A Tale Of Two Wolves
As a child, I always enjoyed parables, and even in my middle years I still like listening to a story that has real meaning behind it. Recently, I discovered a fabulous story.
A young Cherokee child gets into an argument with one of his peers whom, until now, he felt he had been on good terms with but on this occasion, however, felt that the other boy had been most unjust to him.
In anger, the Cherokee boy runs off to seek advice from his wise grandfather, an elder of the Cherokee tribe, who loves teaching his grandchildren all about life. After telling his grandfather of his injustice, the old man wistfully looked at his grandson and said that he too, in his life, had similar experiences that resulted in him feeling great anger. “It is like there is a fight between two wolves going on inside you,” said the old man, “and indeed a terrible fight.” Continue reading
Shadow People, Pixies And Other Unseen Visitors
Whether it’s ghosts, shadow people, Tall Man with a Hat, The old Hag, or pixies, we’ve all experienced mystical beings in some form or another. Some of us have had minor insignificant encounters, while some of us deal with these entities every day. And, there are those who experience very violent encounters with some of these beings. I personally, have had my fair share of the worst kinds of attacks. And, I find myself dealing with the mischievous little pixies almost daily.
If you don’t know what a pixie is, let me explain. They are little spirit beings. About the size of a dragonfly. Some suggest they are cute little fairies, such as Tinkerbell in Peter Pan by JM Barrie. Others depict them as gruesome and very disturbing to look upon. I honestly can’t say for certain, as they move so quickly I have never gotten a good look at one of them. Continue reading
Set Your Intentions For The Highest Good
A message I just received from a friend and colleague, prompted me to write this blog. In a previous message to her, I had mentioned how my partner and I hadn’t quite nailed our niche place to settle, even after a major cross continent move over two years ago. She replied that over the past two years she has come to the conclusion that, despite her deep spiritual beliefs, the world has gone crazy. She is battling to find a reason why she is here, after all of her struggles and heartache.
So many spiritual teachings, including those found in A Course In Miracles, speak of how everything is just an illusion. How do we know what is real? How often have we have stopped to consider this? Being exposed to so much of what is going on around us, not just locally, but globally through social and other media, makes us question all the more. It makes it challenging to still feel like we are able to make a difference in the life of another human being or animal in this day and age. Continue reading
The Legacy Of Limiting Beliefs
So many people live their life with the beliefs of their ancestors. Others just follow like sheep whatever their spiritual community, or the culture that they grew up in, or now live in.
Some people never question or challenge any of the things they have heard since childhood. Some of these limiting beliefs and ideas have been passed down from generation to generation, and have remained the same for thousands of years. Unless we question some of these outdated beliefs or information, we will stay stuck in limited thinking – always inside the box.
Sometimes we stay stuck thinking or feeling only how our parents of grandparents felt and thought. For example, people whose parents or grandparents lived through a great depression, or have had to endure a scarcity food or heat supply, the primary survival necessities, may feel they have to save everything. What if I will need it someday? I paid so much for it and its too perfectly good to discard. What if, what if.
Is It Love, Or Just Infatuation?
There is a difference between love, lust, and infatuation. Infatuation is so powerful, it can make you think that you are in love, but they cannot co-exist.
There are so many people that feel that they are in love with someone just because they are so amazing, and they cannot stop thinking about them, but truthfully most of the time the intense feeling that comes with really liking someone is not love, it is infatuation. How does one tell the difference?
First and foremost, when you are infatuated it happens very quickly, love is a slow process – love needs a deeper connection. Infatuation can make you feel irrational, love calms you. Infatuation can feel very intense, love is grounded, and generous, and solid. Continue reading