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Transmuting Enemy Energy

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSome clients ask for readings about people they think of as their enemies, and I’ve seen certain commonalities with this over the years. In these relationships there are typically an energy pattern that has formed to create a dynamic of mistrust, tension, and resentment.

One of the most prevalent issues I have noticed in terms of long-standing resentment or hatred towards another, is that both parties usually consider themselves the ‘victim,’ and that the other person is always in their mind the one who is in the wrong.

When you take it a level deeper, you usually find there was an initial intense or significant energy when these two people first met – be it a lover, friend, or work associate. It is usually a conflicting energy that sets the tone for their future ‘vibe’ with each other.

This initial energy has a resistance to it and eventually takes on a life of its own, separate from the two conflicting parties. Peel away the layers of this ‘enemy energy demon’ and you come to find it is essentially comprised of nothing more than simple fear.

Also, this enemy demon resists the idea of resolution and will not accept its own demise. It will do whatever it can to stay alive, and it feeds off the emotions anger, fear, and sadness. I believe this is what may be responsible for some suicides, violence, acts of terrorism, mass corruption, and others evil we see in the world.

There is never an excuse for violence. If someone is attacking or harming another person, safety and protection come first. Recovering from trauma is not typically something that happens quickly. However, when we are better informed about what is behind the behavior patterns of those who hate us, we can better see to the root of the disease.

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Free Your Soul From Toxic Negativity

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIt is usually advisable to get over it and move on. When we continue to vent about people or things that annoy or frustrate us, or when we cannot forgive someone who has wronged us, and we go on, and on, and on about it, we are affirming the negative and attracting more of the same energy into our life.

Revenge or vitriol does absolutely no harm to another person, only to the person pursuing it. Anger or hatred does not affect the other person, only the person sending it out. What comes from your own spirit, your thoughts, words, actions, is what you will create in your own life. You are hurting or changing no one with your negative feelings other than yourself.

That person who hurt you has moved on with their life. In fact, they might even be living their best life, while you are still stuck and stagnant in the pain and misery of the past. It only becomes baggage that carries forward into the now, and into the future.

I once had a client who obsessively held onto anger, hatred, spite, and revenge towards her ex for over a decade.  She could not figure out why every new relationship and project in her life since then failed miserably, usually with almost the same endings.

Finally, after years of struggling to bring her different insights, she was able to look at the person who hurt her, release his memory with loving, forgiving energy, and let the whole thing go. Then, as I had predicted, the next person who came into her life was everything she had always wanted in a partner!

In fact, her new beloved was far better than anything she ever had with Mr. Most Hated, before it went wrong, and had she continued on her path of anger and toxic baggage carrying, this new love miracle would most likely never have happened.

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The Power Of Deep Breathing

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIt is not generally understood how important deep, healthy, mindful breathing truly is. In fact, shallow breathing is linked to all kinds of health problems, including panic attacks, dry mouth, halitosis, cardiovascular issues, fatigue, respiratory problems, and sleep disorders. When we breathe with our chests, we use the muscles in our chests, shoulders, and necks to expand our lungs, which can result in neck pain, shoulder pain and headaches.

Most importantly, shallow breathing also hinders our immune functioning. The chronic stress and strain it places on the body, results in lower amounts of lymphocyte – a type of white blood cell that helps to defend the body from invading organisms. Shallow breathing actually lowers the amounts of proteins that signal other immune cells. The body thus becomes more likely to acute illnesses.

Deep, diaphragmatic breathing, on the other hand, can lower blood pressure, calm the mind, and improve sleep. It also lowers our heart rate, relaxes muscles, decreases stress, and increases energy levels.

Deep breathing also grounds and centers us. It has been proven to have a profound calming effect on the mind and body. When you are anxious, you take rapid short breaths. When you are content, you take deep, long, full breaths.

The way we breath also affects our mental abilities and thinking. Programming your brain when inhaling can lock thoughts into your memory and can be a powerful tool in our daily spiritual practice. Thinking or saying out loud affirmations like, ‘I am love and light; God and I, me and God are one; I am able to accomplish anything I want; I am powerful;’ will lock those thoughts into your psyche.

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How To Maintain A Healthy Aura

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe aura is an emanation surrounding the body of a living creature; it is viewed as the essence of the individual and discernible by people with special sensibilities. Although most children can see them, it’s getting them to tell you what they see that’s the problem, especially, if they don’t know their colors.

Auras have a spectrum of colors that can be photographed with special equipment. Most people believe that auras are intangible. They don’t realize that the health of one’s aura can easily be monitored and sustained healthily. Just as one monitors your blood pressure or insulin levels. Even though you can’t see your aura doesn’t mean it isn’t there. We can’t see radio waves or x-rays, yet we still know they exist. If you want to monitor the health of your aura you must rely on an aura reading by someone capable of seeing them. Fortunately, there are techniques we can use to maintain a healthy aura.

