Spiritual Awakening Is A Double-Edged Sword
Many times in my life I’ve had to move on, leaving friends, family, relationships and spouses behind, because I outgrew them. The spiritual awakening process is a double-edged sword. When we awaken, our value systems change. The shift is a blessing, but burning bridges always hurts, and often when we least expect it.
One of the most obvious symptoms of knowing we’re no longer in sync with those around us, is when we can do nothing other than listen to our inner guidance, as it gets louder and louder. And, the more we tune into it, the more authentic we become and we can’t pretend anymore. Truth and integrity take over, because those values are more in alignment with our soul.
Often, those closest to us, align themselves with their own illusion of who they want us to be. They project onto us the values they think they most admire, and choose to find these in us, as opposed to who we really are. As Maya Angelou stated so wisely, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them; the first time.” Continue reading
Life Contentment
Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) is recognized as the most documented psychic medium of 20th Century. Also known as “The Sleeping Prophet” he would enter a trance state of altered consciousness, to answer questions about diverse subjects, ranging from medical issues and holistic health, to past lives and philosophy. The majority of his channeled readings were recorded, numbered and archived.
Cayce’s life’s work is preserved and continued through the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E) founded circa 1931. My last visit there was 20 years ago and I recall being told by a curator, “Spirit is the life, mind is the builder, and the physical is the result.”
What Brings True Happiness?
Sitting in my meditation room, I set my intention. I wanted to connect with my guide and through doing so ask a few questions I have been pondering with my earthly mind. Sitting quietly, spirit approached.
This energy was all too familiar, it was my guide, my main guide, the one who promised me in life he would reach out to me once fully transitioned. Yes, just like all the times before, like a big ball of love with a wonderful loving smile, my Grandpa came to me. Sitting without words, as our communication is always telepathic, he was resonating pure white light and love. Continue reading
Letting Go Allows Miracles To Happen
We tend to hold onto things and people which no longer serve us. Fear keeps us attached, as well as that comfortable feeling of the familiar.
Some people hang onto other people for dear life, even though they treated them badly, because they do not feel they are good enough for anyone else. Some people hang onto material things, because to let it go would diminish their self-worth or comfort zone by some means.
This was a hard lesson that I had to learn and overcome myself. Three years ago, I had my father’s house up for sale. It had been on the market for over a year and did not even attract one offer. Later, I realized that this had happened because I was not ready to let it go at the time. My energy was preventing anyone, who might have been interested, from going near the house to even look at it, let alone make an offer. Continue reading
Clutter Bust Your Life
Choosing what you allow and keep in your life gives you a sense of having control of your happiness and your future. If you are hoarder, or living a cluttered existence with too many material possessions, know that it is limiting your spiritual growth and personal fulfillment. The path to enlightenment is not paved with stuff… and more stuff. Maybe it’s time to rid yourself of those things that no longer serve a purpose in your life?
Releasing clutter is a mental thing. Millions of people worldwide suffer from what professional organizers and psychologists call ‘hoarding.’ Most people that have this problem don’t recognize this pattern in themselves, until their lifestyle is really out of control. Clean out all your closets in your home and in your mind. Continue reading
Spring Blessings Of Change
We have officially entered Springtime and the winds of change are blowing in. Along with change comes new beginnings, and with new beginnings comes excitement, trepidation, and often times fear. We may be thinking about the many potential opportunities a new beginning brings, but, also may worry about any challenges or obstacles the future may hold.
During the winter months you spent time going within, both physically from the colder weather, and spiritually, to connect with your soul. Without even knowing, you instinctively entered the cave of your inner guru to get quiet so that you could nurture and cultivate something very precious inside of you that is about to be birthed this Spring. Continue reading