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Spiritual Ascension 2020

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen we experience a big shift or breakthrough, it will often feel like our lives are falling apart in order for something greater to manifest. The year 2020 is a prime example of this. It continues to be an extreme year on all levels, and it has truly been testing our inner and outer world.

I believe there is a spiritual reason for all of this. We are shifting into the Age of Aquarius. Our purpose, spiritual connection, relationships, and physical bodies are in the midst of a major spiritual awakening that feels like an intense storm or crisis for many of us.

We are now becoming more aware of the people, places and circumstances that no longer serve us. It is an opportunity to strengthen our intuition and re-calibrate our inner compass.

Emotions are also running high this year, since we are constantly being triggered, but it’s happening to get us in touch with who we really are as spiritual beings, and to help us navigate through the fears connected to our past traumas.

It is  meant to integrate the light and dark aspects within each of us, and to embrace it wholeheartedly, without caring what other people may think.

You may also have been noticing certain ascension symptoms. For example, your body no longer wants certain foods, and substances, so be sure to cut back on anything that makes you tired or irritable, or causes you physical discomfort. Drink lots of water, keep a health journal, get some exercise, and eat a healthy, wholesome diet. It will help you be more calm and mindful during these demanding times.

There will continue to be days of anxiety, anger, impatience and frustration, so be sure to acknowledge when any such negative emotions surface, so you can find a moment to breathe and re-direct your energy into something that helps you find greater peace of mind.

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Creating Space For Divine Love

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comLove has a life of its own. In its true, pure form and spiritual essence, love is a transcendent energy emanating from God – the supreme loving and lovable Source. When love descends from this uppermost divine realm of origin and takes seed in our heart, we can know it is an act, and element of grace that we receive.

When the seed of love is planted in our heart, it is to be watered, nurtured, cultivated, and protected with our life and soul. Love needs space to grow, and nourishment to flourish. It is the quality of consciousness that creates this space and atmosphere for love to thrive.

When tending to the garden of the heart, we must first examine and prepare the foundation. Just as flowering plants would struggle to grow in dry soil, so too will love not readily emerge from a hardened heart. It requires softness, flexibility and receptivity. Love, likewise, needs a base that is rich in qualities to give. Soil stripped of nutrients does not foster growth, nor does a heart that is deplete of a generous, giving spirit.

Furthermore, there are weeds of unwanted things that must be removed to allow for love to expand. Lust, anger, greed, selfishness has no place in the garden of love. Love in its genuine spiritual essence will not take root in an atmosphere surrounded by manipulation, anger, resentment or narcissism.

Again, love has a life of its own. It cannot be pushed or pulled, or ‘gamed’ into being. To truly experience its pure divine scent and flavor, the heart must be open, soft, receptive, giving, honest, respectful, and devoted to the supreme, eternal, transcendent, loving Source.

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It Just Happened

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comToo often people justify their poor judgment and bad choices with feeble excuses like, “It just happened.” But we all know that this is seldom the truth. The reality is that every step in our life is a choice. Whether we step forward, sideways, backwards, or stand still, it is a choice. And we should take personal responsibility for our life choices.

In everyday life we do not think much about where our steps may be leading us. We are typically just walking automatically in some direction. Many people simply live by trial and error.

However, when things go bad for us, it is usually because we have subconsciously, or even consciously, made the choice to move in a certain direction – a direction that we intuitively knew was not serving our highest good. And sadly, many times these bad choices also severely affect others.

For example, a friend of mine, who has only been married for one year, currently remains geographically separated from her husband, until she gets her immigration paperwork to be able to join him legally in his country. They had a beautiful wedding, and made the usual promises: to love and cherish, be faithful, in sickness and health, until death do them part.

Despite their long-distance marriage, they were doing everything right during the waiting period – or so it seemed. They called each other daily on the phone, and also talked on video chat. They constantly texted loving messages. He was originally also able to come and visit her here in Canada, but she could not cross the border to see him. However, when the Covid-19 pandemic hit, he was also denied entry. They had no further choice but to wait it out.

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Spiritual Connections

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe need to ask ourselves questions about spiritual connections with other people more frequently. What kind of connection do you really have with the people in your life?

A spiritual connection with someone else is something very special and important for our soul growth. So, how do we know when there is a spiritual connection?

Attraction – You feel an immediate, intense attraction to them and really do not understand why.

