’t right? Like a little internal alarm bell going off? Maybe it was telling you to get out of a situation or away from a person, and you did, and later found out why your gut was telling you to leave.
These intuitions are the result of our inner guidance acting as an early warning system, alerting us to potential dangers or threats before we are even able to consciously assess the situation or process the information. This quick, gut reaction prompts us to take precautions or avoid potentially risky situations.
I’ve had my fair share of remarkable intuitions over the years. Just today, someone knocked on my door asking for information about a neighbor. Although I felt very tired from dealing with my sick cats the past few days, I kept my focus and decided not to tell him anything, because my gut told me to keep quiet.
But he kept asking questions. Then, bam! His pen exploded before he could even write anything. The ink literally popped out of the body of the pen. The nib fell out and landed on the floor. Weird, right? No, not really. It was just an additional omen for me to be careful. It was a sign to think and speak with caution and discernment. This is a great example of Spirit trying to tell you something. To do something, or not to do something.
Coping With The Loss Of A Loved One
Many people I know, including myself and several of my clients, have experienced the loss of a child or grandchild.
Losing a grandparent or parent is heartbreaking, but losing a child is absolutely devastating! It is difficult to understand why someone so young is taken before they had a chance to live a full life.
A few years ago, I found some solace for my continuing grief from a very unexpected source.
I am an avid Nascar fan. If you don’t know what Nascar is, it is the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing. Stock car racing is one of the largest spectator sports in America.
A few years ago I watched an interview with one of the masters of this sport, Richard Petty, also known as “The King.” His words struck a deep chord with me.
Richard Petty’s grandson, Adam Petty, was also a racer like his grandfather. He was only 19 when he died in an accident on May 12, 2000 while practicing the sport he loved so much. His car hit the outside wall of the track, killing him instantly.
In the interview I watched, his grandfather spoke of his depression, guilt, grief, and not wanting to get out of bed because he felt he was somehow to blame for encouraging his grandson to pursue this sport that cost him his young life.