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Leave Some Space For Grace

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen I read energy, it is shown to me in terms of the strength of that energy. In other words, the strength of the energy is directly tied to its manifestation here in the physical realm. As above, so below.

When we are angry or in conflict, we are often heavily invested in simply being right. And the more the argument evolves… the more virulent the energy becomes. This is never a hopeful, healthy precursor to manifesting better things in our life.

Fortunately, there is the powerful spiritual and emotional energy that love and forgiveness can also manifest in our lives, to counteract the impact of negative emotional energies.

A sister to the energies of love and forgiveness that is not always afforded equal honor, bit is equally powerful is the gift of grace. You may have heard of ‘grace under pressure?’ Essayist William Hazlitt defines grace as “the outward expression of the inward harmony of the soul.”

So, what is grace? Webster’s Dictionary defines grace as both a noun and a verb. Noun: unmerited favor, kindness undeserved. Verb: to confer dignity or honor on, or to add beauty to.

Grace is the ‘breath’ we take between anger and forgiveness. It is a choice to be silent, hold our tongue, and open the door for peace to enter into a challenging situation.

Angels naturally possess infinite grace, and many times the angels I work with have to remind me to hold my tongue, think before I speak, and simply be silent and listen to the person I am angry with. Being heard even if we are not understood is very validating. It says to the other person, “you are important to me, what you are feeling and thinking matters to me”. What you give you will receive.

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Astrology Forecast April 4 – 10, 2022

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comToday’s Taurus Moon can go either way. It could instill a sense of peace and contentment, no matter what is going on around us, or it can lead us down a rabbit hole of frustration, conflict and drama. Starting the day off with a centered, calm and focused approach will be the key to a peaceful, happier Monday.

First of all, be careful to not pick a fight with your beloved this morning under the Taurus Moon square Mars in Aquarius, followed by a square with Saturn in Aquarius, as these two squares can cause a small disagreement or argument to escalate easily and quickly to full-blown drama and conflict – which is not the best way to start the new week!

By the time we get to the office today, the Mars in Aquarius conjunction with Saturn in Aquarius may be causing some frustration with its clash of total opposites. The driven impatience of Mars does not sit well with the measured, controlled timing of Saturn. If you are the impulsive, hasty type it may be best for you to count to ten…or even take a walk around the block to calm and center yourself.

Venus, the planet that rules Taurus as well as Libra, will move into the spiritually-focused sign of Pisces tomorrow, taking us on a journey to explore our truest passions and desires over the next four weeks. We will generally be more loving, kind and compassionate in the coming weeks.

Wednesday’s Gemini Moon promotes romance as well as partnerships of all kinds, as we long to communicate our deepest thoughts and feelings to others.

The rest of the week unfolds under a Cancer Moon through Saturday, drawing us to daydream, fantasize and imagine our futures from the comfort of our armchairs, exploring the possibilities that lie ahead.

The Moon will dance into Leo on Sunday, and combined with Mercury’s move into Taurus, inspire us to take action on those creative ideas we’ve been having. Mercury, ruler of Gemini and Virgo, is famous for taking our thoughts to the next level when it travels through the sign of Taurus, which it will for the next two and a half weeks.

Astrology Forecast March 28 – April 3, 2022

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhatever you decide you need to attend to this week, take care with your back and lift from the knees. Expect the unexpected as the Moon travels through Aquarius today. To get through the day most effectively, avoid making any set-in-stone plans and let the Universe direct traffic instead.

The Aquarius Moon conjunction Saturn in Aquarius this morning can also cause malaise, dissatisfaction, and even depression. If you are married or dating someone, try to avoid conflict today.

Venus in Aquarius conjunct Saturn in Aquarius this afternoon may further cause us to be overly serious and lack a sense of humor. Issues in love and marriage are even more likely, so make a conscious effort to keep the peace with your beloved today.

If you are single, remind yourself that the sense of isolation or loneliness you are feeling is temporary. Try not to let it linger for too long, as it might be worsened by a hypersensitive mood on Wednesday with the Pisces Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces .

We’ll will not be very driven and focused under tomorrow and Wednesday’s Pisces Moon, tending more towards daydreaming or fantasizing than getting any work done. But don’t be too hard on yourself, as the Moon will move into assertive Aries on Thursday and reach New Moon status on Friday. This will instill us with more energy and drive than we have had all week!

The weekend is the perfect time for spring cleaning,  turning over the earth to start your spring garden, or gathering objects for a future garage sale, as the Taurus Moon encourages physical movement and efforts that show tangible progress once you’re done.

Be Mindful Who You Allow Into Your Energy Field

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe all know someone who is personally so miserable they want everyone around them to be equally miserable too. You can usually tell by how they talk, behave, and treat others.

Due to a recent encounter I personally had with a relative who is acts like this, I decided to ask spirit for insight and guidance on how to deal with such people. How does a spiritually conscious person handle someone who makes us feel as though we need to walk on eggshells whenever we are around them?

