April 2020 Weekly Astro Forecasts
April 6 – 12
The Libra Full Moon occurs on Tuesday, followed by Mercury’s entry into Aries on Friday. Anything we need to accomplish that involves details or planning is best done on Monday, as the Virgo Moon brings out our organizational skills.
Tuesday’s Libra Full Moon is famous for bringing people from the past into our minds, whether just a fleeting thought or an actual encounter. So, if someone crosses your mind, see if you can find them on social media or give them a call! They might need your friendship, love or emotional support.
We can expect a major burst of energy when Mercury moves into Aries on Good Friday. For the next few weeks, this placement will inspire our hearts and minds, bring out creative talents to the surface and have us seeking out new ways to reach our goals. Easter weekend unfolds under a Sagittarius Moon, as it reminds us that rebirth is upon us and opening the door to new beginnings and renewed life!
April 13 – 19
Monday and Tuesday’s Capricorn Moon will bring out our diligent sides, allowing us to catch up on work, tend to our finances and improve our overall health. Let’s be prepared to change gears on Wednesday though, as the Moon will move into Aquarius and spend the next two days inspiring us to be more social, more globally conscious and more inventive in how we approach life.
Make Your Spring Cleaning A Spiritual Cleansing
Although I rent my home, I set aside time each year to spring clean and spiritually cleanse my living space. You may wonder why I invest this time, when I am probably going to pack it all up and relocate soon? Well, I believe the way you treat yourself in your current home will actually help to manifest the joy and happiness in your next home.
Now, spring cleaning conjures up the traditional vision of shaking out rugs, deep cleaning the entire home, and opening all the windows to let the fresh air inside. But, taking the time for a spiritual cleansing, alongside your annual spring cleaning, can let in so much more!
The positive energy from creating a deeper connection to the space around you is actually an investment in not only in your living space, but in yourself. A happy home is a connection to joy and inspiration, and attracts into your life more of what you desire. Putting on hold any and all spiritual connection with your current living arrangement, can actually put on hold your chance to connect with the life you really want.
Clear The Clutter
A highly impactful energy change already begins with clearing out the clutter from your home. Clutter not only blocks your mind and body, but it also blocks energy flow and quite often leaves those living in clutter feeling eternally ‘stuck.’ People who live in cluttered homes often become stuck all areas of their life: emotional, physical, financial and spiritual. Even if you do a little bit at a time, clearing out clutter is the one of the quickest and most positive practical and spiritual changes you can make in your home.
March 2020 Weekly Astro Forecasts
March 2 – 8
This is a lighthearted week, filled with social interactions and self-care. So, at last we can keep the focus on ourselves for a change! Information we’re looking for, and affirming conversations, take precedence the first two days of the week as the Moon dances through Gemini. We may be more action-oriented than productive, but that’s okay, as we’ll get what we need on an intellectual level.
Venus will move into Taurus on Wednesday, and we’ll look towards how we can beautify our surroundings. In this tangible zodiac sign, Venus may encourage us to redecorate, clear out clutter or spend more time in artistic endeavors for the next six weeks. Add a Cancer Moon on Wednesday and Thursday, and our focus will be on our homes and families.
A Leo Moon takes the spotlight on Friday and Saturday, compelling us to shine our lights out into the world. This moon could also insist we set new boundaries, make ourselves the priority and integrate some of the changes we’ve been making since the start of the year.
Sunday might be the only day we’ll feel genuinely productive, as the Moon moves into Virgo, and inspires us to organize or throw ourselves into a project that requires detailed precision or extreme focus. How about those taxes..? All in all, this should be a quiet and easy flowing week.
The 2020 Ascension Breakthrough
There’s a spiritual emergence happening this year. The year 2020 brings subtle energy shifts that will propel us forward toward our soul-aligned desires.
This year has a higher vibration that holds tremendous potential for us to reach our dreams by first changing from within. For once we begin to exist in a way that the universe blesses, we will witness divine forces complement our inner-directed changes by manifesting it externally.
Simply put, 2020 will be a year of supported growth and great ascension. What is more, believing in this gateway to enlightenment will be the key to unlocking your personal power.
As we are all co-creators of our reality, we may have inadvertently created an existence that simply goes against the grain, and stifles our prosperity. This is due to outer influences, karmic blocks and limiting beliefs imposed on us through our many experiences on this Earth.
