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The Energy Worker And The Air Bender

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMy spiritual healing work is based on pulling in energy from the Source, raising my vibration and transferring that energy to others, and the planet. I have been doing energy healings since I was a child and I have been doing it professionally for about 20 years. I am also a certified Kundalini Yoga instructor and spiritual teacher. A few months ago, I was mentoring a 15-year-old air bender. Air benders manipulate the energy of the atmosphere to help the planet, or people to heal. He had prayed for a mentor to come a few months before we talked about me mentoring him.

At the same time I started working with the young air bender, there were horrific fires in California, close to my home.  Everything was chaotic. Cell phones and the Internet were not working properly, because of the fire. The air was so thick with smoke, you could barely see a few yards ahead of you.

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Develop Your Animal Communication Skills

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMany of us have relationships with our pets so close that we are convinced they understand everything we say. A holistic vet told me many years ago that he visualizes what he is going to do when he is treating an animal. He then asks permission psychically and also thanks the pet. I began to monitor this at future visits and noticed my dog would turn his paw for blood work. Or he would release a big sigh and relax into the vets vibration. Fascinating.

In the animal kingdom there is an incredible language of energetic connection within the same species. The subtlest body posture sends a message from one animal to the next. Perhaps it is stating, “I’m the alpha, what do you want?” Or perhaps it’s just saying, “Hey, you seem interesting, can we chat?”

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The Healing Power Of Forest Bathing

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comForest bathing, or tree bathing, is a lost healing art much needed in this era of technology. It is a powerful, natural healing tool for cleansing the aura and chakras, and it doesn’t cost anything. The Japanese call it Shinrin-Yoku, or ‘forest medicine.’

Tree bathing is to allow the trees and plants to filter your energy, like they filter the air – in with the good, pure and new… and out with the toxic thoughts and feelings of anger and fear. There is a tremendous benefit to being in nature without having to achieve, compete, accomplish, or do something.

Trees are believed to have a secret language they use to communicate with each other. This language helps to heal us when we become part of their energy and communication. Trees are natural purifiers. They take old, toxic, polluted air and filter it through their system and release healthy, pure air with renewed and powerful life force. We breath this air in and it heals our lungs and organs. Stress can also do this energetically, just by being in their presence. Continue reading

Twins Born Under the Same Sign

click here to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhether you approach it from a genetic or an astrological viewpoint, the study of twins is a fascinating subject. Typically born within minutes of each other, one would assume that they would be identically influenced by their astrology in every way, but this is actually not the case.

In addition, biologically, twins share the same womb for nine months and almost always share the same birthday. Some twins are very similar in nature, while others form very different personalities, but they all tend to share a psychic connection that most scientists can’t explain.

Metaphysically, these two souls choose to come into the world together, so they are bound by heart and spirit far beyond their physical similarities. Continue reading

Changed Life Is A Mission Accomplished

click here to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comFrom time to time a client will ask me how I manage to stay focused when people so frequently seek the same advice over and over. “I don’t know how you put up with me,” they might say.

Well, in all honestly, I don’t feel I am ‘putting up’ with them at all. On the contrary, I feel honored that they feel safe enough to share their concerns with me. If it’s important to them… then it’s important.

What does concern me, however, is that I will be able to offer them some helpful direction and healing during a time which must feel to them like they are in a dark pit of hopelessness, or that the rug has been pulled from under them. They are often in shock over an incident, usually connected to a relationship or a career. But there always is an answer, or a solution. Continue reading

Otherworldly Contact

Click here to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMy husband, daughter and I have been personally involved in removing harmful spirit entities and negative energy forces from people’s homes and businesses. Although some of these had been as terrifying as you could possibly imagine, there always was an element of excitement attached to it from our perspective. Luckily for us, we were maybe too foolhardy or arrogant at the time to comprehend the real dangers involved.

We sometimes had such a vast supply of puzzles and paradoxes to solve, that we thought at one time we may have reached our limit. Fortunately, not all spirit entities are dangerous. Some are completely benign and have seem to derive an inordinate amount of pleasure from sharing a co-existence with their human counterparts. We once even found two spirits residing in the same home for many years, with no idea of each other’s existence, and they did not seem to care. Continue reading

Psychic Plants

Click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comPlants are everywhere, even in urban environments – from the windowsill potted plant to the hundred-year-old oak in a city park. What you may not know is that plants, just like people and animals, are psychic and react strongly to the energies around them.

In a well-known experiment, scientist Cleve Backster, who was at the time working with police departments to develop polygraph (lie detector) machines, attached a plant to one of these machines. He found that the plant detected intent. For example, the plant reacted with humanlike responses, such as fear and anxiety, to his thoughts of burning the plant.

The plant also showed an empathic response to pain, such as when Backster cut his finger. The results were even the same when he directed his thoughts toward the plant from some distance away. All this from a common potted plant found in an office! Continue reading

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