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What The World Needs Now

Click Here FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comNew Year’s morning, I woke up with a song lyric on my mind. “What the world needs now is love, sweet love…” An old classic made popular by Jackie DeShannon back in 1965. God, my inner DJ, never ceases to amaze me with the brilliant selection of musical messages I frequently receive.

To keep my clairaudient channel clear, so that I will recognize when I am being divinely guided, I avoid listening to the actual radio. This ensures that I do not mistake a spiritual serenade for an ordinary tune stuck in my ear, or vice versa.

Songs I have not heard in decades sometimes surfaces from the vault, always to perfectly punctuate the moment. Undoubtedly, that was the case when this long-forgotten song came to me with the dawn of 2021, highlighting the healing that is needed in our world this coming year.

When God and his angel agents want to get a message across, they usually broadcast it in stereo. It starts showing up in my life in surround sound. But this time, I experienced something more extraordinary and unique: three of my friends who are intuitive and empathic also had a spiritual encounter with the same song around the same time. A Higher Power is clearly shouting, “Listen up world! Hear ye, hear ye! This is the truth you need to know right now.”

Love is indeed the call and cry of the hour. “Not just for some, but for everyone,” as the song goes on to say. Love is the healing ointment, the spiritual salve, the soothing balm, the substance needed to stitch the divides inside and out.

As spiritual beings having human experiences, we are each prone to encounter divisions within our own body and soul, and our own head and heart. We all share this ache of the self to be whole, whatever our differences may be. And love is the key. It unifies every aspect of our individual being with our divine purpose of existence.

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The Spirits Of The Mountains Are My Soulmates

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThere are times in our lives when we know that our inspirations are coming from something beyond the personality. These visions come from a land beyond the physical, even beyond words. They are concepts we have no words for, we have only our inner knowing. The personality moves over and we find ourselves relying upon something beyond the five senses, or sheer logic.

Perhaps that sixth sense is the emerging force, which is the next step in the evolution of the human race. A developing being knows it is no longer appropriate to depend only upon the physical world. This being will develop the skills it needs to see and feel and work within the unseen territory of the soul.

Once we acknowledge the soul’s existence and approach it with respect and sacredness, the personality becomes aligned with the soul. With this alignment comes respect for all life, and many difficulties usually experienced with the unconscious personality can be avoided.

When our soul becomes mindful and directly involved with the physical world, we greet each day with the deepest part of ourselves, and all activities become gratifying and purposeful. It is the gratitude that we give each day that gets us off the karmic wheel of debt, because we now see the sacredness of all life. W

I have much to be grateful for. The desert’s barrenness, along with the mountains’ majesty, stripped me of my ego long enough to allow the healing forces of the sagebrush to greet my soul. Sage has healed my physical body during illness, my emotional and mental bodies during depressions and confusion, and it has healed my soul of desolation.

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The What-ifs That Go Bump In The Night

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen I grow up, I want to be a lightworker! Okay, so I’ve grown up and I’ve been a psychic and healer for many years. The question now is, how do I take back, or erase from my mind’s eye all that I’ve seen? ‘Wounded healer, heal thyself’ is a very old truth, which still holds merit after many years of being bandied about.

Perhaps today it is more true than ever. In today’s world we are dealing with much more fear and what-ifs than ever before in our lifetime. Someone, or something, somewhere – the news media for one – is always preying on our fears. Panic and perpetual fear is the name of the game for many in our world these days.

Psychics, astrologers, mediums, diviners, and energy healers, among other, are known by the universal term ‘lightworkers.’ This is ironic, considering we often have to delve into the darkest fears of most people head-first, in order to help our fellow humans come to some form of clarity, healing or conclusion.

And what happens when the lightworker’s battery begins to fade from overuse and not enough recharging? Can helping other people face their fears make our own fears and limiting beliefs become larger by proxy, thus causing our own light to dim?

Lightworkers are born healers and teachers. At our core we want to help everyone. We know that inner peace comes from within. However, some of our clients are open to guidance, while others are not. Maybe I only speak for myself as a healer, but those who refuse guidance often haunt me far longer than those who embrace it.  They are the ones who keep me up at night. They are the ones who make me doubt and question what I know in my heart to be true, based on my ability to listen to a Higher Power and relay messages spirit wants to share.

Face your fears, I tell myself. Even as a wounded healer, I must continue to face my self-doubt and remember to look upon the bright side: the countless souls whose lives I have been blessed to change and help make into something brighter, better and more fulfilling.

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Connecting With Your Team Of Spirit Guardians

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comYou have a ‘squad’ of spirit friends you can count on and talk to when you need support. Our spirit helpers, be they guardian angels, guides, animal spirits, ancestors, or departed family members, are there to look out for us. They want to make our lives better.

So, how can you get to know them better? Because these beings are of the spirit realms, it’s not quite as simple as calling a human friend or sending a text, but the channels of communication are definitely open.

The first thing you need to do is get to know their names. If they are the spirits of loved ones or pets, of course, they already have a name you know them by. Use your intuition to receive the names of your guides and angels. All you need to do is ask. They will reveal their name to you when you are ready to receive it.

