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Intuitive Breathwork For Inner Guidance

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Our angels and spirit guides never want to see us feeling down or suffering, whether it is emotionally, physically, mentally, or spiritually.  They are always there to celebrate the good times with us, but they are also there to support and guide in our worst times. Spirit simply loves us unconditionally, no matter what is going on.

I strongly recommend taking a few minutes tevery day to shut out the noise of the world, as well as your own negative self-talk, to be still and open yourself to inner guidance from spirit. Go within to listen to spirit. Shift your awareness out of your heart and mind and into your gut to find your inner spiritual truth.

I speak to my guides daily as part of my spiritual practice. I usually ask them what they recommend I accomplish today, or what direction would be most beneficial for my highest good. I always receive an answer.

Mostly it comes through as a clear inner knowing or gut feeling. At times I receive it as a vivid thought, or an inspired idea, or a clairvoyant glimpse of something or someone significant that will cross my path.

I find get the best results with the answers I get from spirit after a few minutes of my tried and trusted breathwork exercise. I do the same preparation when reading for others and I also use it at times to clear energy blockages from my chakras.

It only takes about five minutes and is something that anyone can do daily to increase spiritual awareness and decrease inner noise and mental clutter. I have seen many of my clients thrive once they included this technique in their daily practice.

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The Universe Will Always Match Your Energy

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe Law of Attraction is a universal spiritual principle that we create our own reality. Whatever we send out into the world is what we will attract back to us. Whatever we choose to give our time, energy, and attention to is what will become manifest in our life.

If we choose to focus on the positive things we truly desire in life, such as abundance, prosperity, success, and well-being, we will attract more of that in return. But if we hold on to negativity, fear, lack, and pessimism, we will struggle to attract good things to us.

Our thoughts are powerful, because thoughts become things. If we make a habit of cultivating thoughts, ideas and beliefs that are hopeful, happy, excited, optimistic, inspired, confident, appreciative, and grateful, then God, Source, Spirit, the Divine responds to our positive mindset with matching manifestations, outcomes, and experiences.

The Universe will always match our energy wavelength and can only guide us towards relationships, opportunities, and events that we believe to be possible for us, and that we feel worthy and deserving of.

If you are constantly sending negative energy out into the Universe, you will only end up experiencing more toxic relationships, hardships, and challenging life. Events. If we are constantly in a negative mind space, then it is difficult, even impossible for us to see the many positive opportunities and potential blessings available to us.

We have all seen the Law of Attraction at work in our life in one way or another, whether we care to admit it, or not. For example, have you ever been in a situation where you needed to buy a car and then became interested in a specific brand, new model, color, style? Then, suddenly, you start seeing that car everywhere, while in the past you never noticed it on the road.

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Developing Your Herbal Intuition

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHerbal medicine is becoming increasingly popular, and many people are increasingly turning to herbalism as a healthcare supplement, or even a substitute to conventional pharmaceutical medicine. Plants, flowers, and herbs all have unique energetic qualities that make them suitable for various purposes. They are alive and respond to their environment and how they are treated in the same way humans do.

When we think of herbs, we tend to narrowly categorize them according to the medical conditions they can be used for, or what aspect of our health and wellness they can improve. However, like people, herbs are much more complex and multi-faceted, and have many uses and applications, alone or in combination with other herbs.

To obtain the most benefit from any herb, we need to take the time and have patience to truly get to know the herb. When you meet someone for the first time at a social event, would you diminish the other person’s true worth by instantly deciding they have only one useful trait or redeeming quality, and leave it at that? Taking the time to get acquainted with a particular herb is much like getting to know someone in an intimate friendship.

Selecting herbs to work with or draw upon for healing is a highly intuitive process. The appearance, aroma, taste, texture, and energy vibration of the ideal herb for a specific purpose must speak to us mind, body, and soul. They convey a distinct energy signature and frequency of healing that the intuitively aware user will innately know is best to use at that time.

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Seasonal Crystals To Prepare For The Spring

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe second half of the winter season, after the solstice, is an ideal time to establish new patterns and laying the groundwork for the coming spring and summer. Now is the ideal time to start adopting healthier lifestyle habits and plant spiritual seeds that will bloom in the months ahead.

Crystal that pairs well with this kind of winter energy work is clear, transparent quartz. It is a metaphysical staple for many practitioners, regardless the time of year, as it facilitates mental and emotional clarity and helps clear out negative energies. However, like a pristine winter pool of icy water, it also does not tolerate shadows and secrets.

