Promise Of The Stones
Those of us who find ourselves drawn to stones or minerals are called to be servants of the soul of the world. Our teachers, showing us the way to do this, are the stones, and what they have to teach is far, far beyond anything we can possibly imagine. The stones are spirit beings who through millions of years of development are embodied with great healing and wisdom.
Rocks, minerals, crystals and gemstones are known in traditional shamanism as “the stone people.” They are the original beings of who came long before the plant people, standing people (trees), animal people and the human people. Philosopher Alan Watts said in one of his talks, “Rocks are not dead…minerals are a rudimentary form of consciousness.”
For this reason, they are much older and wiser than us humans and we can learn much from them, especially when it comes to energy work and healing.
The spiritual-metaphysical properties of stones are the promise, as spoken by the stones, of what could happen if we approach them as living beings. It is their promise and has to be heard and felt on their terms, not in the terms of our personality needs.
For example, if a stone promises prosperity, to take that offering literally is to abuse the meaning of the stone, for ‘prosperity’ spoken in an intimate relationship cannot possibly mean “you are going to make me materially rich.” If I say to a dear friend, lovingly, with all my heart, “I wish you prosperity,” I am not saying, “You will become materially wealthy because we are related!” What I am saying is that because of our intimacy, your soul will prosper and the world will shine brighter.
You And Your Spirit Guides
We are all surrounded by spirit guides and angels. These otherworldly beings have been with us since birth, and it is their mission to protect and guide us. But who are they, exactly?
Depending on your primary energy (feminine, masculine, or non-binary) your guides will likely have similar forms of energies. These guides are loved ones and friends who have passed on and are awaiting rebirth. They may even have been animals or one of your pets in their former life.
Most of us have a main guide, plus others who play a secondary role. Some may be around us for our entire life, while others are temporary, or stay only for a specific purpose or to teach a specific lessons, or point the way to a specific destination or solution. The one thing all of them have in common is unconditional love and acceptance – the kind of caring that we often seek among the living, but only rarely find.
Guides are around us all the time, whether we are aware of them or not. They know us better than we know ourselves, and they are able to anticipate what we need.
How do we know they are there? For the most part, they are invisible to us, but can be sensed in other ways. Sudden flashes of inspiration, a favorite song playing when we turn on the radio, the feeling of a hand on your shoulder. Those are all a sure signs a spirit guide or guardian angel is speaking to you.
So, is it possible to communicate with these invisible spirit beings? Of course! Each time we pray or meditate, we are speaking to them. Silently asking for help will call them to our aid. Even if we engage in something meaningful to us, like our hobby or a creative pursuit, there is a dialogue with spirit guides, since they are the source of all inspiration. For some people, journaling, especially of their dreams, is a good way to listen to what their guides are communicating.
Spiritual Attachment And Detachment
The physical world is not the only realm in which some of us struggle with issues of detachment (alienation), or attachment (codependency). The same holds true in the spirit realms.
If we experience spiritual attachment, this usually happens as a result of an addictive personality. In life, one could be addicted to unhealthy relationships, various substances, shopping, food, and so on. The driving force behind all of these is basically the same – the attempt to fill a perceived void with a substitute.
This inclination can then lead to the presence of negative spirit attachments with addictive energies. Perhaps the spirit entity had the same kind of addiction when it was in physical form, and still needs to experience that ‘high.’
When this happens, the victim in the physical world, to whom the spirit entity has attached itself, may become more stubborn and in denial over the need to change their habits. Many friends and family members who have had to deal with addicts, will tell you that addiction changed their loved one’s personality. From a spiritual perspective this is very true.
Spiritual detachment, on the other hand, happens when someone is the victim of abuse or trauma. A part of themselves ‘detaches’ or becomes distant from their core self, which may unintentionally invite a more powerful spirit presence to enter, to ‘protect’ or ‘guide’ the victim. Aristotle’s phrase ‘nature abhors a vacuum’ comes to mind. It means every space or void in nature always needs to be filled with something. The same holds true in the spirit realm.
The Halloween Ghost In The Art Gallery
A couple of decades ago, I was opening a new location in downtown Santa Fe for the owner of a chain of art galleries. As a gallery director by profession at the time, I was excited for this opportunity. Furthermore, it was an interesting location from a metaphysical perspective, due to its previous occupants. Once upon a time, it had been a part of the local bus station, and it was directly across a former burro alley from one of Santa Fe’s oldest hotels.
I noticed a subtle, yet potent energy in the gallery space from the beginning of the endeavor. Clearly, some spiritual entity was attempting to direct the gallery through me, and had other ideas about what kind of art should be displayed here! Of course, it did not match the kind of work the absentee owner had in mind. But I was being pushed psychically to consider more traditional pieces, as opposed to the contemporary focus that the living owner required.
An interesting event happened when I hired a contractor to build some art storage, which was also to serve as a divider between the showroom space of the gallery and the office area. Every time the contractor would work on the new art storage bins, there would be a kind of rustling noise after he left. It was unmistakable, yet every time I would try to locate the source of the noise it would stop, as if by magic.
Spirit Just Passing Through
Almost 19 years ago, spirit picked us up and deposited us into our new home – an old Victorian house built in 1909. It is usually not easy to restart your life in an old house. The plumbing, electricity, furnace, and fittings had to be worked on, repaired, or replaced entirely. Although it seemed to be a daunting task we were willing to it on, because we were led here by benign beings and absolutely loved the place the moment we first saw it.
When we decided to purchase the home, we also accepted the possibility of there certainly being some sort of haunting or ghostly presence in a house of this caliber. But sadly, when we moved in, there were no signs of paranormal activity to be found.
However, before moving in, I did have a dream that we would find something of significance in the house. Later, when we were removing the old kitchen cupboards, papers that were stuck behind them fell out. We soon discovered these papers belonged to a William Bradley who had moved to this area of Canada from California. His ancestors had come to the United States from Australia.
Mr. Williams was a chauffeur in his day and we found his papers to prove it. Eventually, we were able to track down his great nephew, who coincidentally has the same name as his great uncle. He was extremely pleased to be gifted this particular family document and we felt very gratified that we had done the right thing.