life review
Being Laid Off Can Spark Spiritual Growth
Being laid off from a job can be a profoundly challenging and disorienting experience. The experience tends to stir up a myriad of feelings, worries, and questions about one’s purpose, value, security, and direction in life.
But while job loss can be very unsettling and stressful, it also offers unexpected opportunities for personal and spiritual growth.
At its core, the spiritual journey invites us to explore the depths of our being and to seek meaning beyond the material realm. A layoff can serve as a catalyst for this exploration, prompting us to reevaluate our priorities, values, and relationship to work.
In many spiritual traditions, adversity is seen as an opportunity for growth and transformation, a chance to deepen our connection to the divine and uncover hidden aspects of ourselves.
Being fired is an invitation to surrender to the flow of life. In our modern society, we often cling to our plans and expectations, believing that we are in control of our destiny. However, a layoff can shatter this illusion of control and force us to confront the uncertainty and impermanence inherent in existence.
In the face of this new uncertainty, we have the opportunity to surrender our ego and trust in a higher power or cosmic intelligence to guide us on our path. This surrender is not an act of resignation, but rather an act of faith, a willingness to let go and allow life to unfold as it will.
Psychic Guidelines For Mercury Retrograde
Many people are familiar with the astrological transit known as Mercury Retrograde, which occurs three or four times a year, and how it affects our lives with communication mishaps, technological glitches and misunderstandings.
What is less well known is how it affects psychic reading. Over the years, I have noticed the influence of this astroligical aspect in many of my psychic readings during retrogrades. Since we are currently in the midst of another Mercury Retrograde, I thought it might be a good time to explore this phenomenon in more detail.
If you are unfamiliar, Mercury Retrograde is an astrological phenomenon that occurs when the planet Mercury appears to be moving backwards in space. This is actually an optical illusion caused by the Earth’s orbit overtaking Mercury’s closer orbit to the Sun.
We are currently halfway through the first Mercury retrograde for this year, which will last until April 25. The next two retrogrades for 2024 will be August 4 to August 28 and November 25 to December 15.
In astrology, Mercury is the planetary ruler of communication, travel, and information processing. So, when Mercury is retrograde, these areas of our lives tend to be most affected. People often report experiencing miscommunication, travel delays, and technical problems during Mercury retrograde. During this time, you may also feel that your life is on hold or that your goals and plans are not progressing. Continue reading
The Inner Truth Of External Clutter
We are almost a month into the new year, the time when most people begin to flounder in their resolutions. For me, resolutions are like empty promises, so my only resolution every New Year is to not make any resolutions.
Instead, I try to simply live my life with a few consistent rules. I have found that staying true to these personal and lifestyle guidelines eliminates the need for major resolutions each New Year.
Clutter is a big one for me. I make it a point to clean out the clutter in my life on a regular basis, whether it is physical, material, emotional, or spiritual.
Material clutter is the easiest to deal with because it is tangible and visible. It is hard to ignore a pair of shoes that you never wear anymore and have to move around in your closet over and over again.
It is also hard to ignore all those old clothes from another era that you have held on to in the hope that one day they will come back in style. Equally difficult to deal with are those old spice jars and other pantry items past their expiration date that you should have thrown away years ago!
These small lifestyle annoyances may seem insignificant on the surface until you consider that material clutter goes hand in hand with mental, emotional and spiritual clutter. The way we live, the way we manage our environment, and the way we organize our outer existence are a reflection of our inner being. The resulting clutter then becomes a recurring pattern that leads to more clutter, chaos, and dysfunction in our lives.
The Golden Power Of Silence
I took my early morning walk today along a path surrounded by an olive grove on one side and almond trees on the other. In the background the beautiful hills seemed mystical in the early morning mist.
The only sounds that broke the silence at this early hour were the chirping of birds and the bleating of baby goats playing on the small farm opposite my house. Occasionally they were interrupted by their father, who seemed to keep them safe by nudging them into a particular corner of the property.
In these moments of peaceful silence I like to have a dialogue with spirit to receive some guidance or direction for the day, as well as answers to questions I may have about my life and work. But today I felt guided to simply contemplate the meaning of silence.
There are many forms of silence, some less peaceful than others. For example, there are the ‘elephant in the room’ or ‘cold shoulder’ moments of silence when there is awkwardness between people. There is also the ‘poker face’ silence, when someone pretends to listen, but in reality has mentally withdrawn from the conversation. We also fall silent when we are perplexed or confused. Sometimes we keep silent to avoid possible misunderstandings.
