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Raising Your Vibration Changes The World

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen I was a Yoga teacher, I often had students invite me for dinner or a social visit to help them clear the energy in their home. I would always remind them that, while I may be able to improve the vibration of their home and clear any negative energy, the results would only be temporary.

Attaining an improved energy frequency in this way, of feeling light, happy, hopeful, and positive, can be like a ‘quick-fix crash diet’ to get some weight off quickly. The instant, easy results may motivate one to lose weight more permanently with a sustainable, sensible nutrition plan and fitness routine, but it will never be a long-term, lasting solution on its own.

I have been practicing energy work and raising my vibration since I was teenager. My practice intensified when I began  to study Kundalini Yoga in my 30’s.

Raising one’s energy vibration is a basically a process of expanding and strengthening the aura – our personal energy field. Various energy influences can cause our aura to retract and become diminished, for example as we grow older, or when we are traumatized in childhood. The aura ‘pulls in’ to protect us, much like someone might hunch over when they are being physically attacked.

Poor posture is often the result of the fourth (heart) chakra and the aura retracting to protect the self. Our energy vibration is a combination of the aura and the chakras or energy centers. When you realign and balance the chakras, you basically ‘take out the psychic trash’ and your vibration is heightened.

Having a consistently high vibration, however, can come with its own set of challenges. For example, I cannot wear a watch, for because my vibration tends to make them break down or stop moving. I often have problems with machinery and technology in my environment. I have also been told that went I walk into a room, the vibration changes.

Just like when a really negative person can bring everyone in down, or even make you feel ill, a positive, high vibration can make a room light up. People literally get high off the energy. The feeling is similar to falling in love or after one has given birth to your child. A raised vibration is a kind of low-level euphoria anyone can achieve.

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Seeing Yourself As You Truly Are

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe art of ‘being seen’ begins within. It is not in the eyes, or heart, of an external beholder. It is the grace of being able to see oneself through the Divine Eyes of our Creator.

Every soul is unique. No two are the same. Each soul emanates from the Supreme Loving Source to offer its unique beauty and pleasure to God in an incomparable, individual way. When we look at ourselves through this lens, the true beauty, light, and power of the spiritual spark of our being shines upon our inner vision.

Relationships offer mirrors too. But what they show vary according to the quality of the reflecting surface. And what we see in them depends upon how well we know, see, and stand in the truth of our own higher self.

For example, if I look at myself in a broken mirror, do I see a crack in my face? I might…if I am not sure of who I am. However, if I know myself to be whole, I can readily recognize that the crack is in the mirror, and not in my face.

Similarly, there are relationships in life that reflect broken images back to us. That does not mean that we are broken, nor that the other person or people involved are broken either. We all have wounds and scars and other gaping holes yet to be healed, or not.

Whatever the case may be, it is the relationship itself that offers up the reflective element. It is the dynamic of exchange that shows itself as either clean, clear, balanced, cracked, smeared, skewed, and so on.

Knowing oneself in truth and wholeness is thus extremely valuable. If we do not possess such certainty of self, we may accept a broken or distorted impression projected by an ill-functioning relationship to be a reflection upon ourselves.

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The Meaning Of Psychic Dreams

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDreaming is a universal human experience, although we do not fully understand how or why we dream. In a spiritual sense, a dream is our soul interacting with the boundless, greater Universe where things may not always make sense as they do when we’re awake, and where this time-space reality does not exist.

Whether we consciously remember our dreams or not, dreams can add profound depth to our everyday spiritual practice. A clairvoyant dream or precognitive dream, for example, can predict events in the future or make us aware of upcoming life challenges. One might dream of the arrival of a long-lost friend, a financial windfall, or meeting a new romantic partner.

Clairvoyant dreams can sometimes be distressing, especially since these dreams sometimes precede a tragedy. Mary Todd Lincoln, the wife of Abraham Lincoln, had such dreams before the famous U.S. president’s assassination. Many people also reported clairvoyant dreams of contemporary events like 9/11 and the Challenger disaster.

But don’t think these dreams are all doom and gloom. If you are given such insight in a dream, see if there is any way that you can make use of it for the greater good.

No doubt many of our dreams can be truly intriguing. However, popular culture and movies often create unrealistic expectations of psychic phenomena and the nature of dreams.

The most important thing to keep in mind when it comes to precognitive phenomena is timing. What you’ve foreseen in a dream may not necessarily come to pass any time soon, or when you’re expecting it – perhaps not even in this lifetime! The Universe always has perfect timing.

When it comes to psychic phenomena and metaphysics, it is important to keep an open mind. Always be on the lookout for daily clues. Spirit is subtle and it easy to overlook something in plain sight. That ‘Mr. Right’ you foresaw in your dream might just run into you when you least expect it!

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An Unusual Spirit Visitation From Grandma

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI have a very vivid memory from when I was a little girl of my grandma teaching me how to pray the rosary. I didn’t really remember much of the prayer at that age, but as I grew older I made an effort to learn it by heart and do it correctly.

It has since become an essential component of my spiritual practice and has helped me to manifest many miracles in my life. In fact, one of the promises of praying the rosary is to receive miracles.

When grandma died, I made it my goal to properly learn the rosary. I prayed it every night and asked for her to visit me from the other side. I wished for us to communicate while I was awake and fully conscious, instead of in a dream. And that is exactly happened.

