Astrology Forecast December 26, 2022 – January 1, 2023
Mercury turning retrograde on Thursday, this week should unfold easily and smoothly.
Today’s Aquarius Moon could cause some electronic or communication glitches as it joins forces with a receding Mercury, but keep in mind this is designed to get our attention and alert us to where change might be needed. For example, if you received a new iPhone for Christmas and it’s not working as it should, it might be a good idea to return it to the store for an exchange.
In fact, if you do have any gifts you are looking to exchange, this is the week to take care of that, as Mercury prepares to go backward. This should ideally be done this Thursday or Friday under the Aries Moon.
Also, beware the Aquarius Moon conjunction with Saturn in Aquarius this afternoon, as it has a penchant for invoking feelings of unease, melancholy and even depression. Do not give in to self-pity or negative thinking the day after Christmas. Instead, make that phone call to a lonely relative or friend, or visit that struggling neigbor with a small gift or sweet treat to brighten their day! Many folks will feel lonely and abandoned under this lunar aspect today.
New Year’s Eve on Saturday and the first day of 2023 on Sunday unfold under a Taurus Moon, offering us a grounded and loving position from which to kick start a prosperous and peaceful New Year. Setting sensible new year’s resolutions should be a snap under this very determined aspect, as we prepare to greet 2023 with better health, more financial security, and tangible progress towards our goals and dreams for the coming year.
The Evolution Of Your Metron
With the rapid expansion of digital communication technology we are increasingly coming into an evolutionary shift of consciousness as it relates to relationships between individuals in the human family.
Let’s first look at social and spiritual structures in relationships. I would like to resurrect for the purpose the Greek word metron (μέτρον). Metron is a unit of measure that we can use to explain our sphere of influence, and also the spiritual gifts and styles that we use to influence this sphere.
Many of us have a limited metron, and consistently manifest together with the same grouping of souls on the planet. We each have a family structure that is related to soul agreements before incarnating on the planet. This is why we sometimes meet a person and have the feeling that we have known them our whole lives. What is happening is that our souls are united in the same metron.
We are all inter-connected with one another. Think of it this way: we have the Earth making up one bustling metron of consciousness, or a single metron with many parts. Then we have our solar system making up a greater metron; then the galaxy encompassing the metron units on an even greater scale; next the universe; then the multiverse; and who knows what else is out there compiling greater and greater complexity together.
Our spiritual or soul experience is very similar. We have a small group of people making up our metron, and then we have societal and social structures that increase this metron moving out to a greater and greater expansive experience, until we have the cosmic or universal consciousness.
The Healing Power Of A Smile
I have noticed something very interesting lately, since we are no longer wearing masks in public. There are two types of people: those who often smile and laugh, and those who do not. You can smile at some people that seem to not be very happy and they will smile right back at you, while others will just look at you like you’re an alien.
I love to smile at people and change their energy, it uplifts them. I can tell. I can see the auric energy around those who smile, and it’s much brighter and lighter. It’s a healing, positive energy. Those that don’t smile have dark and cloudy auras. It makes me feel good to help people get into a better mood and access their higher consciousness, as it will just keep the ball rolling for a positive domino effect for the rest of their day.
But there are those people who find nothing pleasant or amusing and will not smile for anything. I understand that sometimes life just seems to hand us a bad hand of cards, or just seems depressing or no fun. But we all have the ability to smile and our sense of humor is a gift from God. If you can’t smile for yourself to change your own energy, or find yourself unable smile back at those that smile at you, maybe take a look in the mirror and that may inspire you to crack a smile. It changes energy and lives.
As a psychic, I consult many people who are in unloving relationships and marriages. They stay with partners who are unkind, abusive, or unfaithful. They carry a torch for spouses who talk them down to them and make them feel less than. For many it causes mental and physical health problems.
Astrology Forecast December 19 – 25, 2022
Christmas week is upon us, but before we get to the weekend festivities the Sun will move into Capricorn on Wednesday and a Capricorn New Moon on Friday. Both these aspects will set the stage for a shift in focus and direction.
Today and tomorrow could prove quite ethereal under the Scorpio Moon, as we’ll be inspired to turn inward to process things on a deeper soul level. Whether we’re excited or anxious for the fast approaching holidays, or feeling a bit blue, these two days will be about restoring inner harmony and balance before proceeding.
