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The True Power Of Your Worst Nightmares

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen I was 24 years old, I was a somewhat disempowered young lady who went to work for the city council. All the girls in the office had an active social life and a boyfriend, except me.

In fact, I was bullied for it and became a bit of a joke around the water cooler, to the extent that I could not properly concentrate on the task at hand and ultimately lost my job. Looking back, it was one of the best things that ever happened to me. But, at the time, it did not feel like it.

About a year ago, I started to have a recurring dream that I was 24 again, and sharing an office with the same mean girls, supervised by the same misogynist boss. But this time I had a very different mindset.

In my dream, the boss had criticized my work. So, I pick up the documents he complained about to, walk up to his office, put it on his desk, and tell him politely to type his own letters in future. I was going home now, because I am no longer prepared to put up with his nonsense.

Well, if only I had the same courage back in the old days, I might have suffered far less emotional anguish! I felt really empowered in the dream, and it brought me the realization that I no longer have to suffer fools and that I need to stick up for myself more often. However, the dream also revealed to me that I still had not entirely made peace with the past, otherwise the dream would not be recurring.

The moral of the story is that dreams do not only reflect how we are doing in the present, and how far we have advanced in life, but also what we need to do to work on ourselves to be even better in the future. How powerful and life-enhancing is that!

Another compelling dream I have been having of late is of myself flying a light hovercraft over the estate where I lived as a child.  I faced several challenging, traumatizing things growing up there, including poverty and domestic abuse. However, this liberating dream confirms that I have managed to rise above those childhood setbacks and obstacles, and I am now in control of my own life and destiny.

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Strange Happenings In Other Dimensions

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI can vividly recall various unusual experiences during my childhood, including leaving my body several times and then being pulled back with a dramatic jolt. The return to my body would be so jarring that it would always wake me up.

There appears to be a variety of explanations for this odd occurrence, with the main one being that it is a purely psychological sleep phenomenon related to unusual stress and trauma. But while I do not necessarily dispute this possibility, I am not readily convinced this may be the explanation in my case.

The reason I question this theory is this experience has been happening to me again lately, with a steady regularity, but with some subtle differences.

My favorite version is when I am conscious of it happening, to the extent that I am even seeing myself re-entering my body. I am also no longer ‘slamming back’ as I used to before, but rather gently easing back into my physical form…like a baseball sliding into home base. I even recall smiling because it seemed so deliciously absurd.

The next aspect that has caused me to really think again about this recurring experience, is that I can clearly see myself in two separate dimensions all at the same time. At first it took me a minute to realize what was happening, as I did not look exactly the same as my earthly self. I stared at my ‘other self’ for a few minutes, recognizing our similarities and feeling like I have met my other self before.

Well, let me tell you, I was flabbergasted and very pleased, once I realized this was indeed me, a doppelganger, one of my other selves, operating completely independently in an alternate universe. The most joyous part is that I do not have to explain myself to the myself!

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Making The Most Of Dream Healing

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI love dreaming, because it’s like a mini-vacation! I lucid dream all of the time. Many times I will dream of someone who will come to me the next day, always in the same manner in which I had dreamt they would.

I record all of my dreams, because I find it helps me to remember my dreams and not miss the very smallest details. I think it’s so vitally important for everyone to record their dreams, because it opens up one’s psychic awareness.

Dreamtime is the most alive we will ever feel while we are alive. The only other time we feel more alive is when we die and leave our earthly shells; when we depart from this weighed-down realm.

I also love that my dreams allow me to communicate with all my loved ones from all of my past lives, as well as with my spirit guides. I also meet my friends and family in my dreams, while they are also sleeping and astral traveling at the same time as myself. I love that when we communicate in our dreams it doesn’t matter what language we speak, everything we wish to convey happens telepathically.

Like the cord of love that connects us to all of our soulmates and loved ones, the silver cord that connects us our body and soul will never separate when we astral travel and dream. We can go wherever we wish, several universes away, or we can just stick to our own dimension. I love to visit other places and existences. Many times I will remember with cell memory other lives I have had, and truly amazing experiences. I record them, so that I can reflect on them later when I am in a more awake alpha state.

I love tapping into that other 90% of the mind that we do not use. My dreams sometimes are the key that unlocks for me those places in my mind that have been dormant and unvisited for so long. I can sometimes find the answers to questions, like why I fear this or that, or why I don’ want to experience this or that. Because of my dreams I can face my fears and move forward in my life.

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Lucid Dreaming

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen we experience a lucid dream we are aware that we are dreaming. Dreamers also report that when they are having a lucid dream, they seem to be able to control the dream to some extent and they also tend to remember them better. In my experience it is like being half asleep and half awake. One time, I actually got up for a drink of water in the middle of a lucid dream, went back to bed, and continued my dream right where I left off!

For me lucid dreaming feels like being in the state of hypnosis – a ‘light’ state of hypnosis in which you have some control over how the session goes. You are in the dream state, but still aware of things around you. You are in a have heightened state of awareness.

Everyone I have discussed the subject of lucid dreaming with usually say they enjoy the experience. Some even say they wish they could stay is that frame of mind longer. When you lucid dream, write down your experience. Enjoy the movie of your mind.