Recently, I was thinking of my grandma and I got down on my knees to make another special request for her to come visit me. While I was meditating, a helium balloon I still have as a keepsake from Valentine’s Day 2020, began moving along the ceiling into my general space.

I knew that this had to be grandma’s doing because there weren’t any windows open and there was no draft. The heating was also not turned on or anything like that.

I then said out loud, “Grandma if it is you moving the balloon, is there anything you would like to tell me? Please communicate with me telepathically. Give me a sign, move the balloon towards me. Something, anything!” The heart-shaped balloon almost instantly started to make its way down to me. Lower and lower it came until it was hovering right in front of my face.

Then the balloon started moving towards the door. I stood up and followed it. It went out into the kitchen, then around the corner and into the living room. Then it hovered over my altar. I have an altar where I keep pictures of my ancestors. After grandma passed, I also placed a picture of her on it.

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Reconnect And Recharge Your Soul

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhat a crazy place the world is right now! First wave, second wave, third wave. New virus, old virus, mutant virus. To be vaccinated, or not? Fear, chaos, anxiety. Misinformation, conflicting information, false information. What do we trust? Who do we turn to for guidance?

And the pandemic is not our only concern. Scientists are warning us that the polar ice caps are melting faster than they had anticipated, as global warming causes climate change. The oceans are drowning in our plastic waste and animal species are going extinct.

Whatever will be next? Will things ever get better, or will they get worse? Are we worse off than our ancestors? Where will it all end? How do we center ourselves in all the chaos and drama, and foster a sense of inner peace and faith amidst all the upheaval?

The one aspect of this world I completely trust is Mother Nature. The Earth Mother, Terra, Tellus. Our beloved Gaia. Like any other maternal energy, she continually finds a way to cope. She readjusts, heals and rejuvenates.

I believe the planet will find a way to heal, restore and recover. Our Earth Mother has the innate power to sustain herself, despite the assault and abuse by her thankless human offspring. Unlike us feeble humans, Mother Nature does not resort to hysterics, fear and panic.

I believe there is a divine understanding that at different times particular events and changes will unfold, as the world evolves its own destiny.

The other aspect of life that I have complete faith in is my soul, my spirit, my higher self, that remains steadfast within me regardless of what goes on in the outside world.

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The Mystical Cycle Of The Moon

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comTraditionally many cultures worldwide centered their spiritual practices around the Moon and the phases it cycles through once approximately every 29 days. These phases reflect the Moon’s journey around the Earth, revealing a little more or a little less of this mysterious satellite.

Much like the cyclic seasons of the year, the Moon’s phases represent different aspects of personal contemplation for the spiritual practitioners and metaphysicians. The Moon represents our intuitions, hidden aspects of self, and the nurturing empathy a mother would show a child.

The New Moon begins and ends each lunar cycle. As a ‘blank canvas’ it suggests new beginnings, or the completion of a full circle. This is the starting point for working with the Moon’s phases. Time your lunar calendar each month around the New Moon. Note, it will not be visible, but instead a dark circle. Use a white candle or another source of light to represent the fully illuminated Moon that is to come and start new ideas or projects.

As the Moon grows in size it goes into its ‘waxing’ phase. It will first become a crescent shape a quarter of the way in its orbit around the Earth, and later a wedge shape called gibbous. As it grows, so too will you and your ideas. Each day, ask yourself what is going right. Ask the Universe for guidance and inspiration, and remember that it’s all right to change plans or make revisions.

As the Moon is in its growing phase, each day a little more of its surface is cast in light. The Moon also rises an hour later each day in the cycle. Its many craters are a reminder that despite perceived flaws, something can be wonderful when illuminated.

We are all awed by the sight of the Full Moon glowing in the sky. This is the time in the cycle when we can enjoy the fruits of our efforts, and also examine what worked or did not work in practice. This is also the time in the lunar cycle when emotions run at their highest, so be careful of acting too impulsively. Be sure to also show gratitude and humility for what you’ve accomplished so far.

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Showing Up For Your Spiritual Purpose

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe are all given gifts. Talents. Abilities. Aptitudes. We are supposed to share these gifts with the world. There are many gifts, callings and passions, and many things we are meant to use for the greater good. And an unused, neglected gift is a tragic travesty.

It feels good when we are expressing our truth in the world, but many let their gifts lay dormant. They have forgotten what they came here to do.

It is our spiritual duty to show up for our part and fulfill our life’s spiritual purpose. We must tap into our abilities and share our message with the world. Some of us are given opportunity after opportunity to show up and apply our gifts, but we turn down every chance to shine.

If ask you today, right this moment, what makes you really excited? What do you truly enjoy doing? What is your truth? Your passion? What message would you like to share with the world? Find your inner truth and show up to do your part.

I knew from a young age I was here to help people get on the path they are meant to be on. Today, I help folks to live their best possible life.

Each person has their own unique gifts, talents and abilities and life path. I help people to identify what this is by using my own gifts. I share what spirit’s message is for each person, to help them shine and connect with their unique divine truth.

I find great joy in helping people connect with their own unique gifts. I also love to teach techniques that vibe with each person to help them to connect with their own healing and inner guidance.

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