The Ability To ‘Read Energy’
I use energy reading a lot in my work as a psychic advisor. I tend to read people’s energy first, and then I may ‘hear’ words and phrases, or ‘see’ images and visions, and so on. What is it like to ‘read energy’? The experience is not easy to put into words. It is both a feeling and a sensation, often combined with various sensory experiences.
For example, I once saw a photo of my friend’s baby grandson. I instantly sensed something was unusual with his mental energy. His energy, which I ‘see’ as a ‘ball,’ seemed slow. It was also moving in swirls, instead of the neat circles that I usually see with most people. It later turned emerged that he has a learning disability.
I also had a sense at the time that the parents needed to take this seriously and get him some private therapy, as it would lessen the difficulties he would have later in life and his education. But they chose not to do anything about it. As time went on it was becoming more and more obvious that he was struggling. Sadly, it could have been significantly lessened with early intervention.
When I meet people who are depressed, their energy is also slow, and it typically feels like it is diminished and moving backwards. Anxiety on the other hand reads as their ‘ball of energy’ being on fire. It is red and expansive, and the energy seems to be moving erratically.
Mental illness reads like the waves of the ocean. Instead of all their energy circling in the same direction, there are many waves going in many different directions. The energy is typically ruptured and chaotic.
People who have severe physical inflammation have energy that swells beyond their ball of light. It feels like a tire that has been over-inflated with air: dense and puffed up. Inflammation also affects their thought patterns.
Dark or evil energy is very distinct. I always have a visceral reaction first. I feel a tightness in my gut, the hair on my arms stand up, I begin to sweat, and I tend to feel nervous and on edge. The energy ball here can be anywhere from a dull brown, to grey or even black.
The Meaning Of Psychic Dreams
Dreaming is a universal human experience, although we do not fully understand how or why we dream. In a spiritual sense, a dream is our soul interacting with the boundless, greater Universe where things may not always make sense as they do when we’re awake, and where this time-space reality does not exist.
Whether we consciously remember our dreams or not, dreams can add profound depth to our everyday spiritual practice. A clairvoyant dream or precognitive dream, for example, can predict events in the future or make us aware of upcoming life challenges. One might dream of the arrival of a long-lost friend, a financial windfall, or meeting a new romantic partner.
Clairvoyant dreams can sometimes be distressing, especially since these dreams sometimes precede a tragedy. Mary Todd Lincoln, the wife of Abraham Lincoln, had such dreams before the famous U.S. president’s assassination. Many people also reported clairvoyant dreams of contemporary events like 9/11 and the Challenger disaster.
But don’t think these dreams are all doom and gloom. If you are given such insight in a dream, see if there is any way that you can make use of it for the greater good.
No doubt many of our dreams can be truly intriguing. However, popular culture and movies often create unrealistic expectations of psychic phenomena and the nature of dreams.
The most important thing to keep in mind when it comes to precognitive phenomena is timing. What you’ve foreseen in a dream may not necessarily come to pass any time soon, or when you’re expecting it – perhaps not even in this lifetime! The Universe always has perfect timing.
When it comes to psychic phenomena and metaphysics, it is important to keep an open mind. Always be on the lookout for daily clues. Spirit is subtle and it easy to overlook something in plain sight. That ‘Mr. Right’ you foresaw in your dream might just run into you when you least expect it!
The Burning Love Of Twin Flames
Many of us hope to find a ‘soulmate,’ a person who was meant for us, but the Universe may have something else in store for some of us. A twin flame is someone who plays a different role in our lives than a soulmate, but has a similar, deep spiritual connection.
However, you may have a hard time finding a twin flame until you have encountered a soulmate. A soulmate highlights our individual soul purpose, while a twin flame helps us express our deeper karmic purpose.
A twin flame may or may not be a romantic connection. Even if they are not, you will always feel like you’ve known the person forever. You can easily talk with them about anything, especially if you shared one or more past life together.
A twin flame is a mirror to your deeper self, the authentic part of you. This person will challenge you, inspire you to engage in serious soul-searching, and ask the difficult questions.
It’s even possible you might intensely dislike them at times, but you’ll also find yourself drawn back to their aura. Having an open mind and spirit is key to not only meeting your twin flame, but also to successfully walking your path together.
Why do twin flames come into our lives? It’s all about timing. If you are stuck in a rut, not sure what your next step should be, often you’ll encounter one of these special soul connections. And you are just as important to their spiritual growth and soul evolution as they are to yours.
A twin flame meeting may seem coincidental or random, but it is definitely not. You are meant to learn and grow together on a spiritual, psychic level, and accomplish something together for the greater good.
This is the main difference between a soulmate and a twin flame. If you do meet your soulmate, it will be a personal connection, while a twin flame provides a universal bond.
Accepting Your Psychic Abilities
I was recently asked how I became aware and started using my psychic abilities. For many this can be a complicated, challenging journey, but I was fortunate to grow into my psychic gifts quite easily.
It all began with me growing up in a small town with a population of only 8000 souls. We were a large family of 12 children, which at that time was more common than today.
From the time I can remember, my mother used to foretell events and always spoke of a person’s “inner character,” as if she could clearly see their internal mechanisms as one would with an X-ray. It was also clear to everyone who knew her that she never seemed to be wrong in her estimations.
At the same time, my grandmother, as well as my father, frequently spoke of spirits coming back to visit us from the afterlife, and sightings of loved ones who had passed on was a common occurrence in our family life.
I can remember even as a very young child that I also just ‘knew things’ and certainly it never occurred to me to question the validity of any information I perceived. In my family it was not unusual to hear talk of someone having the “third eye” or the “second sight.” No one was ever denied their gifts.
As children we simply took these ideas in our stride and accepted them as natural and normal. We never had reason to question any of it and we didn’t realize this was not something all children experienced in their families. It was as common to us as any other domestic event that would occur in other people’s homes.
Psychic ability, metaphysics and the paranormal was something that we would naturally nourish growing up and utilize to whatever advantage we needed. Maybe ones of the reasons it became so strong among the siblings, was our inherent drive to survive under extremely arduous and stressful conditions. Only later in life did we come to understand that not all brother and sisters develop this strong psychic bond, with the ability to connect and detect danger in any situation, despite the great distances that might separate us to this day.
Your Eternal, Beautiful Soul
We are not just a physical body. We are spiritual beings and our soul is ageless and eternal. It never comes to an end. The soul is energy and merely takes on different forms. For energy cannot be destroyed, only transformed.
Your soul is currently manifested in a physical body, but you are not your body. Your soul is who you really are, the very core of your existence.
It is my belief that the soul chooses many new and different experiences as a physical manifestation, each time it decides to incarnate. Some of these physical experiences are very joyful and fulfilling, while other can be very challenging and evolutionary.
Many of us consider ourselves to be ‘old souls.’ An old soul is basically a person that seems to have deep wisdom, unusual insight, or profound compassion from their early childhood. As children they are often said to be ‘wise beyond their years.’
Old souls are often what others may call ‘the voice of reason.’ They tend to see all sides of a situation, or know just the right thing to say to help others with guidance, without dictating to them which path to take.
Most people are conscious of taking care of their body and mind, but not so much about taking the time to nurture their soul. To this day many scientists and medical experts still do not associate physical health and well-being with the mind-body-soul connection. Adding the soul to the wellness equation creates the best medicine possible, in my opinion.