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The Answer To Your Question ‘Why’

click here for a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWe ask many questions about our lives. Why did he leave me? Why am I not manifesting? Why can’t I find the right job? Why does my mother hate me? Why did another psychic reader give me an answer different from yours?

There are so many shifts in the Universe, and many grey areas. When you look at your questions, many times it is generic and many times, after talking it out, the answer becomes clear.  There are so many sifts and changes in every person’s life. Just because you thought a particular person, job, thing, incident was what you wanted or needed, it is not necessarily what Universe had planned for you.

Take a moment to think about things. With relationships, did you settle? Did you compromise just to hang onto someone and then realized that you weren’t happy, or that person was not changing as you had hoped? Compromise in life is the biggest obstacle in life. It holds so many back from reaching their highest good.

Just because you feel you are ‘soulmates’ does not mean you are meant to be with that person. Just because you know that it is the ‘perfect job’  for you, does not mean you are meant to have it. Just because you believe one psychic reader was right and the other was wrong, does not mean that it is true. Things shift, and life is fluid.

There are many people that hurt inside due to a loss, whether due to a breakup, death, unemployment, or any type of loss that you can imagine. Some say they won’t have anyone or anything else…they only want that specific person or thing. When you do this, you are limiting your life. You are wasting precious time over something that is not meant to be, and was never meant to be your permanent solution.

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Learning To Love Yourself

click for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSadly, my inner-critic began speaking to me at a relatively young age and continued to do so well into my 20s and beyond.  Personally, I feel this played a large part in me losing my job at the age of 24, during the 1980s recession. It was a time in which work was so hard to find, and when I finally did, even more negative self-talk began to have an effect on my life.

With no job and no money, I felt worthless, stupid, disliked, and that I had no potential whatsoever. Most fortunately, however, I proved myself to be wrong and later found, from experience, that the way to a happier, more confident and fulfilled life was by learning to slay that inner critic and start loving myself. Furthermore, you can too! Here’s how.

Firstly, remember that you do have a choice. Which one will you listen to: your inner critic or your inner guide? I remember the time when I told my family I was going to start working in the spiritual field. Yes, they laughed and said to me that it would never work out for me, and I that I could not do it.

Sadly, this boosted my inner critic once again, but at this particular time in my life, circumstances and the need for a more fulfilling job made me look at things from a different perspective.

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Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI first learned of the HALT acronym when I joined Alcoholics Anonymous many years ago. In hindsight, had I applied its simple, yet powerful technique, I might have avoided several slips along the path to my sobriety. I also realize now that the HALT concept is an integral part of loving ourselves, and it thus assists us more on our spiritual path to greater serenity.

HALT is an acronym for:

H – Never get too Hungry
A – Never get too Angry
L – Never get too Lonely
T – Never get too Tired

During one of my heavy drinking episodes, many years ago, I was working a job which required me to be away from home constantly. I was working extensive and erratic hours with a team of co-workers who were all heavy drinkers.

At this time I was subject to everything in the HALT scenario. I was often hungry, because we were pretty much on call to travel anywhere in the world at a moment’s notice. I never knew when I would next be able to eat. In hindsight, I guess I could have been better prepared with personal emergency provisions, but we were always promised that the next trip wouldn’t be so grueling.

I was also constantly angry at the company for exploiting me. The amount of erratic and long hours we slaved was not what we had signed up for.

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Is Honesty Always The Best Policy?

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comA client recently shared with me how being honest in her work environment did not serve her best interest in the end. Being completely honest caused her to not receive her annual salary increase. She feels that had she used a lie about being ill, or even having a flat tire, as a reason for not making it to work on time, as opposed to going back to sleep after the alarm went off, she would not have had her employment record blemished. Despite meeting targets and good customer feedback during the previous twelve months, being honest had actually gone against her in this instance.

Our conversation reminded me of a similar incident I experienced myself many years ago.

My father and I had entered into business with partners on the island of Tenerife, in the Canary Islands. Whilst my father was winding up the sale of the family home, after his divorce from my mother, I’d gone ahead and rented a small apartment close to the business, whilst learning the ins and outs from the family we were going into business with.

There was a lot of building going on, in and around that area. My apartment was owned by the construction company, whose office was on the ground floor of my apartment building. On a regular basis I passed the workmen, as I entered and left the building. Despite all the construction activity, my apartment was private, secure, and surrounded by a balcony with blinds, which reached halfway down the window. Nobody from below could actually see inside.

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The Ideal Career According To Your Zodiac Sign

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAstrology is a great tool for identifying your ideal career and the kind of employment that will fulfill your longing for soulful, meaningful work. Here are a few guidelines for the different signs of the zodiac and the careers they are typically drawn to, and may thrive in.

Fire Signs

Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Energetic, impatient and independent Fire signs tend to crave adventure and love a challenge.

Aries is enthusiastic and outspoken as natural-born leaders. They prefer jobs that involve a certain amount of risk or challenge, such as fire fighting, law enforcement, competitive sports or the military. Any career that recognizes initiative, ambition and the ability to overcome many obstacles is ideal for them.

Leo loves being in the limelight and being in charge. They’re often drawn to careers that will bring them the respect and appreciation they desire. Of course, acting and any career in the entertainment field would be a perfect fit. But any profession that allows them to be the center of attention is a natural for them.

Sagittarius loves to be engaged with life and enjoy talking, writing, teaching and traveling. They’re well-suited to careers in education, publishing, law and the travel industry. Always energetic, Sagittarians prefer being outdoors and can’t stand any sort of job that keeps them stuck behind a desk.

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The Truth About Manifesting

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSpiritual seekers often ask, “Why am I struggling to manifest what I want? Why is it taking so long?” Many books and workshops on the Law of Attraction and the practice of manifesting, tend to give people the false belief that they can simply say something like, “I want a million dollars,” and then it will show up in their bank account.

I have attended many of these manifesting workshops in my lifetime, and I have watched many webinars on the subject. Most of them have one thing in common: the people leading them are charging a fee and are certainly making money. But I have yet to see their students achieve the same!

Manifesting is tricky. You have to learn to allow, and to keep your thoughts, your free will and your ego out of it.  Manifesting is also guided by what you are meant to have, or the lessons that you are meant to learn from past lives, current or past karma, and even your desire to have it all ‘right now.’

We have all had experiences of thinking of a person… and then suddenly you run into them, or receive a phone call, text or email from them. Is it just coincidence, or is it synchronicity, or did you actually manifest it? Take a moment to consider this.

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A Life-Changing Ripple Effect

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAfter a visit to the doctor a friend of mine was told she needed to be more active. Her job requires her to travel, so not a lot time to work out. Her office job also doesn’t offer a lot of opportunity for her to move around and get that much needed muscle activity going in her body.

After a reading with me she said she was motivated to change her lifestyle and do something she hadn’t even thought of before, but loved the idea of it so much she decided to “take action.” Pun intended.

Her plan was to start a group exercise class that incorporated Yoga and some light callisthenic exercises using a chair, for those who couldn’t stand long. Her aim was to make it appropriate for all age brackets and all levels of fitness, so that anyone could participate. The key was to move!

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