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Satya lives in Northern California and is a natural Clairvoyant, Empath, Conduit, teacher, author, animal lover, healer, Reiki Master and an advanced yoga instructor. She has provided valuable psychic assistance to Hollywood stars, athletes, and everyone else in-between. A multi-layered Intuitive, with many unique gifts at her disposal, she can give you a doorway into the past as well as a gateway to a happier future. With her long distance energy work, she provides healing for people and animals too! She instantly spots karmic connections from past lives that directly affect current situations, helping clients to move through them quickly. For accurate solutions on just about any pressing problem, you can find Satya at

A Message Of Love From The Rainbow Bridge

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comRecently, my beloved 18-year-old dog needed to be put down. I asked her, and her sister, to hold on until we moved out of state. For some reason, I just felt the need for them to make one more move with me. They had relocated with me wherever I went for the past 18 years, but this was a big one. They were both amazingly healthy, I was just nervous and concerned for their well-being.

Unfortunately, we were scammed in the real estate deal linked to this move, having been told the heater in our new home had been serviced and was in working order. Arriving there, we found out it was actually a very old oil heater. It was cracked, toxic and not working at all.

Keeping my dogs warm, which is essential for old dogs, was near impossible. The house only allowed for one space heater, or the electricity would go out. The dogs wandered around, and we struggled to keep a blanket or heater on them consistently. Soon one of my dogs stopped walking.

My dog was so loved. The pain was intense when she passed. However, she came to me in a dream soon after. In this vision she was young, beautiful, with a clean, shiny coat. She was also warm and comfortable, lying in the sun. There was a glimmering rainbow on her body – a symbol of the Rainbow Bridge that leads to the Other Side. I knew she was telling me she was doing okay now. She was in the light.

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How To Block The Energy Of Negative People

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIt seems that negativity and negative people are becoming more prevalent these days. Just a decade ago, I can remember people being afraid to be “publicly negative.” No one wanted to be seen as being negative, or as someone that brought others down.

I find myself avoiding large groups and big events, because I just don’t want negativity and lower vibrations impacting my happy life. But I do go to activities and fun events for the sake of my 3-year-old child, and often some of the moms, women who are forming impressionable minds, can’t seem to help themselves, but go to the negative! A few weeks ago, for example, I complimented a mom on her daughter’s excellent vocabulary and she told me no one had ever said anything like that to her before. She said people just tear each other down nowadays. How sad.

I am currently five months pregnant. I keep having other moms asking me how I am feeling, which is very nice. However, when I say I feel great, they seem surprised, even sometimes put off. They ask, “You don’t have any unpleasant symptoms?” Well, yes. Of course, I do. I’m pregnant! But whatever the symptom is, mild though it may be, it is still a gift to me – a pleasant reminder that I am so incredibly lucky. Even when I got morning sickness, I remember thinking during it, it’s okay, it’s okay, it will be over soon. You’re lucky. This means you’re pregnant!

Actually, I am up writing this blog at 3:00am, because I have pregnancy insomnia. Right now, I am up, because I am pregnant. It’s okay. I’ll sleep properly again in another five years, when both of my kids are older. Meanwhile, I’m getting a lot done that I can’t do during the day.

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Star Children

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comStar children are very old souls who have returned to this planet to assist humanity during these challenging times. They are spiritually evolved and therefore wise beyond their years. Star Children is the umbrella term used to describe Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow children, as well as adults. Star Children are also known as ‘Starseeds’ or the ‘New Children.’

Star children are typically able to communicate with loved ones on the Other Side, and they are constantly in communication with their spirit guides. They can often be heard talking to someone ‘invisible’ while they are playing alone in their crib or room.

They often remember past lives and speak openly about them. Most star children have also lived in other dimensions or realms of existence. They may have left Earth’s reincarnation cycle for a long time and have now returned to help save this planet.

Star children are unusually compassionate. They are very connected to animals and Mother Nature. They become especially upset about anything mankind does that is harmful to the planet. They have a deep connection, perhaps even an obsession with animals. They are usually empaths and highly sensitive, and they should be allowed to express their emotions freely, and as much as they wish.

They are usually not competitive, as they have a view of unity and oneness and have evolved beyond rivalry and competition. They are generous and tend not to be interested in material possessions.