The term ‘lucid dream’ was coined in 1913 by Dutch psychiatrist Frederik van Eeden in his article A Study of Dreams. It usually happens during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. When we sleep cycle through phases of non-REM and REM. REM sleep happens about an hour to 90 minutes after we fall asleep and this is when we tend to have vivid dreams.

It is estimated that at last 50 percent of adults have experienced at least one lucid dream in their lifetime. I have them all the time. The first lucid dream I can remember was when I was about thirteen years old. I was having a lucid dream of talking to my dad. But unlike our normal waking interactions, this conversation went exactly as I wanted it to go. I asked if he would let me go to New York for three weeks, and he said yes!

Since that time, it became increasingly common for me to slip into the lucid dream state. For me it usually happens in the morning, as I am waking up, but then going halfway back to sleep.

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Strategies For Manifesting A Successful Relationship

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comOver the years I have worked with many clients who either want to improve an existing relationship or manifest a new relationship. In these readings, spirit consistently suggests three simple spiritual practices that can radically change our relationships and romantic energy.

We tend to get stuck by over-analyzing and over-thinking our love lives, to the extent that we develop a lot of emotional charge and resistance in relationship matters. With the guidance of spirit, I have found these three simple strategies to be very helpful in moving our love energy in a more healthy and happy direction, in a very short time. Try these strategies in your daily spiritual practice. It could help you finally step into the love life of your dreams!


Begin your relationship work in the dream state. Before going to bed each night, ask your angels, guides and higher self to invite your current love partner, new love interest or a future partner to join you for an ‘astral date.’ I like to think of it as ‘etheric couples counseling’ on the astral plane.

Meeting your lover in your dreams can ignite a significant energy shift in your relationship life, which will eventually translate into the emotional, mental and physical realms. In this altered state of consciousness the higher selves of you and your partner do the work with the support of spirit. The limitations, judgments and preconceptions of your ego or ‘lower self’ are all deactivated while you are asleep and in the dream state, and therefore unable to interrupt or interfere with the process.

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Have Your Guides Led You Astray?

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at“My guides must hate me! They only lead me to things that cause me pain,” one of my clients recently complained. It is also not the first time I have heard something like this.

But how can this be? If our angels, guides and ancestors are here to help us, why do they lead us to things that cause us pain, heartache, or grief? Is spirit perhaps not actually guiding us, but hurting us instead? And if that is the case, what are we to do about it?

In my years of working as a professional psychic and energy healer, as well as my personal life experiences, I have come to the following conclusion on this matter. Our guides have only one mission: to love and support us unconditionally. Any deviation from our highest good is never due to the guidance of spirit, but instead the result of one or more of the following:

Ego Interference

Often, when we believe we are ‘following our guides,’ we are actually following a wounded part of our ego that continues to create a reality of pain – because that is all that we know. Your guides will never encourage you to do anything that causes you, or another person harm. Your spirit guardians will never make you feel belittled, intimidated or frightened.

Now, it is important to note they may steer you towards life choices and experiences that may make you feel somewhat uncomfortable or challenged, because it is outside of your comfort zone and they are wanting you to grow and expand. But there is a difference between being gently nudged towards personal growth and soul expansion, and simply being frightened or emotionally crushed

Lack Of Listening

The fundamental question with spirit guidance is whether are you truly listening? Sometimes we are in so much anger or pain that our guides are actually communicating with us, and guiding us, in vain, because we are unable to hear it clearly.

Explore ways to turn off the destructive self-talk and emotional intensity, and work on tapping into your inner guidance and listening to your inner voice.

For example, ask your angels, guides or ancestors to work with you in the dream state. Once the conscious mind that is hurting so much is asleep, it is much easier for our guides to come in and do their work.

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The Meaning Of Psychic Dreams

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDreaming is a universal human experience, although we do not fully understand how or why we dream. In a spiritual sense, a dream is our soul interacting with the boundless, greater Universe where things may not always make sense as they do when we’re awake, and where this time-space reality does not exist.

Whether we consciously remember our dreams or not, dreams can add profound depth to our everyday spiritual practice. A clairvoyant dream or precognitive dream, for example, can predict events in the future or make us aware of upcoming life challenges. One might dream of the arrival of a long-lost friend, a financial windfall, or meeting a new romantic partner.

Clairvoyant dreams can sometimes be distressing, especially since these dreams sometimes precede a tragedy. Mary Todd Lincoln, the wife of Abraham Lincoln, had such dreams before the famous U.S. president’s assassination. Many people also reported clairvoyant dreams of contemporary events like 9/11 and the Challenger disaster.

But don’t think these dreams are all doom and gloom. If you are given such insight in a dream, see if there is any way that you can make use of it for the greater good.

No doubt many of our dreams can be truly intriguing. However, popular culture and movies often create unrealistic expectations of psychic phenomena and the nature of dreams.

The most important thing to keep in mind when it comes to precognitive phenomena is timing. What you’ve foreseen in a dream may not necessarily come to pass any time soon, or when you’re expecting it – perhaps not even in this lifetime! The Universe always has perfect timing.

When it comes to psychic phenomena and metaphysics, it is important to keep an open mind. Always be on the lookout for daily clues. Spirit is subtle and it easy to overlook something in plain sight. That ‘Mr. Right’ you foresaw in your dream might just run into you when you least expect it!

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