Familiarity – You feel at home or comfortable with the person. You feel like you have known them forever. This feeling is usually mutual. You just met and cannot explain why you feel this way, but you just do.

Indescribable – When meeting someone you are beyond words. You have this feeling that your connection with them is profound and indescribable. Sometimes it is overwhelming. You can’t tell if it is right or wrong, good or bad. You don’t understand what it means, you just know it somehow feels significant.

Fascination – You think about them often, having random thoughts of them throughout your day. They linger in your mind constantly. You may even feel somewhat obsessed with them.

Happiness – You instantly smile when thinking about them. You feel care free and happy. Having them around changes your mood for the better.

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What To Believe When You Come Undone

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSo much of the typical human belief system is actually in direct opposition to the concepts of spiritual law. Let’s take the idiom “Life is too short,” for example. This saying is used to essentially suggest or convince oneself or another that we don’t live long…so just live for the now and just do what’s desirable regardless of the consequences. Well, wrong!

The soul’s journey is quite a long one. We reincarnate through many centuries of lifetimes, until our souls have completely evolved, returning to each new life with lessons to learn based on beliefs, karma and decisions made in our prior lives.

For example, a slave master born might return in his next life as a slave, to face his karma and endure what it’s like to be treated as such, and ultimately understand why it’s wrong. So, in reality, life is ‘too long.’ Every action has a reaction – an energetic effect. Thus, we need to be cognizant and conscientious of all that we say and do in this life, and not just engage or divulge in whatever we please, because of a physically limited life span.

That same theory of misunderstandings and contradictions between spiritual concepts and human beliefs, more detrimentally applies to life struggles and emotional well-being. How many times have you prematurely mourned a relationship…then wound up reuniting with your partner? Or maybe you lost your favorite job and felt hopelessly valueless and depleted, foreseeing eternal darkness, only to find your dream job shortly after? Moments, days, weeks, months, years, where you either take on a defeatist attitude, and suffer, or become a control freak and try to take matters into your own hands. Thinking you are, but not trusting that you are not, the wizard behind the curtain?

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The Intuitive Wisdom Of The Human Body

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe more time I spend working in the psychic realm, the more it seems to expand outward and the more it has to teach me. There is a certain magic that happens during psychic readings, where I feel touched by Spirit.

Sometimes, after completing another session with a client, rather than getting back to everyday life, I just stay in my chair for a while, and commune with my guides. I thank them, and also absorb any further messages or information that I need to learn as a spiritual advisor.

However, I find the best time to learn from Spirit is actually in my free time, when I am not working. It is actually in my personal life where Spirit usually has the most to teach me. Those ordinary, mundane moments, when I am doing the dishes, or taking a shower, or cleaning the house, is often where I learn the most. Maybe this is the case because I’m in more of a receptive, relaxed state of mind? It also happens frequently at night, when I’m just about to fall asleep, or upon waking in the morning.

I find it truly amazing how divinely orchestrated everything is in the metaphysical realm. There is very little effort needed to be able to perceive so much. Each year that passes, I learn to trust my inner guidance more and more.

Lately, I have come to recognize once again that the human body is a highly sensitive, intuitive apparatus through which Spirit guides us. My physical body, and how it reacts to being around certain people, and in certain situations, is something I no longer take for granted. What I have observed is that my body is innately aware and instinctively intelligent, maybe sometimes even more than the rational mind.

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Escaping Karma

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comKarma is often one of the most misunderstood spiritual experiences that we have as humans. People will often use the word ‘karma’ to represent something punitive, or to point out that another person will “get what’s coming to them.”

But looking at karma through the lens of retribution is almost the opposite of the reason why karma actually exists. In fact, when we hold a perspective about karma that is punitive, we tend to create some sticky karma for ourselves in the process.

Karma is in truth an expression of the self-correcting Universe, reflecting its intelligent, loving design. The goal of karma is to expand a person’s awareness of love, joy, and serenity. Karma simply means that whatever we give out, comes back to us multiplied.

The concept of “karma is going to get that person,” is often directly associated with personal vendetta. Therefore, so many spiritual teachers throughout history talked about forgiveness and loving our enemies. When we focus on karma “getting” the other person, we tend to bring about harsh justice for ourselves.

It is also important to understand that the karma that other people experience is not proportional to how offended we are.  The goal of karma is not to ‘make’ other people feel the way that we felt when we were offended.

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