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Divine Timing And Psychic Predictions

Click Here now for a FREE Psychic Reading at PsychicAccess.comDuring a psychic reading it is not unusual for the question to arise, “When will this happen?” The human mind is naturally geared towards anticipating, planning, strategizing and looking for patterns and solutions.  Asking ‘when’ supports our goal to ensure progress in the hopes of achievement.

The desire to know or estimate when something will occur can be traced as far back as ancient times, when our ancestors relied upon the movement of the planets and changing seasons for planting seeds, harvesting crops, stockpiling food, and so on.

In the physical world we have schedules to adhere to these days, and our time is dictated every day by clocks, watches and time zones. However, in the spirit realm there is no such thing as ‘time’ as we know it.

What if all clocks were obliterated and we had no more calendars saying which day of the week it is?  Some metaphysicians and spiritualists believe that humanity invented what we know as ‘time’ and ‘dates’ as a means to measure the progress of our species.

Psychics can see into the future of probable outcomes for their clients to help them make choices that will support a specific outcome. These predictions come from the spirit realm.

There is however one problem with that. Remember, in the world of Spirit there is no such thing as chronological time. So, when a psychic sees a particular future event during a reading, a number of factors may still determine or change the timing of when it might occur.  This is also known as ‘divine timing.’

The main factor usually influencing the ‘when’ of an outcome is our own free will. The choices and decisions we make every day can either speed up, slow down or even prevents outcomes from manifesting. The second factor is what is known as ‘divine timing.’ Spirit may hold off on a certain outcome, for example, until the circumstances are ideal and we are ready for it to come to pass.

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The Three Laws of Grace

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThere are three primary Laws of Grace that function under the overarching Law of Attraction. Grace is generally associated with divine support or spiritual help, but in this context it simply means that we are always free to choose again.

The Law of Love

The first Law of Grace is the Law of Love. The Law of Love does not refer to feelings, sentiments or emotions. Too often it is assumed that love is a feeling we get when we are with someone, but in metaphysics and spirituality love is not a feeling.

Instead, spiritual love is choosing to accept others as they are and to want what is best for them. What most of us know as ‘love’ today is actually ‘like,’ because to like someone or something is conditional. Real love, on the other hand, has no conditions. It is unconditional.

There is also a common belief about ‘love’ that can be very damaging to relationships. Sometimes we create emotional attachments to future events and declare that “this is love.” Yet, it is impossible to love a future other – either you love a person, or you do not.

When people conjure up extensive images and stories about a future version of another person and attach their mental and emotional attention to these things, they often create a strong sense of painful longing, which creates within them the desire to change the other person.

It is this painful yearning that is the key to understanding, because with the Law of Attraction like always attracts like. Painful longing can only ever attract more pain. It does not even matter how compatible two souls are in this life, if one of them is participating in such a painful longing, then pain will inevitably become the result of the relationship.

Love is unconditional acceptance and there is only one love. Therefore, Buddhists believe one cannot have friends and enemies. If you have enemies then eventually all of your friends will become enemies, and vice versa.

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How To Clear Your Karma

Click Here Now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comKarmic cycles are repetitive patterns in consciousness that emerge through a belief that is contrary to the laws of the Universe.

Some religions and spiritual teachings refer to humanity as the ‘children of God.’ When I use the term ‘God,’ I do not mean some off-world deity that is separate from us mere mortals. To me God is the All. It is the Creative Force. Being a ‘child’ of this Creative Force means that we have the same nature and creative capacity.

Many wisdom traditions also equate words, thoughts and consciousness with God’s ability to create. In other words, thought has a creative function in the Universe. Thoughts are words, images, and stories that are repeated in the mind and they have creative power.

Another way of saying this is that whatever we choose to think or believe about ourselves and others, and about the world around us, ultimately becomes true for us. This is important when discussing how to clear away old karmic patterns.

Karma are patterns of thought that are repeated in the mind and influence how we create our life experiences. Free will means that we have total freedom in what we choose to think and believe.

This is not to say that a specific thought, or even a behavior, is wrong or bad. In fact, the Universe or God always takes us at our own value and says yes to all our thinking and feeling patterns.

Karma is a secondary spiritual law to the Law of Attraction, that allows us to evolve continually into our higher potentials. From an esoteric or spiritual perspective this relates to the expansion of love, joy, and peace within our mind.

Karma and the Law of Attraction are also separated by a protective buffer, in that we often experience less damage than our minds can produce through thought, and we also receive more good than our minds can produce through thought. In metaphysics this is known as the Law of Grace. Continue reading

Soulmates Are A Divine Grace

Click Here Now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSoulmate connections are a very real and powerful phenomenon, but many people find it difficult to determine whether someone truly is a soulmate, or not.

In my experience a soulmate is someone to whom we feel deeply connected, as though the communicating and communing that take place between you were not the product of intentional efforts, but rather a divine grace.  This kind of relationship is so important to the soul that many have said there is nothing more precious in life.

We may find a soulmate in many different forms of relationships and in all areas of our lives, including friendship, marriage, work, family and recreation. We even find it with a delightful ‘critter’ – the pets we feel that special connection with.

Many times, when a soulmate first comes into our life, we have that feeling of familiarity as if we have known them before. Often, indeed, we have known them in a past life or many previous lives.