Another winter-friendly crystal is selenite, which resembles an opaque spike of white ice. It acts as a cleanser, sweeping away the painful memories of the past and embracing the transition into a new year. Selenite is also closely associated with guardian angels and spirit guides, so it helps us to tap into their guiding wisdom more clearly.

Warmer, more fiery crystals can also help us generate some sparks and bring new heat to even the coldest, most hibernated of intentions. Citrine, with its inviting citrus hues attracts good luck and prosperity to the bearer. This crystal helps us stick to our goals and fulfill our greater purpose.

If you are wanting to increase your creativity and productivity this year, try fiery carnelian, with its sweltering deep orange and red-brown overtures. Its leading energy associations are inspiration, determination, and tenacity. Also, red or fuchsia garnet (appropriately also the birthstone for January) increases motivation and allows us to manifest our goals and aspirations.

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Pay Attention To Your Angel Numbers!

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAre you repeatedly seeing the same numbers on the clock, license plates, store signs, and other places? It’s more common than you may think. It is known as ‘angel numbers’ and it simply means God, Source, Spirit, the Divine is communicating with you!

The magic and symbolism of numbers and numerology date back to the beginning of recorded human history and can be found in various ancient texts. Numbers are a spiritually significant, and also a powerful divination tool.

In grade school, we practiced arithmetic and memorized multiplication tables.  For me it was fascinating to see the consistency in certain number equations where certain rules apply that made math easier. Well, the same principles can be applied to decode the meaning of your angel numbers!

What’s most important about interpreting angel number sequences when you first begin to see them is to identify what those numbers mean to you personally. When you repeatedly see certain number sequences, ask yourself what is going on in your life at that moment in time.

What were you just thinking about or focusing on? Have you been struggling with a particular issue that you must find a solution for? Are you feeling anxious or upset about a circumstance that does not seem resolvable at this time? Are you worried about your job, a relationship, or family member? Are you in need of comfort or healing? Do you want to manifest something new and important in your life?

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Getting The Answer When Spirit Speaks

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comPeople have told me over the years that they never hear spirit, or that their guides do not speak to them at all. This is simply not true. Spirit speaks to all of us daily. Spirit is never the problem; we are! It is up to us to be more aware, to pay attention and listen, and then to follow the guidance, heed the warnings, or implement the answers.

In my experience, this is usually due to a lack of spiritual awareness, and sometimes also based in fear. Our spirit guides and angels are not to be feared. They are there to bring you to a place of receiving clarity on what you should be doing with your life and what steps to take to make the right decisions or choices as you move forward.

Another problem I find is the tendency of some people to ask spirit a question and when they do not like the answer, to continue asking the same question, repeatedly, hoping that spirit will eventually give them the answer they want…and not the truth intended for their highest good.

This happens especially with clients who consult with numerous psychics. They will keep calling different readers, hoping to eventually find someone who will give them the answer they are hoping to hear. Or they will repeat the same question during a reading by asking it in different ways, in the hopes of changing the outcome of the reading.

In these cases, the actual question is usually not really the issue at hand. What more often truly matters is why there is the need to ask the same thing over and over again? Where is the obsession coming from? What is causing this persistent state of denial and self-delusion? Only once the person’s true motivation is unraveled and addressed, will they be able to accept the truth and move forward.

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Are You Consciously Guided By Spirit?

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comOur spirit guides are constantly directing us towards our highest good and the fulfillment of our life purpose, whether we are aware of it, or not. Their guidance is just all the more effective and efficient if we are consciously aware and open to it on a daily basis.

We are all here to accomplish our soul mission in this lifetime. We agreed to come to earth for a particular purpose or calling. It is also my belief that if this mission is not accomplished, we will keep coming back to this plane of existence until we do.

Our spirit guides are with us every step of the way to assist and support us in getting these life goals met. Every day they coax us in the right direction with signs, synchronicities, gut instincts, hunches, ideas, thoughts, dreams, and inspirations.

Sadly, many people tend to be unconscious of the daily guidance of spirit, and to make matters worse, they also tend to ignore their gut feelings, signs, and intuitions. This often leads to poor choices and bad decisions, and sometimes disasterous, even life-threatening situations.

You see, spirit can only suggest, encourage, and recommend. Our guides cannot force us to do anything against our free will. Spirit can also not interfere in our lives and direct our choices without our participation and consent. In other words, our guides can only help us when we are willing to help ourselves. For the best results we must ask for guidance and support, and then be open to receive it.

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