Spirit showed me that we all have those relatives or friends who are obviously very unhappy and choose to take it out on others. Spirit says the first step is to not participate in any argument they try to initiate. Simply don’t respond. To argue it takes two people. So simply do not buy their drama.

It can get very uncomfortable when such a negative, toxic individual engages with you. They can make us feel really bad – often for no reason other than wanting to bring you down to their low frequency. Don’t allow them to push your buttons. By not giving in to their ploy, you remain connected to the Light,

Understand that some people are in a very fragmented place of spiritual disconnect and emotional dysfunction, often because they never dealt with their emotional issues on a deeper level. So, because of that they take it out on others.

Spirit says we must seek to create some healthy space and set boundaries with these people. We can be compassionate and understanding, without becoming their victims or emotional punchbags. It is your spiritual right to take back your power.

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Make Your Own Magical Moon Water

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe Moon, our closest celestial body, is strongly associated with the element of water. One way we can harness its powerful energy is by making moon water. Moon water is a powerful tool for energy cleansing and balance, and for strengthening spiritual connection.

The energy charging of moon water can be done at any time, but it is most ideal with the Full Moon. All you need is distilled or fresh water, a container, and a strong sense of intent.

Choosing the right container for your moon water is key. Think about what you plan to do with it: bathing, drinking, watering plants. If you are going to leave the container outside and overnight, consider a mesh or other permeable covering or lid so nothing except moonlight can get inside.

You can also include lunar affinity crystals, such as moonstone, clear quartz, or opal in the making of moon water. You can leave it in the container where it will receive an optimal amount of moonlight, then retrieve it in the morning.

Also, consider the astrological placement of the moon when making your moon water. For example, if you are setting an intention for extra insight and focus in your business or career, then a Full Moon in hardworking Capricorn is an ideal time to make some moon drinking water for the office.

As with any spiritual practice or manifesting ritual, stating your intentions clearly and firmly beforehand is vital. Remember to also extend gratitude to the Moon for her power and positive energies.

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Astrology Forecast March 21 – 27, 2022

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIt’s time to refresh our perspective and create a plan of action as the season of spring begins (autumn in the southern hemisphere) and we experience a rebirth on all levels!

The week opens under a Scorpio Moon, which will give us an intense focus today and tomorrow, making this a good time to evaluate, reflect and restructure our plans for the future.

Beware the Scorpio Moon square Mars in Aquarius this morning, followed by an opposition to Uranus in Taurus. These two aspects may cause us to be impatient, moody, irritable and disagreeable.

Getting into an argument with your partner our spouse is more likely this morning, which may turn your day into a manic Monday, that may culminate in feeling depressed and miserable tonight under the Scorpio Moon square Saturn in Aquarius. Stay calm and grounded today, things will ease up by tomorrow!

A more light-hearted energy prevails on Wednesday and Thursday under the fair-minded and fun-loving Sagittarius Moon. Friday and Saturday’s Capricorn Moon indicates an ideal time to address financial and health issues, as we make a commitment to live more structured and nurturing lives.

Our thoughts will be inspired on Sunday as Mercury moves into the creative sign of Aries and the Moon dances into innovative and imaginative Aquarius!

All in all this week is a great start to the astrological new year, where we’ll get a third chance to dust off those resolutions and start taking actions that will move us closer to our ideals and dreams!

Astrology Forecast March 14 – 20, 2022

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe’ll be closing out this final week of the astrological year with some self-focus and organization, by bringing some things to completion and attending to things we’ve been neglecting over the past few months.

The Moon will cruise through Leo on today and tomorrow, reminding us to practice more generosity to others, as well as ourselves. This is a good cycle for forgiveness and preparing to release anything that holds us back, before Friday’s Virgo Full Moon.

It may be necessary to take a deep breath and count to ten this afternoon, as the Leo Moon square Uranus in Taurus can cause people to be irritable, stubborn, moody, and even act a little outrageous.

During this time, people can be eccentric, headstrong, fanatic, over-the-top, irritable. It will not be a good time for getting into arguments with your significant other, as it could cause damage to the future of your relationship. Stay centered and grounded, and keep calm.

Wednesday and Thursday’s energies are ideal for regrouping, organizing our lives, and eliminating clutter on a physical level, as the Moon moves through Virgo. We’ll also be reminded that while having high ideals to move us forward, we need to also be more gentle and understanding of ourselves and others.

Once the Moon peaks full on Friday, we’ll enter a phase of release during which we can truly let go of the past and the hold it has on us. We’ll also take a breather later in the day, as the Moon moves into Libra and spends the weekend calling for a return to balance.

On Sunday the astrological new year is upon us, as the Sun moves into Aries, calling for a fresh start and a creative approach to life over the next four weeks.

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