The famous American psychic Edgar Cayce stated that a soulmate is an individual who we have an ongoing connection with. The soul picks up on this longstanding connection with that person again and again in various times and places and over many lifetimes.

Most importantly, Cayce further stated that we tend to be attracted to another person at a soul level, because by being with that individual, we are somehow provided with “an impetus to become whole ourselves”. This is also known as ‘soul recognition’. We are therefore not drawn to our soulmate simply because that person is our unique complement.

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The Spiritual Power Of Joy

Click Here FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI have decided that this year I would consciously invite more joy into my daily life. Joy is the feeling of happiness, pleasure or fulfillment that comes from having success, finding good fortune, or achieving a sense of well-being. The wonderful thing about joy is that it can be found in both large and small doses.

Joy is an enormously powerful spiritual force. Spontaneous laughter can shift a mood in an instant, and tears of joy come at moments that move us to our core. Joy is a state of mind that focuses on the present, despite our circumstances.

Joy brings renewed energy, a feeling of lightness to our body and mind. Suddenly there is enough energy to get things done that need to be done. Joy invites action, instead of procrastination, and encourages gratitude over envy, and peace over anger.

Joy lingers after the laughter and invites us to a state of mind that is peaceful, full of grace, ready to extend compassion, and find forgiveness. In a state of joy spontaneity comes easily, inspiration and intuitiveness peak, and our creativity flows.

Children are masters of demonstrating joy. They are comfortable living in the moment and not filtering out any opportunity to celebrate. They carry no baggage, or expectations. They are wonderful teachers of this powerful spiritual tool.

Anchor your soul purpose and choose conscious ways you can invite and practice joy in your daily life. Even a small dose will do, and it may lead you to seek out other experiences that resonate with your spirit and add to your experience of joy. Notice what makes you smile. Pay attention to the person, the activity or the situation that uplifts your spirit. Stop and savor the feeling.

Simplicity and joy go hand in hand, so don’t overlook the little things. Practice smiling! Smiling releases endorphins which create that sensation of relaxation and happiness.

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What The World Needs Now

Click Here FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comNew Year’s morning, I woke up with a song lyric on my mind. “What the world needs now is love, sweet love…” An old classic made popular by Jackie DeShannon back in 1965. God, my inner DJ, never ceases to amaze me with the brilliant selection of musical messages I frequently receive.

To keep my clairaudient channel clear, so that I will recognize when I am being divinely guided, I avoid listening to the actual radio. This ensures that I do not mistake a spiritual serenade for an ordinary tune stuck in my ear, or vice versa.

Songs I have not heard in decades sometimes surfaces from the vault, always to perfectly punctuate the moment. Undoubtedly, that was the case when this long-forgotten song came to me with the dawn of 2021, highlighting the healing that is needed in our world this coming year.

When God and his angel agents want to get a message across, they usually broadcast it in stereo. It starts showing up in my life in surround sound. But this time, I experienced something more extraordinary and unique: three of my friends who are intuitive and empathic also had a spiritual encounter with the same song around the same time. A Higher Power is clearly shouting, “Listen up world! Hear ye, hear ye! This is the truth you need to know right now.”

Love is indeed the call and cry of the hour. “Not just for some, but for everyone,” as the song goes on to say. Love is the healing ointment, the spiritual salve, the soothing balm, the substance needed to stitch the divides inside and out.

As spiritual beings having human experiences, we are each prone to encounter divisions within our own body and soul, and our own head and heart. We all share this ache of the self to be whole, whatever our differences may be. And love is the key. It unifies every aspect of our individual being with our divine purpose of existence.

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To Live Gratitude Is To Touch Heaven

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comOne aspect of spiritual living too seldom addressed is our lack of true appreciation and gratitude for all the blessings in our lives, regardless of our circumstances.

Some spiritual seekers tend to be very keen on beating the drum of prosperity, and becoming fixated on the Law of Attraction and manifesting abundance, which is too often merely a thinly disguised obsession with material wealth and earthly comforts.

Most of us simply take too much for granted every day. We experience so many blessings of joy, beauty, forgiveness, protection and Divine grace, which we seldom acknowledge in our lives. We always have something to be grateful, or thankful for, no matter how difficult times may be. As a species we are very good at complaining about what we don’t have, but we seem to find it difficult to give thanks for what we do have.

We seldom express our gratitude and appreciation towards those we love and cherish, and we hardly ever remember to share what we have with those who have less – not because we feel obligated, but because we feel so much appreciation that we simply want to share our abundant blessings with others. Charity is not about lending a helping hand; it is about celebrating all that we have, and to share our joy and appreciation.

Research has demonstrated an indisputable connection between gratitude and spirituality. It is no coincidence that gratitude is regarded as a much cherished and valued quality by most world religions, including the Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu Jewish, and Christian traditions. When reviewing the large body of research done on the subject, gratitude seems to play a much more noteworthy role in our happiness and well-being than most other emotions and personality traits.

Several research studies in recent years have shown that people who have a tendency towards higher levels of gratitude also tend to report higher levels of psychological, emotional and physical well-being. People who are grateful have been shown to be happier, more optimistic and more content with their lives. They also appear to have lower levels of stress and depression, and they are more satisfied with their relationships and social interaction with others.

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