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The Past Life Memories Embedded In Your Cells

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Have you ever met someone and had the feeling that you had met them before, or that they were somehow a kindred spirit?

Have you ever tried unfamiliar foods that suddenly seemed very familiar or evoked feelings of nostalgia? Places that seemed very familiar even though you had never been there before?

Have you ever smelled a vaguely familiar scent that made you feel a certain way, or took you back to a distant time or place, not in this lifetime, but somewhere, sometime, long, long ago?

These experiences are more than coincidences. They are manifestations of your cellular memories.

The human body is made up of billions of cells that communicate with each other. Each of these cells is a living, breathing, feeling organism and carries energy imprints of all our memories and experiences in our current life as well as our past lives.

Every memory and experience from every life we have ever lived is recorded and stored in the Akashic Records – the cosmic library where the history of every soul’s journey is archived. It is a complete history of everything you have ever said, thought, felt and done throughout your soul’s entire growth journey.

This cosmic collection of past life memories and experiences is embedded in the cellular memory of your new physical body when you are reborn. The cells of your current body therefore carry many energy imprints, not only of your ancestral genetics, but also of your past life memories and experiences, and they affect your life, health and well-being on a daily basis, including your relationships.

Everything you’ll ever need to know is within you; the secrets of the universe are imprinted on the cells of your body ~ Dan Millman

These encoded cellular memories can manifest in many ways — physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually — some of which can be very challenging and even distressing if you do not understand what they are or where they come from:

Unexplained phobias: Intense, irrational fears of certain objects, situations, or activities that are disproportionate to the actual danger. For example, someone with a deep-seated fear of water may attribute it to a drowning incident in a past life.

Anxiety and panic attacks: These can occur without a clear trigger or cause in your current life, possibly rooted in past life experiences.

Birthmarks: Marks or spots on the skin that look different from the surrounding skin, usually appearing at or shortly after birth. Some believe they correspond to injuries or wounds from a past life.

Recurring nightmares: Dreams that recur with similar themes or content, often unfamiliar and unrelated to the current life, are thought to be related to unresolved issues from past lives.

Déjà vu: Intense feelings of having experienced a situation before, even if it’s happening for the first time in your current life.

Unexplained physical ailments: Chronic pain, recurring symptoms or other health problems that don’t have a clear medical cause or diagnosis may be related to past life trauma.

Emotional triggers: Certain emotions or reactions that seem out of proportion to the current situation may be related to past life experiences that are encoded in your cellular memory.

Deep-seated beliefs: Unconscious beliefs or patterns that shape your behavior and decision-making, often without you being aware of their origins.

Strong attachments to people or places: Feeling an immediate, intense connection to certain people or places, as if you’ve known them before.

Unusual talents or abilities: Innate abilities or talents that you possess without formal training, suggesting that they may have been inherited from previous lives.

Recurring life patterns: Recurring patterns or themes in your life, such as certain types of relationships or challenges, that indicate lessons from past lives.

Metaphysical abilities: A heightened sense of intuition, deep empathic awareness, psychic gifts, mediumship, or healing abilities due to accumulated wisdom and insight across multiple lifetimes.

Understanding and acknowledging these manifestations can help you work through past life issues and integrate its lessons into your present life. This increased self-awareness and understanding opens new doors to personal growth and achievement, karmic healing and spiritual evolution.

We can consciously connect with these past-life memories in a variety of ways, including deep meditation, self-hypnosis, past-life regression, channeling, and in our dreams. These practices can help bring clarity to current life challenges and provide insight into unresolved past life issues.

The history of the universe is in every one of us. Every particle in our bodies has a multibillion-year past, every cell and every bodily organ has a multimillion-year past, and many of our ways of thinking have multithousand-year pasts ~ Joel R. Primack

The Science Of Cellular Memories

The concept of cellular memory and inherited experience is a relatively new and evolving field and is not widely accepted in mainstream science. While more research is needed to fully understand these phenomena and their implications for our health and behavior, there are some intriguing research findings that support the concept.

For example, psychiatrist Ian Stevenson, known for his research on reincarnation, has delved deeply into the stories of thousands of children who claim to remember past lives. When he began his work in the 1960s, he expected these children to simply talk about their past lives. But what really surprised him was that many of these children also acted like the people they claimed to have been. Their behavior was so striking that he began to think it might be even more revealing than their memories.

These kids weren’t just remembering; they seemed to be re-creating the emotions and actions of their past selves. Some showed deep attachments, acted out roles, or had fears that matched their past lives. These children sometimes acted out past memories when they were in certain places or when they saw familiar objects. For example, one boy addressed two adult men he’d never met as his co-workers from a past life.

Stevenson also noted that the children often behaved beyond their years like much older adults, even showing interest in unusual things like cigarettes or alcohol. Interestingly, these children often also had habits that differed significantly from those of their families. Some of these kids even spoke other languages or used words they hadn’t learned in this life, which is known as xenoglossia — the phenomenon of a person being able to speak or understand a language they’ve never learned, usually without any previous exposure to it in their current life.

