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spiritual union

Accepting The End Of A Relationship

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDon’t resist change, even in love. It is always best to accept things when a relationship ends. Sometimes a door needs to be closed in order for another door to open down the road.

I have seen this in my own personal relationships and those of many of my clients and friends. If it’s meant to be and there is true, everlasting love between two souls, there can never be a permanent goodbye. Rest assured, if you are meant to be with your beloved, they will come back to you, or you will go back to them.

At some point we all experience the pain of saying goodbye to someone we love very much. Experiencing relationship break-up tends to turn our lives upside down. This is especially true when we have to close the door on someone we love very much when we don’t really want the relationship to end.

But if we do it in a way that leaves the door open for them to come back, then maybe we can have a new beginning later. We just have to do the very hard thing of saying goodbye and taking a step back for now. If we refuse to accept that a relationship is over, we only prolong the pain and dysfunction, and make it difficult to heal and grow from the issues that caused it to fail in the first place.

Instead, we should focus on ourselves and our own needs for a while. When we are in a relationship that is not working, it can be easy to neglect our own needs and issues. Accepting the end of a relationship allows us to focus on our own healing and well-being. No matter how hard we try to hold on, it will only make it more difficult to bring healing to the aspects of the relationship failure that need healing.

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The Spiritual Symbolism Of The Circle

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe circle has a profound and universal meaning in spirituality across cultures and belief systems. It symbolizes a variety of spiritual concepts and offers insights into the interconnectedness of life, the cyclical nature of existence, and the infinite potential for growth and transformation.

The circle represents unity and oneness. It is a symbol of completeness because it has neither beginning nor end. This circular continuity reflects the eternal nature of the soul and the interconnectedness of all living beings.

In Native American spirituality, for example, the medicine wheel represents balance and harmony between all aspects of life, including the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Similarly, in Hinduism, the concept of samsara refers to the continuous cycle of birth, death and rebirth, with the circle symbolizing the eternal journey of the soul.

In Christianity the circle represents eternity and sacred union. It is referenced in the Bible as the shape of heaven, and as the beginning and ending of time. For Christian couples, the unending circle of a wedding ring is also the symbolic expression of their sacred, eternal union.

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The Twin Flame Relationship

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe concept of a twin flame relationship has gained much popularity in recent years, as more people seek to understand the nature of their romantic relationships.

Twin flames, also known as ‘mirror souls’ or ‘karmic lovers,’ are essentially two halves of one soul. Our twin flame is therefore the other half of our original soul that has been split into two different bodies in this lifetime.

Twin flames share a deep spiritual bond that goes beyond physical attraction or emotional connection. Our twin flame is our perfect counterpart, and once we are reunited with them, we experience the ultimate expression of divine love and spiritual connection.

A twin flame is however not exactly the same as a soulmate. While soulmates are also souls with whom we have meaningful spiritual or karmic connections, we only have one twin flame with whom we are connected on a much deeper level. Soulmates are therefore distinct souls that are separate from us, while we share the same soul with our twin flame.

This soul bond is said to be unbreakable and eternal over many lifetimes and in other dimensions. Twin flames are destined to fulfill a higher purpose together and to help each other grow spiritually.

Recognizing your twin flame can be difficult, as it is not always obvious initially. Twin flame relationships are characterized by intense attraction that goes beyond mere physical attraction, as well as a deep sense of familiarity and a feeling of finally being ‘home’ when together. There is usually an indescribable feeling of completeness or wholeness.

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The Selfless Flow Of Divine Love

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comLove is a divine spiritual energy. It originates in the divine heart of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The internal energy of his love is so strong that it emanates out of his body as love personified, in the form of the Supreme Goddess.

In the spiritual tradition of Bhakti, which is founded on the Vedas, a collection of religious texts originating in ancient India, the Supreme Goddess is identified by the Sanskrit term shakti, the primordial divine feminine energy, and the Supreme God as shaktiman, the divine masculine source of this cosmic energy.

She also bears the name Radha, meaning she who gives the greatest pleasure to him, whom she calls by the name Krishna, the ‘all-attractive.’ Together, they form the Divine Couple, an eternal reservoir of reciprocal divine love which ever increases.

Love is alive. It is a living, giving, and flowing force. Love, like God, is unlimited and ever-expanding. Divine Love offers its transcendence for us souls in this world to follow, serve, and ultimately return to our original, eternal spiritual nature.

Our spirit, soul or jivatma is therefore an expression of the primordial energy of the shaktiman, which emanates both from and for his love. Whereas Radha’s love is infinite, we individual souls are infinitesimal. We merely serve to enhance and celebrate with our supreme existence the Divine Couple’s infinite love, which in turn imbues our souls with joy.