It is a misconception to think that an extended aura is a good thing. An overextended aura brings about many health problems. Aches, pains, insomnia to name a few. An overextended aura also can leave one vulnerable to negative energies. I was always taught that when someone drinks or uses drugs, it in a sense, blows big holes in ones aura. This allows these negative forces to attach themselves to you and work through you.

Have you ever lived with an alcoholic? Or know someone who is a drug addict? Have you ever noticed how they change when they are drinking or drunk? Certain drugs and alcohol lowers the inhibitions. Thus, allowing such entities to take control. Ever notice, when someone is under the influence, their voice changes and often times, so does the color of their eyes. They become violent or abusive. They may become promiscuous, while normally they are more reserved.

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Our Deepest Wound Can Become Our Greatest Power

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMercury retrograde thankfully ends today! Astrologers predicted this retrograde would allow us the freedom to purify our lives by releasing people, circumstances, and behaviors that are holding us back or no longer serve us. It certainly kicked up a lot of old wounds and baggage for many of my clients, and also for myself.

This was probably due to a number of reasons, including Uranus and Venus both being retrograde at the same time, and the combination of Mercury retrograde occurring along with a Full Moon in Cancer on January 17th.  Many people I did readings for during this astrological period were all dealing with painful memories, unhealed traumas, and intense emotions.

At one point I decided to take a break myself, to create some space and allow my own unresolved emotion to surface. Every time I found becoming unnecessarily defensive, or attempting to place blame on others, I immediately pivoted my attention back to myself and ventured within – to where the origination of this pain truly stemmed from.

I especially found my thoughts were constantly going to my parents and particularly to my mother.  My maternal grandmother passed away when my mom was only 13 years old. This has been a recurring theme throughout my life, with me wondering if this had anything to do with my mom always being so hard on me? I, fact, it became the official ‘excuse’ for our difficult relationship.

My recent retrograde self-exploration made me realize that no matter how hard my brain might try to rationalize this old pain, my body still would not accept it. For the first time in all these years, I finally allowed myself to go inside this wound, to examine my inner truth.  I had a conversation with this old wound and allowed it to speak to me directly.

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Remember To Reach Out This Holiday Season

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe holidays have been different these past two years. We are normally accustomed to planning big get-togethers, buying many gifts, preparing lots of food and finally gathering with family and friends. In the past, these gatherings were a given, whenever feasible, and both small and large get-togethers were marked with fun, laughter, music, food and festivities.

But a global pandemic has been curtailing our carefully laid plans and we had to be to be innovative to stay connected with our loved ones. Some people live in areas with very little impact. Others are in hot spots. Regardless of your own current situation, it is important to include people safely, to whatever level you can under the circumstances.

Please remember to touch a few lonely hearts this time of year, even if it is just by way of a quick phone call or text message. If there are people you know who live alone or are unable to join their usual groups to celebrate, do whatever you can to reach out to them and make them feel included in the celebrations. Connect virtually, send a parcel or invite them to a future event to look forward to.

Extend your reach to those less fortunate as well. This time of year can be particularly difficult for those in need.  Contribute to a charity, or reach out to a volunteer group and offer your services. A willing pair of helping hands is always appreciated.

Amid all the chaos and excitement of the season, also take some time to be good to yourself. We tend to run ourselves ragged, while it just isn’t possible to keep going at maximum speed without a well-deserved break. It is important to remember that we cannot give what we ourselves do not have. Your career or business will always be there. Recharge your batteries so you will be rested, confident, and energized to help others.

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Into The Eyes Of Pure Evil

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHave you ever known someone whose energy is so extremely dark and evil, because they are so deeply wounded that there is no way anyone can bring them joy, love or light? No matter how much kindness you show them, it is always met with the opposite?

When I pulled up to a condo complex recently, where I had been asked to clear the presence of negative energy, I had a strange sense that the troublesome ‘spirit entity’ I was supposed to deal with was in fact still very much alive. Yes, I clearly sensed it.

Normally, there are clear signs that an earthbound spirit is present and active at a location because they typically make their presence known. At times I have even found them waiting for me right outside or in the entrance, guarding and claiming their domain. But this time there was no sign of a ghost, or spirit, or anything of the sort upon my arrival.

Intrigued and puzzled, I parked my car and walked into the building. The first thing I heard was loud yelling coming from a short woman down the hallway, who then hobbled back to her condo and slammed the door. I wondered who she was yelling at and why?

Another women came down the stairs talking on her phone. I asked her of she knew why the woman was so upset and she said, “Oh, she is ‘upset’ with me. She is always yelling and causing a fuss. She likes to harass whomever she is currently targeting around here, and right now that person is me.”

I then explained to her that I was called in to pinpoint the source of the negative energy in the building and do a cleansing, and that I suspect I have already found it.

“Thank goodness,” she exhaled, “I just needed that confirmed!”

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