Financial Prosperity Requires An Energy Shift
It takes more than just talent and hard work to enjoy true abundance and prosperity. In fact, our energy has the most profound impact on our success. People who struggle in this area of their lives often need a major energy shift to unlock new levels of abundance in their lives, especially in the area of financial success.
‘Energy’ in this context refers to the subtle creative forces emanating from our thoughts, emotions, beliefs and actions. By the way, this is not just a metaphysical or esoteric concept. Modern science also recognizes that everything is energy.
Everything in the universe is made up of tiny particles. These particles are in constant motion and vibration. In other words, they are energy. The energy of these particles is what we experience as matter.
For example, the screen of the device on which you are reading this blog post is made up of atoms that are constantly vibrating at a very high speed. This vibration is what you currently experience as the solidity of your cell phone or computer screen.
The same is true for all matter, whether it’s an object, plant, animal, person or place, or even your own body. Everything around us is made up of vibrating particles, and the energy of these particles is what we experience as physical matter.
The Powerful Practice Of Color-Based Affirmation
Affirmations are known to be a powerful spiritual practice for manifestation, self-healing, and personal empowerment.
What is less well known is that associating your affirmations or intentions with specific colors can greatly enhance your practice by infusing it with the powerful symbolism, purposeful energy frequencies, and mind-altering psychoactive effects of different colors. It aligns our energy vibration more powerfully with the desired effect or outcome.
The practice of color-based affirmation, also known as ‘color therapy affirmations’ or ‘rainbow affirmations,’ draws inspiration from a variety of traditions and disciplines, including spirituality, metaphysics, chromotherapy, and color psychology.
Color has a rich history of symbolic significance that spans all cultures and many centuries.
Ancient civilizations recognized both the metaphysical and therapeutic power of color, while many religions and spiritual wisdom traditions have an intricate tapestry of color symbolism in their teachings and practices. The ancient Egyptians, for example, recognized the healing power of color. They had a sophisticated understanding of color that they used in their temples and rituals.
The Exit Points In Our Soul Plan
I believe that we have access to several ‘exit points’ throughout our lives. These are moments when our spirit or soul can separate from its physical form to return to the non-physical. It is said that we are given a few such exit points in our lifetime.
Planet Earth is not our primary home. I like to think of our physical existence in this world as a challenging ‘schoolroom’. This physical life journey can be very difficult at times, and I find that it makes things a little easier if we can look at it from this perspective.
I have yet to meet a person who has had a complete fairytale existence in their life. We have all had some magical moments, but not necessarily as magical as some far-fetched novels or films might portray. Sometimes we feel like we’re banging our heads against the wall just to survive on a daily basis, physically, financially or emotionally, but deep down we all have a built-in survival instinct to stay and complete what we incarnated to do.
Exit points are moments when we have the free will choice to stay in this physical world or return to the non-physical. These moments of choice can be a major health emergency, a near fatal accident, a traumatic event in which we are exposed to extreme danger, and so on. It is usually one of those profound life experiences that make us feel very lucky to still be alive!
Reconnect With The Power Of The Universe
When we come into this existence, we remain energetically connected to the colossal power of our Source. The infinite power of the universe is always with us.
When we desire something that will serve our highest good or enhance our sense of self and well-being, this eternal power to which we are all connected is always working on our behalf. Why not use something that is already there as a natural extension of who and what we are?
The trick for most of us is to fully believe, accept and utilize this creative energy connection.
When we are in the habit of not expecting too much good to happen to us, Source does not judge or question, nor does it actively seek to improve or change our lives without our participation. It simply remains present and continues to flow in resonance with our passive or even pessimistic energy frequency until we awaken to the full magnificence of its full transformative potential.
It is up to us to reach out and call upon the creative power of the Universe to create a flow of energy in a new direction or at a higher frequency that will immediately respond to our intentions, wishes and desires. You may have tried to connect with source energy in this way, but have not received favorable results. The main reason this happens is often because our doubt, fear or negativity has blocked the way.
The Spiritual Symbolism Of The Circle
The circle has a profound and universal meaning in spirituality across cultures and belief systems. It symbolizes a variety of spiritual concepts and offers insights into the interconnectedness of life, the cyclical nature of existence, and the infinite potential for growth and transformation.
The circle represents unity and oneness. It is a symbol of completeness because it has neither beginning nor end. This circular continuity reflects the eternal nature of the soul and the interconnectedness of all living beings.
In Native American spirituality, for example, the medicine wheel represents balance and harmony between all aspects of life, including the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Similarly, in Hinduism, the concept of samsara refers to the continuous cycle of birth, death and rebirth, with the circle symbolizing the eternal journey of the soul.
In Christianity the circle represents eternity and sacred union. It is referenced in the Bible as the shape of heaven, and as the beginning and ending of time. For Christian couples, the unending circle of a wedding ring is also the symbolic expression of their sacred, eternal union.
How To Manifest Your Best Life
As spiritual beings in physical form, we are the conscious creators of our best life and have the divine power to shape our own destiny. We create our future every day with our free will. But contrary to what some believe, this is not just a matter of positive thinking, daydreaming, or casually wishing for a better future without being proactive.
To achieve what we want in life, we must take daily action steps that will lead to the achievement of our goals and manifest the results we desire.
If you have been wishing for a better life and a brighter future with little success, the following strategies can empower you to achieve better results. By implementing these tactics gradually, one day at a time, you will see a major change in your life.
Gratitude is the mother of all manifestation efforts. When we are grateful for what we already have, we attract more of what we want.
Seems simple, right? Yet we easily forget to count our blessings and tend to be very ungrateful. Instead of celebrating what is good in our lives, we tend to focus on what is wrong or missing. When we are constantly sulking or complaining, we are self-sabotaging because wherever our focus goes, energy flows.