One way our soul can serve the joy and union of the Divine Couple in this world is by allowing the spiritual energy of love to flow through our own heart to others. The beauty of true love is that it is never selfish and does not seek to satisfy the demands of the ego. Like a river rippling toward the ocean, divine love courses toward the one it fills with its own essence.

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When Two Souls Collide

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comClients sometimes ask me if a recently deceased loved one or pet will eventually reincarnate and return to them. In my experience, they certainly do. Sometimes in this life, and certainly in a next life.

There have been times in my life when I would meet someone and there would be a kind of ‘knowing’ or a sense of familiarity about them, as if I had known them before. I believe we all have these experiences of soul recognition from time to time.

A clear sign for me that I am experiencing a soul recognition during such an encounter is that I feel my body tremble when making eye contact, or my hands are shaking. In my experience, the more intense the physical sensation, the more incarnations I may have had with that particular person.

I have had this experience with people who turned out to be someone I only briefly had contact with, but also others with whom I had more lasting relationships. I also experience this ‘knowing’ with my pets. It is something in the way their eyes connect with mine, as if to say. “Hello, it’s me. I’m back!”

One particular incident, which remains vividly etched in my mind, was an event I witnessed about a decade ago. Someone I knew had fallen pregnant when she was going through a difficult time in her life. Despite the father of the child not wanting to be involved, she decided to keep the baby, and she did her best to make sure her baby was going to have the best she could manage to offer her child.

I was very surprised when she asked me to be the guest of honor at her home for the natural water birth. As honored as I was, I was also a bit stressed about it. She outlined the process and reassured me that a trained doula (midwife) would be present. She had done much research into having her baby at home, as well as substantial prepping with her doula. I agreed, but knowing it might be a very long process, I had mentally prepared myself.

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The Powerful Practice Of Eye Gazing

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comEye gazing, also known as ‘soul gazing,’ is a powerful meditative practice that can be done on your own, or with a partner. Eye gazing is an ancient tantric practice of looking deeply into someone’s eyes to foster a spiritual connection.

Eye gazing is a potent means of connecting with yourself and others to build genuine connection in your life. It is also an exciting way to build meaningful intimacy with a romantic partner. If you have trouble opening up to others, eye gazing can be an effective tool to help you get comfortable and confront any fears you may have around being seen. It can be done alone, with a friend, or with a romantic partner.

It is also a powerful tool for discovering how past lives may be helping or hindering you in your current incarnation, and for receiving messages directly from Spirit. It can be used as a method for communication with your guides and higher self.

Anyone can eye gaze, and I feel everyone should try it at least once! Whether you do it alone or with a partner, eye gazing can offer some profound insight and create potent shifts in our perspective that allow you to break limiting patterns in your life.

Eye gazing requires no special equipment or paraphernalia to set the mood, although it can be pleasant to light some incense or candles if desired. You can also use music but ensure that it is meditative, gentle, instrumental music without lyrics that will not distract you. The only thing you really need is a timer, as well as a partner, or mirror if you are gazing by yourself.

Typically, I encourage people to start gazing for just a few minutes at a time, but as you become more comfortable you can certainly increase the length of your gazes.

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The ‘Big Chill’ Moment Of A Soulmate Reunion

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI started my first full-time job at age 17 working in the Conservation Corps. I grew up in a rural community and the local Conservation Corps was engaged in environmental stewardship, such as clearing debris and fallen trees from streams to prevent floods and fire hazards. As a teenager, I had many small jobs babysitting, gardening, and so on, but this was my first serious employment after graduating high school.

On my first day of work, I sat on a fence waiting for the bus that would drive us into the woods, when another bus full of ‘city kids’ arrived. The first guy that emerged from the city bus looked directly into my eyes and I remember having a million thoughts all at once!

His eyes were green, like mine. I believe that was a memory trigger. A memory trigger is a soul recognition clue that we program into the psyche before we come into this life. Its purpose is to remind us subconsciously of a soul contract. Soul contracts are agreements between ourselves and others to work out karma in this lifetime.

Mr. Memory Trigger Eyes looked down almost immediately once he saw me, bashfully, with a blushing face. Looking into his eyes felt like a lightning bolt hit my body. I felt a ‘big chill’ at the same time. The hair on my arms stood up. It was electric and exciting! There was an instant familiarity between us.

Although I had never met him before, I somehow felt I knew him. His face seemed familiar, which I ascribe to the built-in memory triggers. The ‘big chill’ is spirit stirring your psychic memory. I instantly knew I recognize his energy signature from past lives and the spirit realm. I even heard my higher self whisper, “He’s the one.” And he did turn out to be my first love in this lifetime.

During the three months we worked together, he flirted shyly with me, stared at me from afar. I knew we would eventually be in a relationship. There was never any doubt in my mind. I just knew it. But what was taking him so long?

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