Wednesday’s transition of the Sun into Capricorn sets off a four-week cycle of review, reflection, and revision, as we close out one year and prepare to move into the next.
Wednesday and Thursday’s Sagittarius Moon will lift our spirits and move us forward with hope and joy.
Friday’s Capricorn New Moon promises new ideas and opportunities are coming our way, so we should write down any ideas or thoughts we have about changing the future for implementation after the first of the year.
Christmas Eve unfolds under a Capricorn Moon as well, emphasizing family and friends, along with a call to embrace the true spirit of the holidays. An Aquarius Moon hangs overhead on Christmas Day, promoting unity, friendship, as well as some surprising insights to emerge over the next few days! Happy Holidays and joyful wishes for a blessed week.
The Ideal Starting Crystals For Beginners
Crystals and gemstones are a popular resource in modern metaphysical practices, mysticism, and alternative spirituality. It can be used in various powerful ways, including healing, energy protection, meditation, prayer, manifesting, divination, psychic reading, and channeling.
Crystals are versatile and useful in enhancing one’s spiritual practice or energy work, but there are so many to choose from that it can difficult to know where to start.
Three of my favorite crystals that I recommend for beginners to get started with are amethyst, rose quartz and black tourmaline. These three crystals are affordable and easy to find, so they are ideal to start with if you wish to explore using crystals to expand your spiritual practice.
Amethyst is the ideal stone to start with because it has a gentle energy that almost anyone can tolerate without being overwhelmed by its influence. It is a fantastic stone to help you get in touch with your intuition and find your calm center. Amethyst’s calming energy especially enhances meditation and dreamwork.
Amethyst is associated with the crown chakra. It heightens our spiritual and personal awareness, which in turn helps us to self-reflect and evaluate more honestly where we need to make adjustments in our beliefs, behavior, and perspectives. Amethyst thus supports us in maintaining clarity in our self-reflection, which is a vital first step in a spiritual journey of higher consciousness and personal enlightenment.
Using The Four Elements In Your Spiritual Practice
Our ancestors worked with the elements in their metaphysical and spiritual practices. The four classic elements are found in many wisdom traditions, while some also employ additional elements such as metal, wood, and spirit.
The four primary elements can be a meaningful resource in one’s personal practice. It is powerful in prayer, meditation, manifesting rituals, energy healing, divination, psychic protection, and self-care. For example, I use all four elements in my New Moon and Full Moon ceremonies. Depending on what I am working on, I also create specific rituals throughout the year focusing on one metaphysical attribute of a particular element and call upon that energy to assist me in my own life.
Air Energy
The element of air represents consciousness, intuition, understanding, and the mind. I call upon this element when I am attempting to figure out something complex or when I need to make a decision about something important.
To work with this element, I light an incense stick. Since the movement of air is not something visible, the smoke from an incense stick is a symbolic way to represent it. I then focus on the smoke and use an invocation to call upon the element of air.
I call upon the element of air to provide me clarity and understanding.
I invoke the element of air to elevate my consciousness above this fear
People often assume that intuition is the innate ability to know absolutely everything, especially about the future. However, authentic intuition is about knowing what we need to know regarding a specific situation. The element of air can awaken what we need to know without providing too many spoilers along the way.
Astrology Forecast December 12 – 18, 2022
Things flow pretty smoothly this week as we finalize plans for the holidays and map out a plan for completing anything that needs to be finished up before the end of the year. The Leo Moon will shine brightly today and tomorrow, encouraging us to immerse ourselves in heartfelt conversations and passionate activities.
Don’t be surprised should your love life take a dramatic turn for the better today, so wear something alluring so that you are dressed for the part. The Sagittarius Sun sextile with Saturn in Aquarius inspires increased commitment in existing relationships, or finally meeting that love of your life. It is an ideal aspect for a marriage proposal or an unexpected invitation to go on a date.
So, if you are single, you may want to join your colleagues for lunch in the cafeteria today, or go out for a quick snack, as the stars are perfectly aligned around midday for meeting that someone special. Think romantic comedy moment with someone dreamy accidentally bumping into you with coffee!
Tending to those unfinished obligations is best done under Wednesday and Thursday’s Virgo Moon, as it grounds and directs us in the most efficient ways to complete tasks before next week’s holidays hit full swing.
A Gemini Moon takes us through the rest of the week, as we focus on communication, correspondence, and clearing a path to immerse ourselves into the holidays ahead.