Stevenson’s work further showed that while most children’s memories fade by the age of eight, their behavioral quirks could last longer, especially if they had a strong past life experience. In some cases, these behaviors persisted well into adulthood. The way families responded to these behaviors also played a role, either encouraging or discouraging them. Stevenson called the clusters of past life behaviors “behavioral syndromes,” often appearing along with physical signs such as birthmarks.

Stevenson found that many children who remembered past lives had birthmarks or birth defects that matched the wounds of the deceased people they remembered. These wounds often resulted from traumatic deaths. Stevenson and others have documented more than two hundred such cases.

Stevenson also noted that of children who said they remembered a past life, 36% had phobias that matched the way they died in that past life, often violently. These phobias usually appeared between the ages of 2 and 5, and sometimes as early as infancy, before the child talked about a past life. The phobias didn’t come from mimicking family members or any trauma after birth. For example, children who remembered drowning often had an intense fear of water. Similarly, children who remembered dying from snake bites often had a fear of snakes, and many had birthmarks corresponding to those bites.

How great is the mystery of the first cells which were one day animated by the breath of our souls! How impossible to decipher the welding of successive influences in which we are forever incorporated! In each one of us, through matter, the whole history of the world is in part reflected ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Soul Family And Karmic Connections

People you interact with in a significant or meaningful way in your current life, including your family, your closest friends, people you work with, and even seemingly random strangers, are often souls with whom you have had a relationship or karmic connection in previous lifetimes.

Some of these sigificant souls are also part of your soul family, or your soul circle, group or network. In addition to your own unique cellular memories of past lives, you also share with them a collective pool of soul memories and experiences known as your ancestral soul legacy or spiritual DNA.

If you are experiencing a soul connection with someone in this lifetime, it is likely that there is still some karmic healing and soul growth that needs to take place between the two of you. This is known as a soul contract or soul agreement. It is best to address and resolve this unfinished business so that you can move forward in your karmic healing and soul growth. But if it doesn’t work out, don’t worry — you will get another chance in a future life to accomplish whatever it is you are meant to accomplish with that particular soul.

The idea that certain souls are connected across multiple lifetimes, forming a family-like bond, has its roots in various spiritual and metaphysical traditions. But it is not just a spiritual belief or metaphysical concept, as there is scientific evidence to support it.

For example, in his research Ian Stevenson analyzed 42 pairs of twins who remember past life experiences. For 31 of those pairs, he investigated and identified the previous lives of both twins and found that they knew each other in those lives. This included five pairs who had been married, eleven pairs who had been siblings, six pairs who were other types of relatives, and nine pairs who had been friends, acquaintances, or business partners.

Medical science has also found some interesting links between genetics, memory and behavior. Genetic memory suggests that we may inherit certain associations from our ancestors, even if we haven’t experienced them ourselves. While the inheritance of specific memories has been disproven, some researchers believe that general associations can be passed down through the genome.

Studies further show that life experiences, such as trauma, can leave epigenetic marks on DNA that can be passed on to future generations. For example, a study in mice found that a traumatic event left imprints on their DNA that affected the behavior and brain structure of their offspring. Another study showed that mice can inherit a fear response to certain odors even if they have never encountered the smell before, suggesting that ancestral experiences influence offspring behavior.

There’s a world of difference between that information to which we now presumably have access by way of computers, libraries, and the rest of it, great stockpiles of data, and the knowledge that people have in their bones by which they do good work and live good lives ~ Wendell Berry

The Role Of Intuition

Our cellular memory works hand-in-hand with our intuition. When we are attracted to certain people, it’s often because they are a member of our soul family or we have known them in a past life. The same is true when we are repelled or “bounce off” someone.

This usually means that you are on different journeys and vibrational frequencies in this lifetime, and there may be no karmic benefit or soul growth to be gained by interacting with that soul at this time. So, always pay attention to your gut feelings and inner guidance when you meet people. This can help you avoid interactions that may drain your energy, waste your time, or worse, break your heart.

It can also be challenging when you connect with someone on an energetic level, but you have never met them and do not know how to approach them now. Remember, being proactive is the key to soul growth. If you feel there is someone you need to talk to, but haven’t taken the opportunity, make the effort. Use the time you have left on this planet to evolve your soul. Time waits for no one in this life.

Embracing the concept of the past life cell memories offers profound insights into our present lives and help us understand the deeper connections we share with others. By recognizing and working with the manifestations of these cellular memories, we can achieve greater self-awareness, heal unresolved issues, and continue our journey of soul evolution. Listen to your intuition, honor your connections, and make the most of every opportunity to grow and evolve.

About The Author: Moon Goddess

Moon Goddess is a third generation empathic healer and seer. She started to give healing readings to people more than 20 years ago. She has always been interested and studied all things metaphysical from a young age. Being hypersensitive she can feel and see things before they happen. Utilizing the Tarot, and with the help of her Guides, she is a source of support for many people all over the world. After he passed over, her grandfather kept his promise and came back to say goodbye and gave her the most amazing experience. Moon knows there truly is a Heaven, and it is wonderful! Sharing her experience has helped many people after they have lost someone, or anyone experiencing some form of grief. Get a reading with Moon Goddess now at

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