Signs That You Have A High Vibration
Spiritually aware people know that it is important to achieve and maintain a high energy frequency to live a truly conscious, empowered life. Diverse spiritual practices, metaphysical techniques and lifestyle activities can be pursued to achieve this elevated state of ‘beingness’ and higher consciousness.
But how does one know for sure that all your efforts to raise your vibration are indeed successful? How do you recognize an elevated ‘vibe’ in yourself and others? Are there clear signs of someone having a high energy vibration?
Yes, there are indeed certain traits and indicators one can look out for to identify people with a high vibration:
Empowered. When a person with a high energy vibration walks into a room, everybody immediately takes notice of them. They have a powerful presence. Everyone will instantly light up and suddenly become more relaxed, friendly, happy, and joyful.
Healing. People seek you out others who have a higher vibration when they are feeling sad, depressed, anxious, or just need someone to talk to. High vibration people therefore often find themselves in the role of teacher, nurturer, caregiver, healer, or peacemaker.
Trusted. People with a raised vibration are often more easily and spontaneously trusted by others. Animals and children especially are naturally drawn to those who have a high vibration. Animals and children are sensitive to negative, low energies and tend to avoid it at any cost. If a crying baby or scared pet vehemently refuses to have anything to do with someone, chances are something is off with that person’s energy. Kids and animals prefer and only trust ‘light and love’ vibes.
The Selfless Flow Of Divine Love
Love is a divine spiritual energy. It originates in the divine heart of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The internal energy of his love is so strong that it emanates out of his body as love personified, in the form of the Supreme Goddess.
In the spiritual tradition of Bhakti, which is founded on the Vedas, a collection of religious texts originating in ancient India, the Supreme Goddess is identified by the Sanskrit term shakti, the primordial divine feminine energy, and the Supreme God as shaktiman, the divine masculine source of this cosmic energy.
She also bears the name Radha, meaning she who gives the greatest pleasure to him, whom she calls by the name Krishna, the ‘all-attractive.’ Together, they form the Divine Couple, an eternal reservoir of reciprocal divine love which ever increases.
Love is alive. It is a living, giving, and flowing force. Love, like God, is unlimited and ever-expanding. Divine Love offers its transcendence for us souls in this world to follow, serve, and ultimately return to our original, eternal spiritual nature.
Our spirit, soul or jivatma is therefore an expression of the primordial energy of the shaktiman, which emanates both from and for his love. Whereas Radha’s love is infinite, we individual souls are infinitesimal. We merely serve to enhance and celebrate with our supreme existence the Divine Couple’s infinite love, which in turn imbues our souls with joy.
One way our soul can serve the joy and union of the Divine Couple in this world is by allowing the spiritual energy of love to flow through our own heart to others. The beauty of true love is that it is never selfish and does not seek to satisfy the demands of the ego. Like a river rippling toward the ocean, divine love courses toward the one it fills with its own essence.
Creating A Crystal Energy Jar Based On Your Astrology Chart
When thinking of Astrology, most people only know their Sun sign. This chart placement indicates the core essence of the person’s traits and personality. However, many other astrological influences shape our lives, including our Moon sign, Ascendant sign, and Midheaven placement.
Each of us also has a unique astrological birth chart with planets and stars in certain placements, meaning that it is exceptionally rare that two people might have the same natal chart. Even twins with seemingly identical birth charts will usually have small variances in their charts, depending on the amount of time that passed between the first and second birth.
On the rare occasion that two people do have identical charts they are known as ‘time twins.’ For this to be possible, they must be born in the same year, on the same day, no more than 15 minutes apart, and within at least a 10-mile (16 km) radius from each other.
Similarly, each individual crystal and gemstone is also unique and can be used to celebrate the uniqueness of your birth chart, despite it being the birthstone for everyone who shares your zodiac sign. Crystals and stones reflect and magnify the energies we exude, and they can be used as a powerful tool in your spiritual practice.
Something special you can create is a specialty crystal jar to reflect the uniqueness of your own astrological identity by harnessing the energies embodied by certain crystals and stones.
Astrology Forecast November 28 – December 4, 2022
We’ll need to practice flexibility today and tomorrow, as the Moon transits Aquarius and upends our plans on an hourly basis. Take heart though, as the disruptions and shifts are bound to work in our favor, eventually!
Do not worry too much should you feel a bit slow to kickstart your week this morning, as a Mars in Gemini trine with Saturn in Aquarius this afternoon will soon boost our organizational abilities and professional enthusiasm, inspiring us to take decisive action.
