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Spirits Living Among Us

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Many people have experienced, or at least know someone who has experienced a spirit coming into their space. There are, however, those who balk and laugh at even the notion that a spirit may exist. Some people are also terrified of paranormal phenomena, while there are those that co-exist comfortably with spirits, like old friends. Which person are you?

For the skeptic, just leave them to their beliefs. It is their right of free will to see what they choose to see, or not see what they choose not to see. Many of them have experienced some type of spirit encounter, however they have buried it and fluffed it off as nothing. With the skeptic, there is no use trying to convince them otherwise, as their mind is made up. And that is their prerogative. Continue reading

Letting Go Of Guilt

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWe all like to be perceived as a nice person, and it can go very much against the grain if we were to be seen as otherwise!  Therefore, should we have an argument with a dear friend or colleague, and as a result take on board blame for something we are actually not responsible for, we immediately start to feel unhappy.

Spirit teaches that while it is most necessary to acknowledge any actions we have made, or any part we have played in an argument, guilt can but only exaggerate any feelings of remorse! Furthermore, when we allow guilt, for whatever reason, to build up within ourselves, we may even take on board the idea that we are a ‘bad person’ and do not, therefore, deserve the best in life. Continue reading

Understanding The Soulmate Connection

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI have been doing love and relationship psychic readings for over 15 years, and I am often surprised at the misunderstanding many of my clients have of soulmate relationships. Our cultural myths and urban legends, whether they are found in books, television, or movies, often provide only a fragmented, romanticized version of the true soulmate journey. It is important not to project these notions of reality onto our partners, because these ‘ideals’ can often create unnecessary challenges in our romantic lives.

Mostly people agree that soulmate relationships are meant to be substantially fulfilling. However, fulfillment is only one of many characteristics of a soulmate connection.  Through these relationships, we also experience personal growth, overcome challenges, and learn to love ourselves and those around us on a new level. Continue reading

The Metaphysical Power Of Flowers

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIf you were to enter my garden in England, one of the first things your eyes may be drawn to is a gorgeous hanging basket full of purple petunias. I put it there for several reasons, and not just to gaze upon its beauty. No, it hangs where it hangs because of how it makes me feel.

Flowers are metaphysically powerful and can assist you in obtaining emotional and spiritual well-being. My purple petunias make me feel motivated and brimming with wellness. Okay, this may seem like a bold statement, but flowers truly are magical in that they can help enhance your productivity, overall happiness, soothe any sensitivity in your life and help to motivate you at the same time. And yes, they can do this for you by just looking at them. Continue reading

To Share, Or To Be Silent – Part 1

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comSharing too much information with any person who isn’t ready for it, can be totally disastrous! I know this all too well; being a psychic, medium, healer, seer, it can be so frustrating sometimes. If you have the gift to see, feel and hear, I’m sure know exactly what I’m talking about.

You have the best of intentions, but sometimes those great intentions, advise, insight, or whatever valuable information you need to share to help, heal or repair, isn’t always met with gratitude, or much belief for that matter. Sometimes it takes years for those that you have helped and shared things with to see how right you really were all along. I can’t even begin to recall all the apologies I have received over the years from those who didn’t believe me at the time. Continue reading

We Are All Born With Six Senses

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comOne of the first questions psychics and mediums are often asked in media interviews is, “At what age did you know you had this gift?” I don’t feel it is a gift that only a special few have. All people are born with the six senses. Most people just need to remember how to tune into their sixth sense, and not fear using all of their senses.

If a person is walking through the woods, and an animal is coming up behind them, they might feel the hair on the back of their neck stand up, or a prickly feeling on their arms to alert them that something is approaching. People don’t question how that works, they just accept that it is a sense they are born with. But it is good to question how some things work, because with understanding one can utilize the senses to the maximum. Continue reading

Abundance – A Channeled Message

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIn the past couple of weeks, I had to deal with major financial expenses related to our property. We have to move across the country, and we are having issues with the house. Then there were also the added costs of a vehicle that needed urgent repairs. This was not a lot of money, but it came up at the same time as the property issue, and the costs of our move.

To add insult to injury, my beautiful little kitty knocked over a cup of water onto my computer yesterday… and fried my motherboard! I found out later that my extended warrantee had just expired, and the repair costs were not really worth it, considering that the technology was a few years old. So, I had to purchase a new computer for work. Continue reading

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