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Shine Your Light!

click on photo to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe all have a soul light that is eternal and bright. It shines through our physical being when we are aligned with our authentic self. We are all individually created to be different from one another. If we can remember that, especially when others appear to reject us, we’ve accessed the key to unlock our soul archetype.

When we compare ourselves to others, we get off track and can try to muster up a fictitious self that becomes impossible to uphold. It creates expectations that trap us, and can actually prevent us from shining our own, unique light into the world.

Have you ever felt like you are different, or don’t fit in? The first step to finding your authentic self, and tracing back to who you are as a unique soul, is to detach from others.  Sometimes there is a feeling of loneliness associated with this, but if you keep moving forward, and through it, and trust in what’s unfolding, you will land in a place where true confidence resides – the kind that can never be taken away. You will gain a self-respect that will allow your gifts and talents to flourish. Continue reading

Our Time Of Passing

click on photo to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comA very good friend passed away recently. She left behind five children, and each of them was questioning why they didn’t do more to help their mom prolong her life, despite the fact that this very loving soul was in pain most of the time and had an extremely lonely existence.

She no longer had what one might call a ‘good quality of life.’ But they have taken it upon themselves to hold one another responsible to keep her on this plane, when it was becoming increasingly clear she was so very prepared to leave.

We discussed the situation at length and some of the siblings were finally convinced their mother’s time of passing had very little to do with them. If they had no bearing as to when she entered the planet, why on earth would they have a say as to when she could leave? Continue reading

Connecting With Your Inner Bliss

click on photo to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI recently came across an article about spiritual seekers who travel to distant lands to achieve such a state of bliss and inner peace. But in my experience you really don’t have to go all the way to some exotic destination to achieve a higher state of consciousness.

When I am alone, I often find myself in a state of complete and utter bliss. When I am by myself, my energy is my own. I feel centered and complete, as if on my own little retreat. I have always felt this way and I savor the quiet moments of my day.

With a willing heart to carve out some time in your busy day, you can center yourself by being mindful and allowing your thoughts to simply come and go. Simply take a moment of solitude and go with the flow. Continue reading

Turn My Ship Around

Click picture to get a free reading right now at PsychicAccess.comRecently a trusted friend posted on my Facebook timeline a link to the Jeremy Buck song Turn my Ship Around, from the album Vibe. I had never heard of Jeremy Buck, but I clicked it and listened. The song’s lyrics reminded me of times when I felt no one listened to my concerns, when people tried to bully me, when people tried to undermine me and were being false friends. It reminded me that through those times, I ensured I found a new direction and was determined to fulfill my goals to the best of my abilities.

The song reminds us to simply “turn our ship around” when feeling that we are heading in the wrong direction. The question however is what type of ship are you in, or steering? Perhaps a Kayak, a 12ft fishing boat with outboard motor, a 35ft cruiser or speedboat, or an oil tanker or cruise ship? What kind of ship are you commanding? Continue reading

Thinking Of Yourself Less Often

Click photo for a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThe very first, and rather touching description of humility that I ever heard was during my earliest days of following a Twelve Step Program of Alcoholics Anonymous. I was read out by a man with 16 years of sobriety:

Humility is perpetual quietness of heart. It is to have no trouble. It is never to be fretted or vexed, irritable or sore. To wonder at nothing that is done to me, to feel nothing done against me. It is to be at rest when nobody praises me, and when I am blamed or despised, it is to have a blessed home in myself where I can go in and shut the door and kneel to my Father in secret and be at peace, as in a deep sea of calmness when all around and about is seeming trouble.

My mentor in that program told me to try kneeling in prayer. She told me this humbling posture would strengthen my intention of any prayer I was reciting. Continue reading

Staying True To Love And Light

Click photo for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSometimes we wonder if there is really any good left on this little, blue planet of ours. It can at times be depressing to see all the strife, anger, and hostility. Where is the love and light?

For example, the recent presidential election seems to have divided so many friends and family members. Not everyone seems to have the same thoughts as I do on this matter, since I feel we should embrace our differences, celebrate that we all have different views and respect others opinions. We should rejoice that we all have something different to bring to the table.

Not everyone appreciates a difference in opinion. Instead they wish to control others and they want everyone to see and think the way they do. If you don’t, well they might even become hostile and say and do hurtful things.

Recently, while praying, I asked spirit for a message to show there is still light, and love, and kindness, and compassion on this planet. I received a vision and a very strong message of affirmation. Continue reading

Always Choose Your Gut First

Click picture for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comEveryone has a higher purpose in this lifetime and yet many never seek it out or achieve it, because ego starts to become more prominent in their lives instead of Source, Universe, God.

How do you know if what you are doing is for your highest good? And how do you know if what you want from life is based on your wants, or has been placed there to achieve from Universe? You follow your gut.

When you were born, there was a deep-seeded dream placed within you. Some of us, as children, were able to draw on it just knowing that we wanted to be a fireman, astronaut or ballerina. Some of us just wanted to help others, even at a very young age. They would be kind, caring and giving towards other people, whether they were children, adults or seniors. Continue reading

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