Fortunately, anything obstructive can no longer survive in the emerging 2020 rebirth, whether it is a career, relationship or social structure. All that no longer serves us, must begin to crumble away this year, and we must allow its fall, so that harmony and fulfillment can enter our lives.
With that it’s time to loosen the reigns and worry less about getting an external grip. No need to force matters, or control people or situations this year. You only need to resolve to take care of yourself. This extra dimensional dynamism offers a paved path to increase your capacity to live a life that is in alignment with who you authentically are, by elevating your awareness.
You Don’t Need A New Year For A Fresh Start!
Ever since my early childhood, I have always adored, and still do love the New Year. It is a thrilling time, after all, of fresh starts, new goals and exciting plans. But as the years rolled by, and I came into my mature years, I have also learned that whilst enjoying the New Year, we can actually have a fresh start at any time!
There is need to wait for a particular moment in time to exact any change in our lives. It is true to say that for a lot of us, as the old year comes to an end, it can be somewhat tempting to procrastinate by offsetting any new goals until the next New Year, when in fact they could have been implemented sooner. Furthermore, the sooner we start to implement positive change, the sooner we begin to feel the benefits.
The following guidelines may help you to make a fresh start whenever you choose.
Have A Vision
If you enjoy making resolutions on New Year’s Eve, then, by all means, go ahead. However, you would be wise to strengthen your commitment to your long-term goals, which align with your actual core values. By doing so, you should have an awful lot more to gain than one successful resolution could ever bring you.
After all, it is how we evolve in the long run that really matters. In simple terms, by putting your words into action, preferably by using the guidelines outlined above, you should be much more successful in achieving your goals, whatever time of year it may be.
New Day, New Year, New Vision
New Year’s Day is the perfect opportunity to reboot your life and redesign your future. What haven’t you manifested that is important to you? What tugs at your dreams moving forward? Today would be a good time to do something about it and change your life for the better.
However, if you only come across this later in the year, fear not. Any day can be the first day of a brand new year for you. It does not have to be January 1st. Your New Year’s Day can be whenever you choose it to be. Today, is a new day, just as tomorrow will be, and so forth. Choose any new day for you to start living your life. Whenever you are ready, declare what is in your soul and change the direction of your life.
To get started, the best counsel I can give you is to buy yourself a nice journal or notebook, a glue stick, a comfortable pen and, if it pleases your soul, some positive affirmation stickers. This is how you start your new year. And again, it does not have to be January 1st.
As you go about your daily life, take note of things that make you smile – whether it be a picture, a saying, something kind that you saw someone do, or something selfless that you did for someone else. Journal about it . Write about how it made you feel in that moment. Let these feelings come to the surface of your life and allow them to grow.
You will begin to notice, over time, that the more positive instances you write about, they more frequently similar experiences will come into your life. It does not happen overnight, so don’t sit there the next day and think, “Well, I wrote about seeing someone buy a homeless person a coffee and it made me feel good, but nothing good happened to me.” This process takes time. You are working on your inner being to simply be more accepting and positive as you walk your daily path.
Soul Group Zen Connections
I love when you meet a new friend and they are on the same wavelength. It usually feels like you have known them forever and you can just talk for hours, completely losing track of time. Time does fly when we connect with those who are in the same soul group.
I recently had the rare experience of talking with someone who, like me, is also intuitive, emphatic, sensitive, and loves the Tarot and crystals. It was a blessing and rare opportunity to talk to someone with whom I have so much in common on a spiritual level.
We soon discovered that we have both learned to set up healthy boundaries in our lives, including with our in-laws. We also lived in the same city for the first five years of our lives. There are also many other personal things we have in common.
I call this state of resonance with someone or something ‘to be in zen.’ When we are in zen with someone, we are connecting with a kindred spirit. It happens smoothly and easily, as our energy is in alignment with our own truth and theirs. No hang-ups, no snares, no issues, no resistance.
I also believe we are divinely guided towards those who share our soul group. Like attracts like, and this creates a positive domino effect with everything just smoothly energized and aligned. Our health, happiness, well-being benefit from it on all levels.
My Spirit Guide once put it to me like this and it makes perfect sense: “When you go through life not recharged or reenergized, you tend to not connect well spiritually.” There are many ways to recharge our spiritual batteries, including meditation, a healthy lifestyle, being charitable, and so on.