If you did not manage to spend much quality time with your spouse or partner over the weekend, then this evening’s Aquarius Moon sextile with Venus in Sagittarius offers the ideal opportunity to make up for it with a surprise romantic dinner or an unexpected gift. There is also nothing wrong with a little ‘Netflix and chill’ on a Monday night. And if you’re single, then this evening will be the perfect time to go on that blind date, or at the very least make more of an effort with your online dating profile!
A Pisces Moon will put us in a more spiritual and reflective mood on Wednesday and Thursday, encouraging us to step back and take a look at the bigger picture as to what is happening in our lives.
Our most productive days of the week will be Friday and Saturday, as the Moon charges through assertive Aries and allows us to catch up on anything that slipped through the cracks at the start of the week.
Neptune will turn direct on Saturday, ending a five-month cycle of retrograde movement and allowing our intuitive and spiritual side to thrive.
A Taurus Moon hangs overhead on Sunday, encouraging us to take care of our physical bodies and restore balance to our personal surroundings.
Are You A Victim, Observer, Or Empowered Creator?
I have been doing psychic readings for many years now, and I learn something new almost every day. Many of the personal and spiritual insights I have attained in my sessions with clients, have been very beneficial to me in both my professional and personal life.
One of these spiritual messages revealed to me a powerful concept regarding the mindset we choose as our overriding outlook on life and the impact it has on our joy, happiness and fulfillment. How we view the world and interact with others depends on whether we choose to go through life as a Victim, Observer, or a Creator.
Most people shift between these three mindsets at different times and in different areas of their life, but we tend to revert to one of these positions as our predominant outlook on life. Spirit has shown me that the ideal for all spiritually conscious people must be to empower ourselves in such a way as to achieve the Creator level in all areas of our life. This has become my hope and aim for all of my clients.
Consider which of these three mindsets tends to define your outlook on life most of the time:
Victim – A victim allows the external to influence the internal and experience things such as constant financial hardship and debt, chronic discontent in relationships, co-dependency in relationships, boredom and frustration, chronic exhaustion, fear and confusion, and dissatisfaction in career and business. The victim‘s emotions are dictated by the ebb and flow of life and allows external events and other people to determine their daily state of mind.
The Mystical Power Of Amethyst Crystal
The calming and spiritually protective amethyst has a mystical energy about it, and the beautiful coloring makes this purple quartz even more exceptional. Amethyst is a violet variety of quartz. It is formed in the presence of manganese and is found in Brazil, Uruguay, South Africa, Madagascar and India.
Just holding a piece of Amethyst helps raise your vibration, putting you into a calmer and accepting frame of mind. It is believed that its very essence heals on the metaphysical and physical levels of our being.
Experts in crystal healing teach that amethyst crystals are the foremost stones of the violet flame. The use of the violet flame which emanates from this exquisite stone is overseen by the ascended master St. Germain. The violet flame helps transmute negative energies in the body and creates harmony. Wearing amethyst jewelry is a powerful way to absorb the benefits of this magical stone.
In many cultures, a large number of miraculous powers are attributed to amethyst, and it has been said to bring victory in war and in hunting, to drive out evil spirits, to boost the intellect, and even to protect crops against pests, particularly locusts. It is not unusual to see amethyst sewn into the special robes of priests and nobility.
The origin of its name is Greek and means ‘prevention from drunkenness’. It is said to help overcome any addictive compulsive disorders including alcoholism, overeating and other addictions. Ancient Greeks wore amethyst and drank wine from amethyst cups to protect them from intoxication. For myself, as a recovering addict, this crystal is a ‘have-to-have’ assistant in my collection of crystals!
Astrology Forecast November 21 – 27, 2022
The Sun will move into Sagittarius tomorrow, opening our minds and hearts a bit wider as we set aside our usual schedules for the next four weeks and embrace a more flexible and patient attitude.
A Sagittarius New Moon occurs on Wednesday, and we’ll spend the next two weeks embracing new possibilities and finishing up anything that stands in the way of free movement. Resolution is often an outcome of this Moon, so if there is a personal problem or life challenge that’s been troubling you, this next two weeks could bring the answers you seek. Jupiter will also turn direct on Wednesday, further helping to removing obstacles to attainment and setting us on a brighter course for the future.
Thanksgiving Day will unfold quite smoothly under the fun-loving Sagittarius Moon this Thursday, but watch out for over-indulgence, as this sign is famous for pushing boundaries!
Our industrious side will emerge over the weekend, as a Capricorn Moon encourages us to take action on the things we’ve been procrastinating on. Clearing out clutter, reorganizing files, or simply engaging in more physical activity are all ways to embrace the grounding power of the Capricorn Moon. It will also be a great help in restoring order to your home after the family’s Thanksgiving celebration.