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Spirit Visitation In The Form Of Orbs

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhat are spirit orbs? Actually, we are all orbs at some point in time. When we are not inhabiting a human body or other bodies in other dimensions, we become light energy. That light looks like a small circular light that moves and darts around quickly.

Spirit orbs can suspend in mid-air. It can bounce. It can dart to the left or right. It can move slowly or quickly. It can do basically whatever it wants.

One night I saw three orbs moving in unison together. Every time I got up to leave, they darted together to the right. Every time I sat back down, they moved in unison back to where they were.

We can also project any visual image we want, instead of being viewed as an orb by human beings. I am blond with green eyes in this life. However, on the other side, I usually prefer to project myself as a dark-haired Native American woman of about 30 years of age. The life I lived as that woman, was one of my favorites.

When I was around five years old, I looked in the bathroom mirror. I remember being absolutely shocked to see a white girl with green eyes and freckles staring back at me! I thought I was Native American with tan skin, dark eyes and long black hair. I remember running to my mother, screaming and crying about that stranger in the mirror. My mother, a devout atheist and not at all versed or educated in subjects like the spirit afterlife and reincarnation, had no idea what I was talking about.

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The Last Cat Standing

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSeventeen years ago, I put my cat, Boo, to sleep and sent her back to Heaven. She was a uniquely ornery, but brilliant cat. Boo was a black cat and we actually had full conversations that my friends would be amazed by. Boo lived to the ripe age of 17.5 years.

I was so desperately sad when she passed, that only a few weeks after her departure, I went out and got new animals to replace her. At first, I picked out only two new cats at the Humane Society. They were put in their carriers, awaiting their new home. One was a calico colored cat, and the other was a beautiful grey cat with white stripes.

But as I was walking out of the kitty area, an anonymous black paw suddenly grabbed at me, snagging my sweater. Being spiritually aware, I decided to stop and pay attention. Was this little black cat my new Boo? Well, you guessed it! I left that day with three cats.

I named my new black kitty Shiva. He was only five weeks old at the time, which means he was born right around the time that Boo died. He was very sickly in the beginning. The veterinarian, one of my Yoga students, told me he was unlikely to make it.

At the time, I did not feel comfortable telling my veterinarian that I actually do energy work on animals, and that I somehow knew this was my Boo kitty’s reincarnation. I have been doing animal energy healing since I was a child, and I have been doing animal readings for 20 years.

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Drinking Crystal-Charged Water

click pic for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comDrinking crystal-powered water is a must for anyone doing any kind of healing work. It is a great way to boost your immune and nervous systems, clear your mind of negative thoughts, increase your intuition and raise your vibration.

So, how does it work? First, you want to select a crystal that resonates with you. Keep in mind that each crystal and stone has a different metaphysical meaning, quality, energy and vibration.

Quartz crystal is the most powerful for healing work.

Rose quartz and green stones, like Malachite and Aventurine, helps with healing heartbreaks and emotional loss.

Amethyst is good for raising your vibrational and increasing your intuitive ability.

Carnelian is good for giving you a creative boost.

Citrine helps with finding your inner wisdom, will power and healing your childhood wounds.

Red Jasper and Bloodstone are great for releasing fear and anxiety.

Lapis Lazuli is great for helping you be a more effective communicator. It is a great elixir to drink right before giving a speech or having an important meeting.

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An Attitude Of Gratitude

click here for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comI find that people who don’t appreciate what they have, often have their gifts and blessings challenged, or even lose it. And obsessing about what we don’t have can lead to depression and anxiety. It certainly does not help you to attract more into your life.

So, consider shifting from thinking about what you don’t have, and what you want and goals, and instead try an ‘attitude of gratitude.’ This is a dramatic shift. Changing from thinking about what we don’t have to instead feeling grateful for what we do have, what we have been given, and what we have already achieved, changes what we attract.

This shift in thinking does not mean you can’t have goals, it just means you don’t feel an emptiness associated with those goals. Nothing is missing. There is just more to be gained. You already have the sundae… it doesn’t need that cherry on top. A cherry would just be a nice bonus!

I’ve seen people become so obsessed with a timeline for getting married, for example, that they soon did get married… but to the wrong person! The universe knows your true destiny. It knows what you need and when. Try to be patient and trust the flow.

Putting 90% of your focus on feeling grateful for what you do have and 10% on what you would still like to obtain, will completely change your outlook on life, as well as your physical and emotional health.
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