A very powerful form of silence occurs when we are deeply engaged in an activity, alone or with others. Everything else seems to fade away as we concentrate on the task at hand.
And of course the best kind of silence is when we are in communion with spirit and the cosmos. In these moments we feel completely at peace and connected to others and the universe. This silence nourishes the soul and gives rise to divine inspiration and spiritual insight.
Mercury Goes Retrograde Today
Mercury goes retrograde today. This astrological phenomenon occurs three to four times per year, when the planet Mercury appears to move backwards through space. Energetically, it can be a period of frustration, error, confusion, and delay, and each cycle lasts about two to three weeks. Mercury retrograde begins again today and will last until September 14th.
In ancient Roman mythology, Mercury is a prominent god who rules business and finance, communication, travel, luck, swindlers, and thieves. He also serves as the guide of souls to the underworld and as a messenger of the gods. He is also known for his ability to take things apart and put them back together again. In astrology, the planet Mercury is therefore associated with communication, intellect, technology, and travel, so all of these aspects of life can be affected when it goes retrograde.
During Mercury retrograde, all aspects of communication, logic and reason can become more difficult and dysfunctional. Misunderstandings and mix-ups are more likely, and we are sometimes less able to think and express ourselves clearly. This can cause problems in our personal and professional relationships. We are also more prone to making mistakes or overlooking important details, leading to frustration and confusion.
Communication systems and technology are also affected by a Mercury retrograde. Digital communication devices and electronics may malfunction or break down, and internet and phone connections may be disrupted, making it more difficult to stay in touch. Travel may also become more challenging during this time, with delays, cancellations, and other unexpected obstacles.
Make The Most Of Your Next Saturn Return
Saturn can be a very challenging, difficult planetary influence because of the astrological phenomenon known as Saturn Return, which occurs every 27 to 30 years, which is the duration of its orbit around the Sun back to the same place in the galaxy where it was at the time of our birth. It literally returns to the same zodiac sign, degree, and house.
The three Saturn Return in our lifetime occurs around the ages of 27 to 31; 56 to 60, and 84 to 90. Although it is possible to estimate your dates using an online calculator, it may be best to have it calculated by an experienced astrologer.
This major astrological aspect is not to be taken lightly. Saturn Return is associated with major life transitions and personal upheaval. Such as relationship breakups, divorce, relocations, health challenges, and major career, business, or lifestyle changes.
It is a highly self-reflective time when we must contemplate our path, evaluate the choices we have made thus far, and carefully consider what is no longer serving us. People often get sober, get divorced, get married, change jobs, or decide to have children during this time.
Saturn Return exposes our dysfunctional habits and past mistakes, and we gain a new perspective on our life. If we carefully work through these challenges and redefine ourselves on a deeper level, we are empowered to move into a new and improved next chapter of our life.
My first Saturn return included personal growth and healing work brought on by two dysfunctional relationships.
The first was a crush I had on an older boy when I was 11 years old. I have since been shown that I have shared several past lives with him. This time he wanted nothing to do with me, because I was just the “weird psychic kid.”
Betrayal Blindness And The Family Scapegoat
I have a good friend who was raised by a mother who constantly belittled and talked down to her. She never defended herself, because she grew up believing that she deserved her mother’s abuse, because something was wrong with her causing her to always say and do the wrong things.
Once she graduated high school, she moved out of her mom’s house. Her life became much more peaceful for several years, until she started noticing that her brother was following in their mother’s footsteps by adopting the same kind of toxic, abusive language towards her.
It oddly became evident to her one year at Christmas time, when she gifted him a beautiful, crocheted blanket that she had been working on for many months and he rolled his eyes and made some disparaging remark about it. She then started noticing how pompous, ungrateful, and narcissistic he truly was. Growing up with him, she always assumed he just had bit of an ego or a macho attitude, but now that she had gained life experience and wisdom, she realized he was simply an abusive jerk.
Still, she chose not to criticize or judge him. In fact, she did the opposite, she encouraged his long-suffering partner to stay by his side and continue to support and love him, because she understood that he was also just a product of his upbringing, like herself. Meanwhile, he faithfully continued judging and belittling her. Because that is what he had seen their mother do all his life.
But one day, something inside her finally shifted. She had reached a point of no return and decided to start standing up for herself! Enough already.