It is also important to understand that our spirit guardians communicate through various unspoken messages and signs, such as patterns of recurring numbers, lyrics of a favorite song, or seeing the same patterns in nature, such as cloud formations or a particular animal. Pay attention to these special signs. In our world, it’s easy to become distracted and overstimulated, but our guardians are always sending these subtle messages if we pay attention.

Engaging in your daily spiritual practices is necessary to connect with your spirit guides. When getting to know angels, for example, an angel card oracle deck is a useful tool, or a Tarot deck to link archetypes to individual guardians.

For animal spirits there are also lovely card decks, which can be very useful in identifying your totem of guardian animals. You can also keep your departed pet’s favorite items after they’re gone.

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Getting More Out Of Life With Your Psychic Reading

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWorking as a psychic reader for so many years, I have learned a lot about the human condition. I have learned, for example, that all of us essentially want the same things in life. We all want to be loved and accepted, appreciated for our talents and gifts, and we all need a sense of belonging, and to feel secure, safe, and happy.

These are fundamental needs and a natural part of being human. How we satisfy these basic needs, and how we decide what brings us happiness, is where we differ as individuals. It matters not how our preferences differ, but instead that we can find ways to fulfill these needs, while maintaining our soul growth and purpose.

One person may be happy in the type of relationship that affords her the independence to travel with her girlfriends and to have time and space for herself, her hobbies and interests, and her spiritual practice. Another may prefer a partner to spend most of his free time with her, shares the same interests, and showers her with constant attention and gifts.

Over the years, I have witnessed how certain clients more easily achieve the type of relationship they want, while others struggle with one unhealthy relationship after the other. The same goes for career opportunities, business ventures, and finances too.

We all have areas in life where we need to open up, expand our awareness, and grow as a soul. I’ve found that my job as a psychic reader is not only to tell my client all I see around them, but to also help them grow spiritually. My job is to help my clients achieve their personal and spiritual goals in all aspects of their life.

This becomes challenging when someone tells me they do not care about their personal and spiritual growth, or how they can achieve more of what they want. Instead, they only want what they want right now, and are unwilling to look at the bigger picture of what can be done to increase the likelihood of reaching their goal. This is often the reason why some become stuck in dead-end, toxic relationships, for example.

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An Angel Message Of Unconditional Love

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThere are angels and spirit guides that work with us daily. They change at times, depending on what we need. They are always within reach and can hear our requests, our tears, and our laughter. They feel our sadness and joy.

I have a few angels and guides that are very dominant in my life, and at times they have a lot to say! But their messages always come from a place of truth and love.

I asked my angel earlier what the message was for today, and this is the message I received:

“This is a time to see the light of highest good in everyone. Even when others are negative, mean or hurtful, look below their outer facade, and see their soul.

See beyond their abrasive personality or behavior and feel instead compassion for them – even the most challenging souls that you cross in your path. There have been many in your life, and there will be many more to come.

This is a difficult lesson to learn. It will bring confusion at times, but you will in time find a sense of calm knowing that you did all you could do to be the best person you can be to others.

Rage and resentment serve no purpose. Anger, hurt, vengeance, spite, or wishing bad karma on others, serve no purpose.

Do not judge others because they are different from you. Accept all people as they are and send them loving energy that they will find their highest good in the challenges and lessons of their life.

Once you fully understand that you are here to love, and only love, the negativity will no longer affect you as it has in the past. When you can see each soul within the outer physical person, you will see the good that has simply been buried by those who do not have faith in themselves.

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The True Value Of Psychic Insight

Click Here right NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThere is so much more value to accessing psychic insight than simply seeking to see what the future holds. The true value of life, in fact, is not in the future. It is occurring now, in the moment. This is where eternity is truly touched.

The Bhagavad-Gita (Song of God) is a spiritual manual for humanity, spoken over 5,000 years ago, between the infallible Lord Shri Krishna and His dear devotee Arjuna. It offers timeless wisdom to appreciate the value of the present, the now.

This conversation is said to have taken place neat the battlefield of Kurukshetra, in the current state of Haryana, India. In the capitol, known as Hastinapura (present day New Delhi), the blind king Dhritarashtra sat with his minister Sanjaya, inquiring about what was occurring between his sons (the Kurus) and their cousins (the Pandavas), as they gathered with their respective armies to fight for the throne.

Dhritarashtra’s nephews were the rightful heirs and righteous rulers, whose kingdom was usurped by the intrigues of their evil-minded relatives. Refusing to go in peace, the Kurus incited war. As it was set to begin, Dhritarashtra was anxious and restless to know what was transpiring between the two parties.

The king’s clairvoyant, Sanjaya, tuned in to what was happening, as if by transcendental television. By the grace of his spiritual teacher, Sanjaya had received this ability to see and hear from afar.

Sanjaya’s guru gave him these gifts of clairvoyance and clairaudience in order to render a great service, not only to the king, but to the world for centuries to come. For, what he relayed to Dhritarashtra included divine instructions imparted by Krishna to Arjuna (one of the Pandavas) when he was bewildered by the situation before him.

Although Arjuna was, in fact, a fully-realized soul beyond the influence of illusion. He merely played the part of an ordinary conditioned human, so that these immortal words would be spoken for the benefit of all those seeking to navigate their way through the troubles of life, and reach its ultimate purpose.

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